
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

First Darling

"I don't love you anymore, Claudio! Get that through your thick head! Dane treats me much better than you ever could. What we had was great, but it's over Claudio...Goodbye." My ex girlfriend said then walked out of my house.

I watched her leave and go into Dane's car. It felt like a knife had been driven through my chest, a bullet going straight through my head. As I watched their car drive off, I was hit with a sudden feeling of loneliness. My world was now empty and broken...

I closed the door and walked to my couch then sat down. Most of my time was spent thinking about her. I didn't know what to do anymore or understood why I had to experience this level of heartbreak. After a few minutes of thinking myself, I decided to go to the bar and indulge in some of the strongest drinks known to man.


I sat at the bar, already on my third drink and was already drunk out of my mind. I couldn't even think straight. I wasn't as social as I used to be and the bartender noticed it as I would always be up for conversation. Today I just wasn't myself anymore. I didn't feel like myself anymore.

A person asked and sat next to me and knocked on the counter. The bartender made their usual drink and slid it toward them. They caught it and fixed their hat which covered their face.

"A long night huh?" The person said. Their voice was rather feminine and attractive.

I didn't respond. I just indulged in my fourth glass of vodka and let the alcohol kill me on the inside.

"You know...I have seen many cases like yours before. You're recovering from a break up?" The person asked.

"Yeah.." That was all I could muster up without sounding pathetic.

The person reached in their pocket and took out a card then slid it toward me. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime when you're not...intoxicated."

I looked at the card and looked over to see the person getting up to leave. "Who are you..?"

"Just a simple agent who works for the Corps...You can call me Daisy." Daisy said and walked off.

I watched her walk off then looked back at the card and sighed. I put the card in my pocket and just sat at the bar until I sobered up enough to drive home.

Once I became sober enough, I paid for my drinks and left the bar to go home. I got into my car and drove home then once I reached my house, I walked inside and crashed on my couch.




The next day arrived and I woke up from my slumber. I groaned softly and sat up on the couch. I held my head then noticed I had missed messages from some friends. I decided to not message them back and just focused on getting ready for the day. I decided to watch some TV as I got ready. A certain commercial caught my attention.

"Have you recently gotten in a breakup or a divorce? Do you want to have fun with thousands of women? Well look no further as Dearie Corps is here to save your lonely lives!~ Our Darlings are here for YOU!" The commercial advertised.

I looked at the business card that Daisy gave me and looked on the back. It told me the location of Dearie Corps. and I decided to take this chance to visit it while I was still sober. I walked out to my car, got in and drove to Dearie Corps.

I made it to the building and parked my car. After getting out, I made my way inside the building and looked around the lobby. It was a bit empty other than a few women walking around getting coffee and other items.

"Good morning, do you have an appointment with us today?" The receptionist asked and smiled at me.

"No, but I was given a business card by Daisy to come here. I don't know if this accommodates for anything.." I said.

"May I see this business card?" The receptionist asked.

I took the card out of my pocket then handed it to the receptionist. She inspected it and began to type on her computer. I watched her and crossed my arms.

"Alright, it seems you've been invited to meet the CEO. You're very lucky, Mister..~ No one gets to meet the CEO on day one~" The receptionist giggled. "Anyway, the CEO is on the top floor."

I nodded and got my card back then walked toward the elevator then got in. I rode the elevator to the top floor and grew antsy. For some reason I was nervous meeting with the CEO. As I made it to the top floor, I walked out of the elevator then made my way down the hall. I stood in front of the CEO's Office then took a deep breath. I knocked on the door.

After a long minute of waiting, the door opened. I looked inside the office and noticed one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, sitting against the desk.

She was a fair skinned woman with long curly brown hair, light brown eyes, and a curvaceous figure. She wore a white dress along with a thin black sweater, dark colored stockings and black heels.

"Well, seems that our visitor has finally made it~ Come in, I won't bite you..." The woman said with a soft giggle. Her voice instantly drew me in and just her looks alone made me forget about my ex.

"You're...the CEO..?" I asked.

"Yeah I am, Mr. Angels..~ My name is Arabella. My agent here Daisy was telling me all about you. Although you two having only met last night, she learned a lot about you. Tell me, have you experienced a recent break up?" Arabella asked.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"I see..." Arabella said then got off the desk. "There's no need in being sad anymore as you've come to the right place and made the best decision of your life. Dearie Corps. is here to make your life better and easier."

"How exactly?" I asked.

"Here at Dearie Corps., we value nothing more than a man's happiness as crazy as that sounds. We have many branches and that means you have nearly unlimited options. Here, our women will never cheat on you. Once you purchase a woman's services she can not be bought by another man. If one of our women acts unjust accordingly it's usually for a good reason." Arabella said.

"I'm not really into...Rental Girlfriend stuff like this—"

"It's not Rental Girlfriend...it's a Rent and Keep her and there's no rules on how many you can rent. Keep in mind, the service prices vary depending on the woman and your VIP Level." Arabella explained.

"VIP..?" I asked.

Arabella grabbed her phone off the desk. "What's your email?"

I stared at Arabella for a bit until I realized she was serious. I decided to cough up my email then felt my phone buzzing a minute later. I looked at my phone and saw the email.

"I sent you a link to our System. Our leading coders and technologists made a System for men to use called Dearie. What I sent you is a special version of Dearie called Dearie Plus." Arabella explained.

"Dearie Plus..? What does this do?" I asked.

"Dearie Plus gives you access to our mascot Dearie, VIP Benefits, and a personalized System for your own personal usage. Dearie can help you track certain women of your VIP Level, help you level up your VIP Level, and give you important information that is needed to know about our Darlings. She can do a lot more, but it's better for you to find that out."

I looked at my phone then clicked the link. The link automatically began to download Dearie Plus.

"Remember, your VIP Level depicts on the type of women you can rent. Remember to have fun as well!~" Arabella giggled softly.

With that being said, I was free to leave. I left the office and closed the door then took the elevator back down to the first floor. I got off the elevator then left the building. As I walked to my car, my phone beeped. I took it out and looked at my phone.

[Activating Dearie System...]

[Dearie has been activated!]

I got in my car and looked at my phone then selected the map icon. A few VIP Level 1 icons popped up on the map. I decided to click on the icon that was closst to my location.

[Name: Vanessa Green]

[Age: 21]

[Birthday: March 12th]

[Occupation: Cafe Worker]

[Hobbies: Strolls around the park, going out for ice cream, reading erotic stories]

[Price: $150]

"$150 is absolutely out of pocket. Can I at least see what she looks like?" I asked.

Dearie showed me a picture of what Vanessa looked like. Upon looking at the picture, I realized that every woman who works for Dearie Corps was unnaturally attractive like Arabella was.

Vanessa was a beautiful woman with fair skin, dark hair that seems to be tied in a low bun, violet colored eyes, a body of a goddess and beautiful pink luscious lips.

I was immediately sold on her. She was only a year younger than me as well so I found this an absolute win. I decided to cough up the $150 I needed to pay for her. I decided to ask her on a date.

{Vanessa: Yeah, I'm down. I'm at work at the moment, so if possible can we meet at around 5:30 PM?}

{Me: Yeah 5:30 sounds great.}

I set my phone down and closed my eyes. I actually had a date ready...with some woman I haven't even met before hand. I couldn't complain because if Arabella tried to trick me, something bad would've already happen. Part of me was still skeptical, but the other half was also excited.

I only had one way of knowing if this was real and that was by going on this date with Vanessa. I had my expectations low to not get my hopes up about anything. I only hoped that nothing bad would happen...