
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Sacred Verses Pt. III

We were all on the road to East Spring once again and Addis was telling me about Verin. To summarize what her said, Verin is the Descendant of a Norse God, Heimdall. In other terms, she's a Seraph Class Angel, the same class as Mihr. The Seraph Class Angels are the highest class of angels any Faction of Angel can reach.

Knowing her class reminded me of my fight against Mihr herself and I knew I was in for a hard time. I could barely even match Mihr's power and now I have to fight someone who matches her power.

"You shouldn't think about it too hard though. You've gotten stronger since your first day here. I believe in you man." Addis said and held his fist out toward me.

I looked at Addis then smiled, giving him a fist bump. "Thanks."

"Well he seems to be in good spirits today. That's a good sign." Detre said.

"Right. It's nice seeing his smile again. Never knew how much I missed it.." Aria said as she looked back at me and Addis.

Leo smiled and sighed softly. "As long as his mind is right, I'm happy."

We continued down the path then we walked through the gates of a large and beautiful city known as East Spring. The waterfalls, the colorful and vibrant trees, the entire scenery was beautiful. Even the air smelled really fresh and nice. The city was rather active as well, full of beautiful elven women, and the hardworking citizens who keep East Spring flowing.

"This is it, East Spring. You all will be staying at the Citadel with us during your time here. That's where the Branch is held anyway. The Branch East Princess Springstone rules. We are the agents of Princess Cecilia." Madris explained.

"Ahh I see now, we have Main Branches and Sub Branches huh?" I asked.

"Yeah. To own a Main or Sub Branch, you need to be a Seraph Class Angel or be a VIP 15 Darling or Agent." Addis said. "Surprisingly, I am still VIP 1."

"Interesting. Wait, that means Cecilia—I mean Princess Cecilia is a VIP 15 Darling?!" I asked.

"Yes, why the shock?" Aria asked.

'Dearie, you were able to scan people higher than VIP 5?!'

[Answer: Affirmative. Arabella rewrote my code before coming here to Royal Greens. She allowed me to access my full power. I have no idea why, but she did.]

I looked at Dearie and nodded. She smiled at me and nodded back. Knowing Dearie was now at full power being VIP 20, new possibilities had opened for the both of us.

"No reason, just surprised she was that high of a level...but it does have me wondering something. How does a Darling level up exactly?" I asked.

"Well, if you pay for them enough they will gain VIP EXP themselves. The higher VIP the darling has...the closer they are to death." Addis explained.

I grunted softly and looked a bit serious.

"The only way to prevent them from dying, is to save them. Like I said, it's up to you to do it." Addis said.

I closed my eyes and sighed softly. Verin's words played in my head, but I felt the warm presence of Mihr within. She eased my mind of the negative thoughts. I opened my eyes and nodded.

"Right." I said.

Addis smiled and nodded back.


We made it to the citadel and looked at the castle in front of us. The castle was the branch which I thought was cool. It was unique just like Rapunzel's Branch was her massive tower and Yuki's Branch was a massive house inspired from the original Snow White. It was something new from being a skyscraper.

I looked ahead and noticed a woman standing in front of the entrance.

[Alert: New Darling Nearby.]

[Name: Astar Lathaures]

[Age: 21]

[VIP Level: 12]

[Birthday: October 30th]

[Occupation: East Princess's Maid]

[Hobbies: Serving her princess, Playing chess with Verin, Praying to Omega]

[Price: $5000]

Astar was beyond beautiful, supernaturally beautiful...no it was Angelic Beauty. She had a perfect skin complexion, long red hair, amber colored eyes, and a voluptuous body with a large bust. Her dark colored horns were protruding from the temples of her head and her black angel wings were on her lower back as a form of waist cape. She wore a maid outfit and on her left hand was Omega's Symbol.

"An Omega Angel..." I said.

"Lady Detre, Lady Madris...I am glad that you two made it back in one piece with the requested guests." Astar said and bowed toward them.

Detre smiled at Astar then gently stroked her hair. "Thank you, Miss Lathaures..~"

Astar blushed a bit and her wings fluttered a bit. She watched Detre walk inside then looked at Madris. Madris bowed toward Astar then walked inside the castle.

"Master Addis, Master Leo. Lady Aria. It is nice to see you." Astar said.

"Likewise." Leo said.

Aria bowed toward Astar and smiled. "It is nice to meet you too."

Addis took a bite of his apple then nodded. "Nice to be back."

Astar looked at me and bowed toward me. "Master Claudio. It has been a while."

I looked at Astar and stared. Faint memories flashed in my head. I couldn't remember much of anything except the few memories of my adolescence. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

Astar looked at me with a bit of a disappointed expression. "Oh..."

Leo looked at us then smiled. "Claudio, Astar is your childhood friend. Or so I was told by Alice at the time. You and Astar used to always play around in Woodcrest together at the park. I still remember those happy faces."

I looked at Leo then stared at Astar. She looked back at me then a bit of a spark within me awakened, causing me to grunt and hold my head. It was like the more I remembered the more my head began hurting as if my brain didn't want to remember it.

