
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The cost of being Devine

Do you two remember the reason for our punishment?

I do but how could I ever forget? If it werent for you both Araceli would've already devoured me..

I remember clearly, both of your expressions of pain when we heard the Alters spirit-walker called my name amoungst a hundred other chosen children. I remember hugging you both so tightly becsuse I was so sure of my defeat in the arena, I didn't want to let either of you go. Then sister took my hand and gave me one of her golden tipped feathers that held a single charm that once said "Fight with everything you have!"- its been so long that the letter are worn now. After brother gave me one of his black feathers with a small charm that once said "We're fsorever by your side". I've kept these feathers close ever since that lion-crow called my name for the slaugther..

I remember my wing being grabbed by Eris- the goddess of war- she tore us apart and threw me into the ring. I scrambled to my feet as the bloodshed began to ensue. Devine sons and daughters all killing and devouring eachother for a chance at a better life as a god or goddess- all aiming for more cosmic strenght as not to become the next devoured. I played my role in it so I could see you both again..

The first was a devine daughter that had iivory skin and lilac hair that was put up like crown made of a single braid, her eyes were pink like a flowers petals. She was crying when we met but at the same time she was almost finished devouring her own sister- the thing that remained was her head and her incapsalted magic. Unlike the girls lilac hair- the devoured had black and green hair that was long, braided and messy with blood.

There names were once Amira and Lex. Lex stared at Amira with a dead smile as her lilac haired sister cried and whimpered but Amira did consumeher sister in the end. Then we got cornered after attempting to flee togther in that wretched battle arena. I almost gave up when me and Amira got cornered- she gave up almost instantly. I added our cosmic strength and decided that if either of us devoured the other- one would still live.

I took the chance and devoured Amira quickly and I slaughtered the eight children that cornered us. I devoured every single one of them and I hid- simply watching the numbers dwindle down for 100 to 80 to 60 and at 50 the Alters spirit-walker annouced the end of the frist round. A 100 more devine children were chosen for the second round that included a labyrinth and to my glee neither of you were chosen.

When the secound half began I ran. I didnt have any sense of direction I just chose a path and stuck to it until I reached a dead end and made another turn but all around me was the sound of carnage. Screams of pain echoed out for so long. Sometimes I can still hear the screams..

I ran into a particular pair of sons who were devouring eachother. It was a strange occurrence as both consumed only eachothers flesh. When they had finished eachother off I ran with their cosmic magic as a get away snack.

I ambushed many sons and daughters well they where in the midst of a fight and targeted the weakest victors- for the most part in the second round I let everyone finish eachother off well I snatched away their magic. Maybe if I had devoured more flesh then I would've been able to do something about Mortility sooner..

Again the round went down from 150 to 100 to 75 to 48 and then to 23. Arceli's spirit-walker howled yet again to annouce the third round, calling for 200 devine children to be added into the ring.

That round was when our weapons were allowed to be used without restrictions. The labyrinths walls came crumbling down until the arena was left open and hundreds of devine children readied their weapons. Swords, Bows, Staffs, Spears, Daggers and all sorts of deadly blades were ready to be wielded and when the Spirit-walkers roar came bellowing- the fight began.

Instantly I was thrusted into a battle to the death with a red haired daughter that wielded a sword that danced with dragons on its blade- her dress was that of flowers as she danced and weaved through my attacks, her wings bandaged and useless but she carried on with a burning passion that was lit in her eyes.

In a flash I was pinned with her blade by my throat and she looked down at me with a soft smile that reminded me of sisters. She had given me a choice. "Ethereal, fight beside me and we can win with our strengths. If we become deities then togther we can end this slaugther." I accepted without a second thought and togther we fought side by side as the numbers dwindled down again. We cultivated our magic through devouring the slain until it was only 15 children left.

The fourth was by far the most gruesome..

The 15 deities stepped down into the ring and selected a child they wished to fight agaisnt. My partner, Lowena, was selected by Eris to battle and I was chosen by the Alter herself- Araceli...

One by one we watched as our numbers dwindled.

14. 13.. 12.. 11.. 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. then it just the two of us. Lowena and me...

She went into the fight with a smile on her face and passion blazing in her eyes- even when her blade broke and her body torn limb from limb- she still fought with everything she had agisnt the goddess of war and destruction. She still smiled. When Lowena was devoured I lost all hope of seeing you two ever again. I accepted that this was never a fair battle to begin with- but a twisted way to feed the deities power hungry nature. I was no match for the Alter of the heavens and with a single strike, her spear shattered my blades into fragments.

I kneeled and accepted defeat until it was your weapons that saved me.

It hurts to remember but I wish to never forget.. I will continue this in a little while

so until my next writing

-The forgotton one

Hello! Author here^^

I wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone who has made it up to here!

I hope your enjoying the book as much I enjoy writing it :D

More of Ethereals chapters are coming soon and I'm working out the current magic system lol sorry if it gets confusing on the way im doing my best♡

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