
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
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45 Chs


A few days went by since I took down James and earned another Program. Daisy has been helping me get more used to my Light Blast Spell and she's been a huge help over the last few days. Light Blast does take a lot of stamina to use as it does tire me out quickly.

Today, I sat with my usual crew at the University but one conversation popped up.

"This party..." Bella said and showed us the party that was going to be happening at a beach house. "The rising actor Vance Cruz is hosting it and I wanna meet him! He played in one of my favorites movies, [L]one Wolf. His acting is so good.."

I heard my phone beep and I looked at it.

[Message: Vance Cruz is a System Wielder.]

'Figures...' I thought to myself.

"I mean he's not all that." Cassie said and shrugged. "He's a good actor and all, but to be called a rising star in my opinion is a stretch."

"Ehh? Have you actually watched his movies?" Bella asked.

"I have to agree with Cass here, Bee. Vance isn't really that impressive.." Isla said as she silently played her ukulele.

Bella looked at me and gave me puppy eyes. I smiled at Bella and gave in.

"Yeah, I'll go with you.." I said and playfully turned her head away.

Bella smiled happily and hugged me. "Thank you!~ I promise we're gonna have a lot of fun!~"

"I know..~" I said then my phone beeped again. "Alright, I'm gonna head out. Duty calls y'know."

"Be safe!" Bella said and let me go.

"I will." I chuckled and kissed her forehead then kissed Cassie and Isla. "See ya~"

They waved at me then went on with their conversation.

[Message: We should report to Arabella about Vance's appearance.]

"No need~ We already know~" Daisy said as she was leaned against my car.

I looked at Daisy and smiled. "Mmm...so I've figured out how you do it...and you're a fucking sneaky one..~"

Daisy smirked as she looked at me. "How I do what..?~"

"Spy on me without me knowing..~" I said and held her hips. "Astral Projection and Astral Precognition...and somehow you're always right..."

"I don't want to see my favorite person getting into any danger that'll cause long term effects..~ You know that...~" Daisy said and wrapped her arms around my nape.

I kissed her lips then let her go. "I'm still gonna report..~"

"Right..~" Daisy chuckled.

I got in my car and unlocked the door for Daisy. She got in as well then I drove off to Dearie Corps.


"Vance Cruz... Everleigh told us about his appearance. He holds no affiliation to Ryan's gang or anything, but we do know that he hypnotizes our Darlings as he learned it from one of those damn Occult Organization Members." Arabella said.

"He learned how to Hypnotize? How does he do it?" I asked.

"The Occult Organization taught him how to Hypnotize through his movies. Now his skills don't work on everyone but the ones it does work on, it starts off with just liking his movies then it goes into being a fan into becoming obsessed." Arabella said.

"Do you know what Program and System he wields?" I asked.

"Yes. Unit: Dreamy, Program: Bladework. I'm sure killing him is not going to be easy especially when he's hosting a huge party for his movie's massive success. Right now...I don't need you to kill him, but gather information for now and send it to us. From there we will calculate his routines and we shall let you know the best time to strike." Arabella said.

"Right." I said and turned back to leave.

"Oh and my love." Arabella said, getting my attention.

"What's up?" I asked.

"If you do happen to get into a fight with him, don't hesitate to kill him on the spot. We will deal with the aftermath later." Arabella said.

I nodded then left the office. I looked at Dearie. "So what's the plan?"

"Analysis: Too many witnesses will be at the party. Proposal: Do not kill Vance Cruz." Dearie said.

"Roger that." I said.


I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom and looked at myself. I looked at the marking on my arm and watched it slightly shine. "I still have to figure out this mystery, but the only thing on my mind is Bella's safety."

"I am worried about Bella as she has been hypnotized by Vance. We have to do all we can to protect her at that party." Dearie said.

I nodded and heard my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Clau~ Are you ready?~" Bella asked excitedly.

