
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasy
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32 Chs

10 even more skills and gear

I decided to start at the very beginning, I use mana sense on the Rock wolf bones to see the attribute of mana are around them and how to interacts with their atmosphere.

I was right to walk wolves are in tune with the Earth element. now I just had to gather the Earth element and see if I could use it to shape the bones.

although I may need to use a different type of mana but it'll take lots of test to see. after about an hour of gathering Earth mana and infusing it into the bone, it seems that instead of being able to shape it, it was instead we enforcing the bone.

this is very good to know, now time to try water mana and see if it's true that certain elements counteract each other. after about 30 minutes the bone did become malleable but the water mana I couldn't shape it.

it almost disintegrated in my hand. at least it turns out that I'm on the right track in these bones are magic materials. I think I need to use Earth mana, water mana, and pure mana to shape the bone all together.

decided to try my new idea, it seemed to work almost right away. with the water mana softening up the elements in the bone the pure mana actually managed to shape it.

I had to keep using Earth man in order to hold it together and strengthen it when it got too weak. it seems this works to shape but it doesn't actually strengthen the material.

I think if I use fire mana and heat it while using water manner to soften it and pure mana to fold it over itself, it should work almost like forging and force out the impurities and strengthen the material.

it'll at least take me a few hours to figure out the best process. although even then I might not be able to figure it out without getting the skill. still though I'm draining most of my mana constantly and mana circulation is almost not able to keep up.

after about 4 hours of constant practice I finally managed to get the skill I was looking for along with a few others.

new skills

(Earth magic)

(fire magic)

(water magic)

(magic crafting)

it seems I managed to get the magic abilities from manipulating the respective mana. I guess just because something has a magic skill doesn't mean they actually know how to use it.

I'll probably need at least a few weeks to figure out decent magic spells. but at least I managed to get magic crafting. what really helped me to be able to get it so quick is my creation skill.

it seems when I use creation I actually understand how the item is made with the skill. this allowed me to understand the basics of magic crafting.

in fact if I wanted to I could try to recreate the armor and spear but it would take months of constant failures before I could get that quality.

thankfully it seems more I use creation the more I'll understand magic crafting. it seems I don't have enough mana to use creation to its full extent. I'm sure there's certain things I can make with creation that no one in this world would be able to recreate.

I finally managed to get the basic skills that I need but before I could actually make the rest of the tools, I realized it had been nearly a day since I came to this world. it was finally time for me to get my first sleep since coming here.

I went out of the cave and check the surroundings everything still seemed to be in order. I went back in and sealed the entrance much better, then I put out my fire and finally went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, the entrance of the cave didn't seem to have been Disturbed. I went outside and check the surroundings for any wildlife.

thankfully I didn't find anything it seems the smell of the wolves in the cave is still keeping other animals away.

I built another fire and had breakfast. I decided to eat some of the wolf meat, it didn't taste that bad, although it was pretty tough.

after breakfast I decided to pick up where I left off.

thankfully yesterday my mana skills managed to level up. mana sense managed to hit level 2, while mana manipulation managed to hit level 3, and mana circulation actually managed to get to level 3 as well.

the level in mana sense managed to help me since the inner structure of materials better. the extra levels in mana manipulation helped me move mana with much more precision.the upgrades into mana circulation now less the skill help me recover mana much quicker.

after trying out the magic crafting for about 20 minutes. I managed to figure out that it's not actually one skill it's many skills in one. it seems I only get skill XP when I actually complete something.

I decided to make a pickaxe first. I took the legs of two of the wolves. I pulled the claws from the legs then use mana crafting to fuse the eight legs together.

I had to soften, compress, and purify them all at once. after I managed to compress them down to a usable size, I set it aside and started on the claws.

rockwolfs should be pretty decent excavators because as I was checking the inside of this cave I realized that it was covered in claw marks.

if I'm right the rock wolves actually dug this cave so their claws should make an excellent material for the pickaxe head. I processed the claws in the same way and decided to start shaping the pickaxe.

I shaped the legs into the shaft of the pickaxe and the claws into the head. now I needed to find something to make a grip, and to hold the head and shaft of the pickaxe together.

I decided to use some horned rabbit hide as the grip. I looked around the cave at some of the rocks that the wolves had left lying around.

I managed to find where I was looking for a lump of iron ore. I used mana crafting to refine and pull iron from the ore. it took me nearly 2 hours to get a small lump of iron that barely fit in my palm.

thankfully it was a decent quality, I'm sure it would have been much better if I had the necessary tools to actually refine the ore. now that I had everything I needed I started to put the pickaxe together.

using mana crafting I inserted the shaft of the pickaxe into the hole on the head of the pickaxe, then I used my small amount of iron to form a wedge. I use mana in slammed it into the hole on the top of the pickaxe.

it managed to perfectly seal the pickaxe together. I used the horned rabbit hide and wrapped it around the pickaxe handle and tied it off. after I finished I used inspect on the pickaxe.

Earth bone clawed pickaxe

5 Pierce

5 blunt damage


it seems I managed to get lucky and the pickaxe managed to stay in tune with Earth mana. otherwise I think it would only have half the durability it has.

it seems I managed to make equipment with the same quality as my starting equipment the gods gave me. if I'm right the gods might have gave me some of the most average equipment this world has to offer.

it's already very good that I can make up to that quality. it also seems that I was right and the shape of my pickaxe managed to give me some blunt damage as well.

one side of the pickaxe was shaped normally to break apart Rock, the other side was shaped similar to a hammer to break my ores into smaller pieces.

now that that's out of the way it's time to start on the bow and arrows.