
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

13 killing spree and first servant

after grabbing the snake in fruits I looked around the tree and couldn't find anything else. after that I spent the next 3 hours non-stop hunting.

I managed to bag quite a few rabbits, Rock wolves, and a couple of Vine snakes. these four species seem pretty dominant in this area.

the concerning thing that I haven't seen any aerial animals yet. I'm not sure what this means it could be their off season or it could be something here scaring them all the way.

I've managed to see a few nests in the trees but no sign of the birds that made them. actually it is pretty chilly around here it may be the change of seasons.

I'll have to pay attention and check. if I'm lucky it's just starting to be spring if not we're just going into winter. I've been following some tracks for the last hour.

if I'm right it should lead to the dominant pack of rock wolves in this area. some of the tracks have been following are much bigger and deeper than the others.

after I crossed the ridge I finally came into sight of the rock Wolf den. it seems to be a pack of 10 and there is one that's at least three times bigger it should be an alpha.

since it was in my sight I was able to use inspect on it.

species: Rock wolf alpha

level: 15


MP: (16/16)

body: 23

mind: 4

magic: 4


(vicious bite) (charge) (Earth magic)

it seems even though it's level 15 it's not much smarter than the others. the fact that it managed to know Earth magic is concerning but I'm sure it doesn't know how to use it very well.

most likely it only knows how to use it in an offensive way that's not very imaginative. but even if that's what I think I have to be careful because it can always surprise me.

the others around it for between level 8 and 10 but it seems they didn't get the Earth magic skill yet. I'm guessing it's because this species is much more tuned towards the body than the mind.

I'll have to get ready for this fight though because it's not going to be easy with the amount and strength of the opponents. first I decided to use devour on one of the vine snakes.

I managed to get ambush and camouflage. it seems venom isn't very compatible with my human form but I'm sure once devour levels up and allows partial transformation it'll be very convenient.

it seems my guess was right and mission camouflage both rely on mana. I was also right about ambush you need to be camouflaged as long as the enemy doesn't see you it's vastly increases your attack speed.

I use mana circulation and spent 30 minutes replenishing my mana. I was hiding in a tree that had a good vantage point of the den. I decided to use camouflage and ambush with my bow.

if I'm right I should be able to fire three shots in a second. I'm sure the wolves are too stupid to notice my position right away which may allow me to shoot off another three shots.

I lined up my shot and activated ambush, I managed to fire three shots like I thought they managed to go right into the wolves skulls.

I was right the wolves didn't realize where I was right away. ambush has a 5 second cooldown before I can do it again. I managed to wait out the timer and they still didn't know where I was.

I fired three more shots and got three more kills. they finally noticed where the arrows were coming from. the alpha was in the lead. I decided it was finally time to use penetrating shot.

I lined up my shot and used the skill, it seems I made the right call. even with penetrating shot the arrow barely made it halfway through the skull. it was somehow still alive thankfully effect of the arrows activated and paralyzed it.

that was actually very concerning but I'll think about that later. the other three were nearly on me. I stored my bow in the arrows immediately in my personal dimension and retrieved my spear.

I decided to face them head on and used charge. I was within three feet of the first one I decided to use jump and impale. my spear managed to go right through its skull.

to my surprise the bloodthirsteal was much more effective than I thought it'd be. those practically a fountain of blood gushing out of its skull.

at least this means my spear might not ever break as long as I don't put it through too much of a hard time. I didn't take time to think about that yet.

the other two wolves were almost on me. I waited until they were only a few feet away from me. then I used jump and air step and then jump once more.

since I was gone too quick for them to react their heads managed to collide together. I managed to be able to impale both their heads at once.

I hurriedly stored everything in my personal dimension. thankfully nothing was attracted by the sounds of the fight.

I decided to check the den to see what they had inside. I was surprised by what I managed to find. it seems the alpha was a female.

I managed to find six Cubs inside. they were still pretty young most likely still needing milk. these pups might turn out to be great guard dogs in the future.

the only question now is how to feed and raise them. since they still needed their mother's milk I may need to revive her using the create servant skill.

it wouldn't actually be that bad of an investment. I just hope that the mother will turn out less stupid after the skill.

I pulled out her corpse and used create servant. using the skill was actually very strange even more than the others. I couldn't even describe the color of the mana that came out and sank into the corpse.

it seems this skill also gave me some feedback as it worked. using this information I may be able to learn some necromancy and summoning.

it seems to skill works the way I intended, first it grabbed onto the Wolf's soul and started infusing it back into the body. this would normally create a higher undead.

but thanks to the second aspect of the skill I asked for it managed to incorporate some of the aspects of summoning as well. there are many different kinds of summoning.

the one that the skill uses is the kind where you gather large amounts of mana and give it life and it becomes an actual living being without a physical body.

after the soul was infused it started infusing massive amounts of mana and after about 5 minutes it started showing signs of Life energy.

so is no longer just a simple undead I decided to let it keep it's past memories. it was already stupid enough with them anyway.

after about 20 minutes she finally managed to stand back up.