"Yeah I'm ready." I said and left my bathroom. "I'm coming to pick you up now."

"Okie~ I'm sooo excited to go to this party and meet Vance!~ I want to get his autograph..~" Bella said.

"Yeah, it's gonna be exciting." I said with a soft chuckle. "I'll be at your place in ten."

"Okay~ See you~" Bella said then hung up.

I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my chest. "This feeling..."

"Jealousy..." Dearie said.

"But why should I even feel jealous? I know Bella is mine." I said.

"It's because Vance has her within his grasp. It's only a matter of time before he actually takes her and we can not let that happen." Dearie said.

"I know." I said then left my house and got into my car then drove to Bella's apartment complex.

Once I reached her location, I honked the horn and Bella happily hurried to my car. She got in and we kissed as usual then I drove off to the party. Something in me was speaking to not let her go to this party, but another side was telling I needed to go to this party.

"Are you excited?~" Bella asked.

"Yeah I am." I said with a smile.

I couldn't focus. It felt like bad karma. Someone was able to steal someone from me and they haven't even seen them yet. Maybe it was my bad karma for stealing Bella and Azalea so easily, but I saved them...Vance is just stealing people with no reasoning other than association with the Occult Organization.

I listened to Bella yap and chat about Vance and it was draining, but I kept on a strong front and listened to her with a smile, occasionally replying to her with fake responses. Dearie helped keep me in check and to not fall into the corruption the others fell into.

We made it to the party and I parked my car then we got out. I walked with Bella to the party and noticed all the people dancing to the music the DJ was playing. As we reached the party, I noticed Evelyn sitting alone as she was was dragged out by her friends to come support Vance. She noticed me and looked around then snuck away to come to me.

"Claudio!~" Evelyn called out to me.

Bella and I looked at Evelyn and I smiled at her. Bella looked at me then looked at Evelyn.

"Ahh you haven't met her yet. Evelyn, meet Bella. Bella, meet Evelyn. Evelyn here is an actress." I said.

Bella held her hand out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Evelyn."

Evelyn smiled and shook Bella's hand. "Likewise.."

The crowd cheered as the DJ began playing the next song. We watched the crowd cheering and dancing. Evelyn invited us to go dance with her. I looked at Bella and she agreed. The three of us went out to the crowd and we danced together to the EDM music that was playing.

I wasn't much of a huge dancer, but I did enjoy it when I did dance. As I danced with Evelyn and Bella I noticed I bumped into someone and looked back to see Hannah. Hannah looked at me as well and her eyes widened.

[Notice: New Darling Nearby]

[Name: Hannah Ables]

[Age: 22]

[Birthday: April 5th]

[Occupation: College Student]

[Hobbies: Shopping, Going to the movies, Going to the Zoo]

[Price: $500]

'Hannah...' I thought to myself.

I couldn't lie and say Hannah didn't look beautiful on this particular day. I already told myself that I would never take her back, but Dearie...registered her meaning she needs to be saved.

I could help but just stare at Hannah and admire her long newly dyed burnt orange hair, her gleaming light brown eyes, and her outfit that complimented her figure. I wanted to speak to her but before I could, Dane had already pulled her away from me.

Dane glared at me. "Stay away from her...I'll never forget what you did to James.."

'If she's free that means Dane never even owned Hannah...' I thought to myself.

I was conflicted because on one hand, Hannah tried to help James but then I remembered she barely even had a choice. Dane was never in control and I now knew this. I backed off for now and just went back to focusing on Evelyn and Bella.

An hour went by and the three of us sat along the beach, just talking to each other. Bella and Evelyn had become acquainted with each other and all was going well until an announcement was made.

"Everyone put your eyes up here because the main star has appeared! Everyone say hello to Vance Cruz!" The DJ said and played one of Vance's songs.

All the ladies cheered, even Bella. Evelyn noticed Bella was hypnotized and grunted softly. She tugged my sleeve and noticed my serious face. That's how she knew that I knew about Vance's abilities.

