
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

His intentions I fear most

Dear Ethereal,

I have some vary troublesome news...

I have discovered the source of Mortility's Magic Core Strength and it frightens me..

To start, today when the sun rose, I released my sycthe from my grip when the tugging felt strongest and it flew for quite a distance, at least 4 of the dragons territory's before it ceased in midst of the Air dragons land. I followed close behind it for some time, but only stopped when my senses were overwhelmed with danger. I stopped in time to dodged a gravitational energey pull that created an enormous crator, I hid behind some gaint rocks- surprisingly my magic is very good with concealment of all types so I hid my entire essence.

Doing so was the reason why I saw his actions...

I watched my scythe slice through his attack like nothing and it slashed down his back and tore his wings- then my scythe ricochet and came round for another attack slicing his face and impacting the creature that he pinned with the initial attack. I seen a glow emmit for only a second before his bellowing roar overwhelmed my senses. It was terrifying- the amount of danger his magic emitted!

Reluctantly, I went after my scythe. When I did, I seen who the dragon was attacking- It was a herd of Winged Kirins. Almost the entire herd was wiped out! That's when I took a vary good look at my surroundings only to find it littered with winged corpses and small glowing orbs. At the time I was petrified... And maybe I still am..

Mortility was attacking a barrier that was created by the last few standing kirins, who were all badly hurt and I'm afraid that I may be the cause of there deaths.. My scythe fataly wounded the Kirins herd master and he lay dying from my blades poison well his barrier crumbled, when he died that last three kirins died soon after.. Thier bodies crushed by magic strength.. Mangled... Murdered...

Then Mortility began to inhale an enormous amount of air that caused bodies and orbs to fly into his mouth- I wasnt an exception but my scythe was (-_-)

I had to anker myself to the ground with my magic and I swiftly ditched my scythe and split!

On my way out I seen a baby kirin being carried by its mother who was runnimg for her own life that was quickly draining. We met eyes and my conclement magic shattered, leaving my presence known for a second at most.

Thats when the dragons inhale ceased- the mother put her child down and took a fighting stance. As the dragon was about to smash his claw down- I rushed both of them away in time and I concealed all of our essences.

Then I raced back to my dearest friend's peak. I told Fraiegronda everythhhing I seen as she tend to the kirins wounds but the mother...

She didnt make it... When her body died it released all of the mothers cosmic magic and incapsalted it in one of those orbs that was strewn across the massacre.

I believe that I found many answears to my previous questions but one still remains.

What is his end goal? His intentions? Why is he bringing about slaugther??

Just why Ethereal! Why is he doing this to her?!

Sister creates life so why does that dragon kill her work so effortlessly!! No pain or even compassion. No joy no happiness, nothing of value is what he has carved for himself in my eyes! Mortility's done the unthinkable- to kill what should never be maimed... LIFE SHOULD NEVER BE MAIMED!

I must keep composure for now, the little kirin needs me. She's hurt but not as bad as her mother was, Frieagronda says she'll live but that we both should leave after the morning sun reaches its highest point. I will bring this kirin to the next Winged herd in Arthadregon's forests- if they may not be slain..

As for her mother- I've created a blood-bound chain that I've wrapped around the tiny orb as a means to protect it. I dont know what from but I have a feeling that all those kirins that were apart of her herd- they're magic will not be easily retrieved...

I need to rest my thoughts for now so until my next writing ...

-The fallen one

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