
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

If I remember correctly...

Dear Ethereal,

Its been many centuries since my last entry and I want to apologize. If I had taken this long to repond to our old master he would of gutted me long before I could have an explanation for him. Enough said of the past I now speak of the future ahead of us!

Mortility's been growing stronger and bigger by the day. In his first hundred years of life he had grown bigger then all the land creations and easily toppled the trees in height but compared to the other dragons he was nothing more then a child. By the time his outlived his fifth century Mortility had almost outgrown all of the ocean creations in size alone, and soon him and the other dragons began to spar to compare eachother's Combat Strength.

If I remember correctly: The magic system was like this?

▪Combat Strength is the basic form of cosmic magic and its the only form that cannot be released by the body but it can easily boost the bodies muscular strength if cultivated properly. [Araceli's CS is 150k | Sisters CS is 115k | My CS was 50k before my flesh disintegrate | It feels like someone should be wirtten here but I cannot remember who..]

▪Magic Core Strength is the second form of cosmic magic and it can be released from the body. Its the most common form of magic used in combat. Everyone's MCS changes from deity to deity but it always reflects that deity's self. [Araceli's MCS reflects the cosmos and is at 3Mil | Levena's MCS reflects the moon and is at 1Mil | Sister's reflects chaos and is at 900k | I don't know what mine reflects- my Magic is thick like a black smoke but it can turn into a plume of black fire when I wish. Mine is at 500k ]

▪Armoral Strength is the last form of magic and it can only be casted upon an object. (like armor, clothing or scrolls) This magic is purely defensive when casted upon clothing or armor but can be turned into an offensive magic when casted upon scrolls or sacred metal- which can be melted down and made into a magic infused weapon. [ Araceli's AS on her clothing is 2Mil well on her staff its at 5Mil,I dont know anything for her scrolls- just that she had a belt full of them | Sister's AS on her bow is at 1k | My AS on my scythe is at 500K]


I believe that all of sisters creations follow by the magic rule of the cosmos. Sometime when the dragons spar I can see numbers pop up that reach in the thousands. But I think that it is only Mortility who doesn't have any MCS but he does have an abundance of AS and CS. The seven guardiens cosmic magic all levels at 1Mil. Since I've found anew intreset in the Heavenly Magic System again, then it wouldn't hurt to watch the dragons spar more- or atleast do more research on the other creations sister has made.


I wonder if me and sister can still grow in strength? I always thought not since we fell from the heavens but know my wonder has been sparked💥

Until my next writing,

-The fallen one