"Ladies! Ladies! Calm down! I'll be able to give you all autographs but I have a special announcement to make!" Vance said as he walked down the stairs.

The crowd made way for Vance and watched him.

"We have an Agent on the scene." Vance chuckled and looked at me.

I glared at Vance then stood up. Everyone looked at me and I stared at Vance. He smirked at me and his eyes shined.

"Claudio Angels correct..? Yeah I know your name because Dreamy already told me. I'm actually pleased you came here to support me. Man to man, it takes a real man to support his enemies with his successful career. I haven't reached the top yet like you have, but I'm getting there." Vance chuckled.

I stared at Vance and watched him.

"Vance!" Bella said and got up. "I'm such a huge fan, can I get your autograph, please?"

Vance stared at Bella and smirked then held her chin. "Of course you can darl—"

Vance groaned as I pushed him away from Bella. He chuckled lightly and dusted himself off. He looked at me and his eyes shined.

"Don't look!" Dearie warned.

I grunted and looked away from him then looked back at him. "Trying to hypnotize me..? It's not going to work."

Vance twirled his microphone around then caught it and his eyes shined. "Ladies, you know what to do!"

A few women's eyes shined as Vance activated his power to mind control them. I noticed Bella's eyes also shined and grunted softly.

"Alert: A swarm of Hypnotized Darlings has appeared. Proposal: Snap them out of their hypnosis." Dearie said.

Vance chuckled and laughed a bit. "What's your plan now, Agent?! You've killed off two of us already! I was explicitly told to not fight you, but I need to see what you can do!"

Evelyn stood up and backed away from the women walking toward me. "Claudio..! We need to leave!"

I looked at the women then a realization hit me. "Bishop..."

I smirked and had Dearie lock onto Vance. Vance noticed my sudden determination then grunted as I ran toward him at high speeds. He dodged my spinning kick then blocked my next kick. He groaned as I struck his face and the crowd exclaimed. Vance pushed me away and hit me with a swift jab then went for a left hook.

I evaded his left hook and hit him with a sweep kick then caught him by his shirt then rose him up just to struck him with a gut punch. Vance groaned and coughed. He dropped to his knees and I held my hand out at his face, preparing to blow his head off with a Light Blast then remembered Dearie's proposal.

I lowered my arm then struck Vance with a finishing roundhouse kick, knocking him out. I looked down at him and my eyes faintly shined. "Hmph..."

Bella grunted softly and held her head, dropping to her knees. "Nngh...my head hurts...!"

Evelyn went to check up on Bella and looked at me. 'He didn't kill him...'

Hannah watched me and noticed I looked at her then walked away. 'Claudio...'

Vesta walked up on the scene dressed as a Police Officer. "Alright, dumb ass kids. The party's over! Scram before I arrest every single one of you!"

"Y-Yeah! Scram, you...you dummies!" Yuki said as she was also dressed like an officer.

The crowd left but some were happy that they got a video of the fight on their phones. Vesta looked at me and smiled.

"You do know, that shit is illegal and you even dragged poor Yuki out here too with this?" I said and looked at Vesta.

"It's not illegal~ We're certified by the Special Agents of the United World. The SAUW." Vesta said.

"Y-Yeah and I don't mind...it just feels weird being outside Woodcrest...I have never been to Golden Rock before.." Yuki said.

I smiled at them and looked at Bella then walked toward her. I crouched down and gently held her chin. "Bella.."

Bella looked at me and blushed a bit. "Claudio...where are we?"

"The beach..~ You partied too hard and crashed out.." I said and chuckled softly.

"Sounds about right..." Bella said and chuckled softly then stood up with Evelyn's help.

Vesta looked back and noticed Vance was gone. She grunted softly but let it go. "Well let's get you all home~ It's been a wild night~"

"Real." I said and chuckled.