"I'm sorry...I wish I could remember." I said and sighed.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. It'll come to you." Leo said.

Astar smiled and cleared her throat. "Allow me to show you to your rooms."

Astar began to lead us toward where we would be staying at. Everyone split off to their rooms to rest their feet and when Astar and I got to my room, we were silent. I was about to walk into my room until Astar decided to speak.

"Do you truly not remember...or do you not want to remember?" Astar asked.

I paused and lowered my hand. I looked back at Astar. I took another chance at remembering her. The faint memories returned and slowly became more clear.

Soon, all my memories of Astar came back and my eyes widened. Astar's eyes widened as well and she quickly hugged me. I couldn't help but hug her back. Astar held me closely and her wings wrapped around me...I could hear her silent cries of happiness, but also sorrow.

"I've missed you so much, Claudio...and I miss Mama Alice..! You're finally back..! You're back..!" Astar softly cried.

I rubbed the back of her head and kept her close. "I miss her too...so much.."

I let Astar cry on my shoulder. Even though I knew her overwhelming happiness and sorrow was bad for her, I didn't want to ruin our moment.

[Astar's Trust Greatly Increased.]

Astar let me go and wiped her eyes. "S-Sorry..."

"No it's okay..." I said.

Astar held my hand with both her hands. She gently rubbed my hands. "They're so tense now..."

I looked at Astar then looked at our hands. "I...fight a lot now...again..."

Astar smiled and looked at me. "Again..~ You were always the troublemaker..~"

I smiled at Astar and chuckled softly. "I still am..~"

Astar smiled at me, slightly biting her bottom lip. "I bet you are...Master..~"

I chuckled and pulled her toward me. "Mind being my servant for tonight..?~"

[Astar's Trust Increased.]

"Sorry, Master..~ I don't do sex work..~ Not if you can't win that Duel..~" Astar teased.

"Mmm..~ Playing hard to get huh..?" I asked and held her waist.

"If you last longer than 20 minutes against her, I'll give you a reunion you'll never forget..~" Astar said.

"Bet." I said.

"Oh..~ Bet~" Astar said then pecked my lips and backed away from me. "See you..~"

[Mission: Defeat Verin!]

[Win Conditions: Last 20 minutes against Verin.]

[Lose Conditions: You lose against Verin before 20 minutes.]

[Rewards: Event: Astar's Service, VIP EXP +3000]

[Special Condition: Defeat Verin before 30 minutes.]

[Special Reward: Event: Verin's Respect, VIP EXP +10000]

I walked inside my room and smiled a bit then grunted as Luke laughed.

"Foolish son...You could've had all of that in an instant if you bought her! Better yet, if you bought Cecilia all of this could've been avoided." Luke said.

"That's a fucking lie and you know it, you damn serpent..." I argued with a mutter.

Luke laughed. "Right...whatever you say, son."

His voice disappeared and I sighed then closed my eyes to feel Mihr's presence again. A light shined within me as if she knew I was seeking her presence. I smiled and knew she was with me in Spirit.

[Sanity Levels: Perfect]

"Good..." I said.


Detre and I walked toward the battle grounds that all official duels were held. It was a massive forest battlefield. No sounds of nature was present, only the wind. It was perfect for my needs for prayer and maximum concentration. Detre warped away after getting me to the location.

I looked ahead and saw Verin. She sat on a tree stump wearing a kimono and her angel wings emerged from her back. Next to her was her horn. She grabbed it then blew into the horn. The sound echoed, proving how silent the forest truly was. It was eerie to say the least.

"You might not be caught up on...the significance of Gjallarhorn, but hearing the sound of this horn means it's the beginning of the end. Claudio, you have no chance at defeating me and because of that...I will give you five minutes to prepare. Once those five minutes are up, I will attack." Verin said then flew away at the near speeds of light.

I sighed and sat down on the ground in a praying position. "Dearie, do it."

"Augmenting your attributes to its highest current potential..." Dearie said and struck me with her Digital Pulse.

I began praying to the Nature Goddesses for their power. A faint blue green aura surrounded my body. The Water Angel and Nature Angel answered to me and their soft giggles were heard.

Everyone else watched the fight in the meeting room on the screen.

"What the heck is he doing?" Aria asked.

"He's praying." Leo said.

"At a time like this? Verin could be out there setting traps!" Aria said.

"Negative. Lady Verin is an honest fighter. She doesn't play such tricks and that's coming from an Assassin." Madris said.

'Claudio...' Astar thought to herself as she watched.

I continued to pray while Dearie boosted up my power to my current highest limit. I was using every second I had to boost my power. A blue green halo began to form around my neck. I awakened into my Angel Mode, raising my highest possible potential.

Addis grunted and he stood up. "A halo..?"

Leo was just as surprised. "When did he acquire this power..?"

"Why is his halo now around his neck?" Madris asked.

"It happens when the Angel Form is corrupted but not impure. The more impure the soul becomes, the smaller the halo becomes, killing the user and turning them into Fallen Angels. His halo is rather large so he's alright.." Cecilia explained.

I opened my eyes and they shined brightly. I stood up and spread my wings then the dispersed. I exhaled then looked at my hands.

