

Knock..... knock... knock.... a sound of something hard and wooden hitting against the edge of the wall as if it was being purposely dragged by someone. The child near by begins to whimper to her mother. The father was gone on a business trip to Tokyo Japan.

" M....momma!" The young girl whimpers softly to its mother.

" Shhh... Shh.. Sweetheart everything will be alright... Shh... everything will be just fine..." the mother said softly trying to calm her scared and whimpering child. " He can't find us in here. "

" Ar...are you sure momma?" The young girl whispered to her mother. All the young mother could do was hug her child up against her heaving chest. Not giving her a full answer.

But later did they know the killer stood there right on the other side of the closet door bat stilled, listening to the whimper of the child while the mother calmed her before striking.

Knock... knock... knock the sound was closer. This time leading to the mother cracking the door open to see if he was close.

" Shh sweetheart mommas gonna be right back. Stay here and please stay quiet for me. " the worried woman told her quiet and trimbling child. Before leaving the upstairs hall closet closing the door to a sliver. Before leaving she looks to her left then to her right making sure she the monster wasn't near, but little did she know he was right behind her waiting For the right moment to strike.

The young child looks curiosly out the door, anxiously waiting for her mother to return.

The child sat their waiting at least five minutes waiting for her mothers arrival. Though anxiously she slid the open a little farther to see if she was still there. Footsteps begin to come aboldge then a hot and heavy scream filled the air. She knew then her mother wouldn't return.

"Momma!!!" She began to cry. " M-momma are you still there?"

Little did the child know that the murder was still there.


Murders point of view:

" Talk Woman!" The killer told the mother not loosening his grip. "Tell the child It's alright to come out."

"N-No you fucking bastard." She tried to kick at the murder making him back away for a little bit before he hit the mother in the back of the head with his metal bat. Killing the mother instantly... All that was left was a huge blood spot that littered the white carpet of the upstairs hall and a screaming child.