
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

My intentions werent to harm you sister

You came here- you actually came here! It brings me joy to know that some of my magic can be used to call upon you- or your weapon atleast. Im glad to know that you followed it. But now I regret bringing you here...

Your magic is like a venom that enters the bloodstream. Oh by the gods does it hurt..

I'm sorry brother but I couldn't save them. I couldn't save any of them.. That is why I called, because I was too weak to save them..But I know how many have been lost. I've kept tally marks for each individual slain by that dragons wretched claws. This herd that he murder once had lively individuals- 10, 000 of them until now. I can sense only 1 now.

Did you take them when you fled? Mortility couldn't see you but I could. That's why I now have regreat bringing you into my fight- If I were stronger I wouldn't have been so useless..

When Mortility was a child and he wondered alone into the earth guardians forest we met. I was watching one of your entries be written on to the page and the little dragon just began to play. He showed intrested in me and asked about my ashen wings- Oh I remember clearly his words "Why do you have wings? Their like Mother Goddess' with the chain ropes and jewls. Are you one of them? Who are you mr, Wings? You look like Father God if he wasnt a skeleton" I never knew why but remembering these words always make me laugh- even now when im pinned by your scythe.

I told him my name and that's when I was frist called another God.. In his eyes I was the god of wisdom, then knowledge, at one time it was magic and another it was devine love. So often he'd change it as the centuries went on and these are the few of many I cherish. To tell you the truth, when Mortility had called me a god- I felt closer to you both then I ever had since either you seen me last.

Back when he was young and naive, he asked me hundreds of questions a day and I'd tell him every answear with glee, but then came that day...He was only nine hundred and fifty when he asked me the big question.. "How does Magic work? Does it even have a system to it or is it that some are created with it and others aren't?"

Carelessly I answered him. I told him him the truth of the heavens and the basis of our punishment. I told him the single rule of devine magic that has stood true for entirinity.

How magic cultivates is through slaughter. In the heavens it was always about slaugther.

When first created into the heavens all deity's are first known as devine daugthers and sons- devine children. We started out the same- without any magic at all. The only way to gain more cosmic magic was to take it from other devine children. The only way for anyone to become a god or goddess was to slaugther and consume as many devine children as possible so that our magic grows to -hopefully- overcome any of the gods or goddesses. If a deity was killed and consumed in battle by a devine child- then that child would take the deities place until they to are slain by another child. Its a sick circle between life and death. Deity and Child.

I told Mortility that to consume the flesh is to take the bodily magic of your opponent and to consume their Cosmic magic one must consume the spiritual pearl that it incapsaltes itself in after slaughter. Doing so increases the winners Cosmic magic in all three feilds. I didn't think he would actually do it though...

Shortly after I found him in the midst a devouring a griffin and I watched as his magic began to grow.

He turned to me after devouring and simply said "God of fools are the"

Thats when I felt it- it was like a snap in our connection- Like someone pulled a chain to tightly and it snapped- but that chain was the link in our bond and him bringing slaugther broke it.. Or maybe me telling him broke it... I cannot tell but since that day he's never left my sight.

Even now as I am pinned by my brothers scythe- he devours.

Im sorry dear sister- bringing about the past was never my intention- only bringing about the truth was..

Brother your scythe screams with pain and sorrow- is this your pain it screams with?

-The forgotton god

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