
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

20 servant level ups and more base improvements

nightshade came back and curled right up until a nest I had made for her while I worked. Elizabeth came to the door and started whining again.

she is incredibly stupid she most likely thinks that she is not allowed in because I threw her out earlier. I wasn't going to bother to take the time to explain so I went outside grabbed her and just threw her into the cave.

her and nightshade both seem very surprised at the improvements that I'd made especially the light bulbs. Elizabeth and nightshade had eaten while they were out so I just fed one of the fruits to the pups.

I checked both of them with inspect to see how much they leveled. it seems that Elizabeth and nightshade only managed to hit level seven.

it seems they both raided a few Rock Wolf Dens. I'd cleared out a few in the area so they must have gone farther.

it seems that by becoming my servant they no longer get two stat points per level, they managed to get four. it managed to double but I don't think it would be the same if I made a human a servant.

I believe certain creatures have a certain amount of potential and that reflected by the amount of stats they get per level.

humans and other intelligent races should be the most at 5, dragons and other higher life forms should all be the same.

the gods most likely made the world's laws that way. to go from 2 to 4 though is very impressive hopefully as they evolve they may eventually reach five.

the pups seem to notice the second their mother arrived and started whining. they only shut up when she got in their bed and they could eat.

I fed them a fruit and threw one to Elizabeth and nightshade as well. now it was finally time to start on some more basinprovements so I can finally shut the door.

I decided to make the air ducts out of tungsten. I dug a few different holes through the roof of the cave. they curved after going up for a few feet and they came out about 10 ft above the door.

I made them with a diameter of 6 in. I made sure that even when they came out at the front they were still in an elevation so that they could let smoke out.

now came the hard part I heated the tungsten and sent the molten tungsten through the holes I made.

it took quite a bit of the tungsten I had to make the pipes. once it was done I had to go to the outside to finish it.

I decided to shape the ends out straight but with only the top half of the pipe. this should keep rain and snow out as well as wind.

now that I had light and air I could finally shut and lock the cave door. the only problem now was I had no way to shut off the lights.

I'm sure I could solve that problem later once I figure out how to inscribe things with magic. but that'll take one of my uses of creation to gain some insights on.

for now I decided to just cover most of them with a thin layer of dirt and harden it. it seemed to work and it didn't add much weight to the lines.

I left all the ones in the bathroom on. and only about four in the main cave on. four of my pipes were in the main area while one was in the bathroom.

now I can finally go to sleep. once I woke up I fed everyone then took all the dirt off the lights. thankfully it didn't seem to damage any of them.

I sent Elizabeth a nightshade to hunt again. thankfully this time I didn't have to throw Elizabeth over the walls. I watch them go and then went back into the cave.

now it was time to process all the corpses nightshade and Elizabeth had left in my personal dimension. I pulled them out one by one and dissected them all.

quite a few of my skills have managed to level up during this time.


(dissect) level: 3 -> 5

(knowledge and skill transfer) level: 1 -> 2

(mana manipulation) level: 3 -> 7

(mana sense) level: 2 -> 5

(mana circulation) level: 3 -> 7

(magic crafting) level: 1 -> 4

(Earth magic) level: 1 -> 3

(water magic) level: 1 -> 3

(fire magic) level: 1 -> 3

(lightning magic) level: 1 -> 3

(light magic) level: 1 -> 3

this is my magic related skills managed to level up quite a bit. although all the levels really did was help me with efficiency and the amount of power I get when using them.

so it did was make it much easier to craft and channel magic as well as make a quicker because it was more intense.

for instance I would have never been able to get the tungsten without the level ups in fire magic. with every level up into fire magic I can produce more heat with less mana cost.

that's basically what all the level ups did. now was finally time to continue my I'm sure if I don't finish my preparations we would all freeze to death in the winter.

thankfully I should be able to get more than enough food since it doesn't rot in my personal dimension. now they had the air flow problem fixed I need to figure out how to stop cold air from coming to the pipes.

but that would require some type of device and I don't have the knowledge to make even the crudest magical device. I'll need to use one of my chances at creation to even understand just the basics.

so I have to put that to the side for now but I can at least create a kitchen. I used Earth magic to finally straighten out the floors and all the walls and the ceiling.

now that all the surfaces were smooth I decided to build a kitchen. the first thing I made was the stove. I decided to make a wood burning stove.

because later on I could turn the firebox into the oven. the firebox is the part on a wood-burning stove where you add wood and has the door.

now I just need materials I'm not sure what to use. I think I'll make the entire structure from hardened Stone. once I had the oven built I could use it as is but I decided to plate it in tungsten inside and out.

this would make it look better and hold up much more heat and stress. then I used the tungsten to make an exhaust Hood above the oven.

then I dug through the ceiling again in the shape of a pipe and ran it into one of my other air vents. once that was done I sent molten tungsten through the hole to form a pipe like I did before.

once that was done I could finally Mount the exhaust Hood to the pipe. I also use my remaining spikes to hang it properly.

now as I was burning wood the smoke would go straight through my vents. once that was done I decided to build counters.

I decided to make these completely out of stone. of course since I was using stone for everything the drawers and doors would also be stone.

sadly this will put too much weight for most metals to bear. so I had to use tungsten for the hinges of the doors and the tracks of the drawers.

I decided to use brass for the handles to give a nice contrast. I made upper and lower cabinets, I also decided to try to build the sink not like the primitive one I already made for the bathroom.

I used copper for the pipes first I made a hole for the water intake down to the underwater river. I made sure it would open in the area of the river flows faster.

one side of the hole I managed to get a decent enough amount of pressure. then I sent the molten copper to form the pipe, although I had to use water magic to hold the water back.

once that was done I made a faucet out of brass. since I don't have hot water I only needed to have one handle for the faucet. I decided to make the handle as well out of brass but cap it with copper on the end.

it looked very nice once I was done. I tested it and the water managed to run through. now I need to work on the drain.

the dream was simple enough all I had to do was the exact same thing I did for the water intake. although this time instead of angling the pipe against the water flow, I angled the drain into the water flow so the drain would flow with the river.

now with the drain done I needed to make the tub of the sink. I decided to make the tub of the sink out of steel.

copper may be good for pipes but is not good when it's exposed to water and Air at the same time neither is brass or bronze. they can slowly build up residue that's poisonous to people.

that's why I decided to steal for the tub of the sink. with the sink out of the way it was finally time to finish my basic kitchen necessities.

I decided to make pots and pans, silverware, and cooking knives. I managed to finish the kitchen and all the utensils after about 4 hours.

I made my kitchen utensils all out of steel. now it's finally time to finish the bathroom.