
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

30 burning down The goblin settlement and a little insanity

before I started to rain death Elizabeth and nightshade showed up. I told them that I wouldn't start for a while and they should go do whatever they wanted to do in the meantime.

once I decided to make a move I contacted them through their personal connection with me as servants. when I contacted them they were already on the way they were already right behind me when I fired the shot kill the goblin warrior.

I told them to wait beside me cuz I was going to fire lots more exploding arrows. it seems for my overcharged arrows explode they also shoot out arcs of lightning that electrocute enemies with enough strength to stop their hearts and burn their bodies.

some who are close to the initial explosion are nothing more than charred corpses. I immediately started firing more arrows. I activated camouflage and ambush with my increased stats I managed to fire five arrows in a second.

each of them was overcharged and fired into populated areas those five arrows managed to take out a combined over 300 goblins.

it seems goblins were almost mentally retarded when they realize they were under attack the first thing they did was scream and run in circles and attack each other.

some of them clearly saw what direction arrows came from yet they didn't even try to come near me so I decided to just wait out the 5 second cooldown on ambush and keep firing.

after around 2 minutes I ran out of arrows after firing over a hundred. I decimated the entire goblin settlement. there should only be a little over a thousand left.

all that was left of the goblin settlement was charred corpses and massive craters. I sent Elizabeth a nightshade in to clean up the area and find anything that might be valuable or interesting.

I made my way to the rest of the goblins who were cowering in fear. of course they wanted to run away but all those that tried to run before died miserably.

I specifically targeted my arrows starting from the outside in so they couldn't run away. no goblin managed to make it out alive.

nightshade in Elizabeth were much stronger now and larger in size. Elizabeth had already hit the size of a dire wolf while nightshade managed to hit the size a few times larger than the largest snake from my world.

there were thousands of goblin corpses laying around so I had them collect all of them. they would be a very good food supply after all there was nothing better to do with them.

so I might as well use them as a supplement food for my goblin citizens until the crops start coming in. after about 30 minutes they collected the thousands of goblin corpses into the personal dimension.

it seems these goblins had absolutely nothing of value. the only thing I could possibly use was The rusted pieces of scrap they had around. even then I'd have to melt them down to make them remotely usable.

most goblins only range from levels 5 to 15, it seems a level 20 goblin warrior was very rare. although that's only a guess these goblins may have lost a lot of their higher leveled members after some failed raid.

as I was standing in front of them they started making lots of strange noises that most would never be able to understand but I knew it was goblin language.

with the gifts the gods gave me to be able to understand all languages I could understand and even speak their language.

it seems all they were doing was crying and begging for their lives. gobbles are truly cowardly creatures the second they know you're strong and they don't have enough numbers all they'll do is beg and cry.

but if you're weak they'll immediately kill you and loot your body for everything you have. it was time to test something new that I've been making in my spare time.

I knew slave collars were thing I could make with magic crafting but they were too bulky and didn't look very good. so I decided to go for something little easier on the eyes.

I spoke their language and told them all to line up in in a single file line and accept my terms or die. they were stunned silent for a moment as they couldn't believe I actually spoke their language.

all the goblin children and women survived as I specifically chose not to Target them especially the building where they kept their captive breeding sows. that building was actually relatively large it was the largest building in their settlement.

it was in the center and was where the goblins who survived ran to. once they were lined up I told them to wait while I went inside to see what the others were doing.

the building wasn't large enough to hold all of them. when I walked in the first thing I saw was most of the goblins taking advantage of their slaves they were keeping cuz they all believe they might as well get one more in before they died.

thankfully I had more than enough goblins outside the ones inside were not needed. I decided to treat them to a little of their own medicine. although I admit I lost it for a little bit there.

once I finally came back to my senses I was surrounded by a few hundred goblin corpses that were horribly mutilated. it seems Elizabeth and nightshade came to check on me they were both cowering in a corner in a puddle of their own piss.

Elizabeth was howling when she was dying and nightshade was curled up into a coil and refused to raise her head.

I checked outside using mana sense and realized all the goblins were still there. it seems that children fainted well the adult males had all shit and pissed themselves and we're cowering in fear.

I had vague memories of what exactly, it seems I lost my rationality for a while. judging from where the sun was in the sky it was no longer than 4 hours.

I immediately went up to Elizabeth and nightshade and started comforting them. I know for sure I didn't hurt either of them. they managed to calm down although barely.

I had to spend at least an hour before they were somewhat stable. I finally took a look at the goblin corpses. it definitely wasn't a pretty sight, over half of them were skinned alive. something to have been cut up into tiny pieces until they died from agony and blood loss.

others seem to have had their insides ripped out and shoved down their own throats. and there were much more visually impactful bodies as well. it seems I really did lose sanity for a while, it was most likely because I was in a new world and I didn't have to worry about laws or anything holding me back so the first chance I got I finally let loose.

I asked Elizabeth a nightshade what happened and it seems they came in as I was having my, fun. it seems like very hard to get my attention but all they could see was the brutality that I was dishing out.

they were going to report to me that there was absolutely nothing valuable in the goblin settlement. I immediately packed up the corpses in my personal dimension.

I checked the condition of the caged women. I only managed to see two expressions mainly, some look absolutely ecstatic while others still looked completely dead inside.

I managed to see a few other expressions as well but they were in a vast minority. some were crying and begging to die, while others seem to have completely broken and we're begging for more sex.

after all different people will have different types of breakdowns in this situation. I'm sure the ones who looked ecstatic were because they heard the absolutely horrifying the screams I made come out of the goblins mouths.

they were actually over 100 women here. after all the goblins needed this many considering they numbered in the thousands.

they most likely had more but it already used them to death. most of the women were covered in horrible scratch wounds. lots of them had infected injuries were already at death's door.

I had quite a few healing potions on me that I made in my spare time, so I gave one to each woman. most of them refused till I shoved it down their throats.

now that I came back to my senses it was time to do my experiment that I was supposed to do earlier. I went outside and pulled the goblins to form a line again.

it seems they were too scared to move so I told them that if they didn't hurry they would end up with the ones in the building. they moved incredibly fast after hearing that and managed to line up in about a few seconds.

I had made a material using alchemy in my spare time. it was a version of tattoo ink it required a few ingredients mainly charcoal, soot and rust. I ground the charcoal rust and soot together and use alchemy to combine them better with magic and imbue them with mana.

that was finally time to try out my experiment I'm going to try to make slave crests which is basically slave tattoos.