"Complete." Dearie said.

I walked forward and Dearie went into Scouting Mode. I looked around, using my Nature Abilities to try and sense in movement in the area. I could feel goosebumps forming on my arms, the hairs on my skin stood up. Verin could be anywhere.

Verin stood behind on of the trees, listening to my footsteps. She could even sense Dearie's presence and knew of the Scouting Mode. The further my footsteps went away, the longer she stayed. She summoned her sniper and took aim at me. She slowed her breathing and softly hummed a sweet gospel.

"Gotcha." Verin said then fired the bullet with no suppressor.

The sound of the sniper frightened me, causing me to freeze because I didn't know which way it came from. Dearie quickly searched around then flew in front of the bullet, blocking it.

I looked behind me and looked at Dearie. "Dearie..."

"I can't sense her.." Dearie said.

At this very moment I knew, I was in actual danger. I looked around and tried to summon animals, but because no animal life lived here there was nothing to summon. I tried to communicate with the plants, but they didn't respond as if they don't even acknowledge my presence.

"Hmm... having trouble already?" Luke laughed and his laugh echoed.

Verin moved to a different spot at near light speeds. She took aim once again then fired the bullet again.

Dearie blocked the bullets once again then grunted as the bullet was stronger this time. "Nngh...Claudio what are we gonna do?"

"Yeah, Claudio. What are you going to do?" Luke pestered.

I grunted and shut my eyes tightly. "Quiet..!"

Dearie sensed another bullet and blocked it then groaned. She flew backwards and panted. It was the first time she felt actual pain. "Claudio.."

"She needs help, son! Stop standing there!" Luke laughed.

I grunted and held my head as I listened to Luke's pestering and Dearie's cries for help. I groaned in anger and bellowed."Everyone shut the hell up!"

Suddenly everything went quiet. The only sounds were Dearie's soft panting from taking damage. She looked at me and noticed my dark energy and halo growing a bit smaller.

"I don't know what to do..." I said and grunted softly.

A faint light surrounded me. I felt Mihr's presence and felt her spirit wrapping her arms around me.

"Do not listen to Belial's Voice. Focus on mine, My Angel.." Mihr's spirit said.

"Mihr..." I said softly. I looked up and noticed her Spirit.

"Focus...Become one with your surroundings. Let...Nexus, guide your way." Mihr's spirit said. "You can't pray to Alpha like I can...nor to Omega like Jabril. You have to pray to Nexus. He is your Lord."

I calmed down as I focused on Mihr's voice. Her spirit helped me stand in a prayer stance for Nexus.

"Nexus...God of City of Heaven, God of the Middle Reality, Savior of Mankind. Give Claudio your strength and guidance. Bless him and Dearie with your power. Form a bond with Claudio as he needs you. You and Lilith guide him through his painful path and bless him with your Grace. Amen." Mihr's spirit prayed.

Verin was in complete awe of what she was witnessing. "That light...What the hell is that..?"

"You all are seeing this too right?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Claudio has found it. His Guidance." Addis said.

My halo formed above my head and my silver aura blended with my blue green energy and I was fully in sync with them. I opened my eyes and Mihr's spirit guided my hands open then a stone tablet formed in my hands. Nexus answered our prayers.

"Verse Three: Hands of Time."

"Thus Nexus was blessed with the gift from Yascha; The Hands of Time. With his hands he's able to keep the flow of time moving. He can manipulate time to his will. With his power he was even able to create his own life forms."

"Those who wield the Hands of Time, there are Five Levels to master from Basic to Seraph Level. Master these Techniques...Claudio."

The stone tablet shined brightly then turned into magic particles and entered my body, creating my third marking on my right arm.

"Good luck, My Angel..." Mihr's spirit said then kissed my head before disappearing.

[Acquired a New Spell: Hands of Time (Basic)]

Verin watched as the light slowly disappeared. She slowed her breathing then hummed softly. She took aim at me then pulled the trigger.

I heard the sound of the sniper then the marking on my arm shined brightly. Time had slowed down around me. I looked around then noticed a shine from a sniper and its bullet. Time resumed and I dodged the bullet.

"What..?" Verin asked in awe silently. "He dodged it..?"

"Claudio!" Dearie yelled and looked at me.

I hurled a Light Blast toward Verin's direction then watched it explode as it hit a tree. I began to sense the area around me and heard rustling. I slowed down time once again then looked around. I noticed a light shine then stopped time.

'How long can I hold this for...' I thought to myself.

I began counting in my head then noticed time resume. I heard the gun fire then dodged the bullet again. '15 seconds...I only have 15 seconds to reach her..'

"What is going on..?" Verin asked then swiftly moved to another area.

"That smirk on his face...He's back." Addis said and smirked.

Leo watched me and got into thinking position. 'He knows it isn't a checkmate yet, but I know he has something up his sleeve. Ever since he was young...when he smirked he has an Ace up his sleeve.'

"Dearie...How much time has passed?" I asked.

"Seven minutes." Dearie said.

"Seven minutes." I said then took off my jacket then let my hair down. I stretched and closed my eyes. "Only 23 minutes left to beat her and that's all I need."