
Dear, My Dear

At the age of 13, Jaesung Ahn and Jaeyon Lee became K-pop Trainee. Years after, they debuted and becomes popular across the world. The rules at LC Entertainment - Seoul's one of the largest and most successful K-pop labels - are simple. Train all day, be perfect, and don't fall in love with colleagues. Easy peasy. But as time goes by, Jaesung can't control his affection for his childhood friend and it became destruction on both of their careers. Get ready to witness how friendship, love, and career will survive despite the rules and policies of a capitalist company and society. What would you sacrifice for a chance to live your dream? Welcome to the story of friendship, love, and career.

luigichristian · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
148 Chs



*Ting ting ting*

I opened my eyes as I hear the loudness of our alarm clock here in our room. I get it from the side table and turned it off immediately.

"We need to be early again" and I sighed after saying that statement. Before I get up from the bed, I noticed that Jaesung is sleeping deeply.

I brought my face close to his and I observe his appearance. He has long eyelashes and a pointy nose. His cheeks are so rotund.

I lowered my sight until I reached his lips. Jaesung has a kissable pinkish lip. "I like how good your lips are"

I got shocked when I see Jaesung open his eyes. "W-what are you doing?" He asked me seriously.

"W-well, I-I am about to w-wake you up. W-we will be late again t-today!" I answered in a stutter.

"What time is it?" He asked worryingly.

"8:30 in the morning and we need to arrive at the office at exactly 9!" He instantly stands up and rushes to the comfort room to prepare. Well, I have already taken a bath earlier. I just sleep again when I don't have something to do.

Today is our dance training. Actually, this is the most draining part of being a trainee because you're going to use all your strength and energy in this category.

I put my flask in my bag and I brought also extra shirts that I can wear earlier. This training will take at least 16 hours. LC Entertainment is strict when it comes to the choreography of the groups and they don't want an idol who's clumsy and lazy on the stage. Our trainer said that we need to give our all and our very best when we finally debuted because the company invested not only time and money but also trust in each everyone.

After a while, Jaesung came out of the comfort room and started packing his stuff. He's now in a rush because later on, our service will arrive.

"Why you did not wake me up earlier?" he asked angrily.

"Well, I wake you up a couple of times but you're always saying 'another 5 minutes?' I haven't checked the time as well since I fell asleep" I answered him. He rolled his eyes at me and continues putting his staff inside of his bag.

After a while, we heard a loud horn outside that meant the service is already there. Jaesung started panicking and I help him to his bag.

"Thank you so much Jaeyon!" he exclaimed and after that, we finally headed out to get into our service.


We have finally arrived at the company and there are a lot of media outside waiting for the representative of the CEO. There are rumors that the company will be going to debut 3 groups this year and we don't have any idea who was they. I think they will debut as seniors since they have already completed their training years here in the company.

But on the other side, they are kind of lucky because this is the beginning of their career and dream. Just a few steps away and they will rock not only South Korea but the whole world.

The service crosses straight which is going to the other building where we can pass. We are not allowed to be seen especially in the media.

"Do you have any ideas regarding the group that they are going to debut with?" Jaesung asked me.

"Actually, I don't have either" I responded with a sad tone in my voice while looking out the window.

Later on, the service stops, and the first one who got out of the car is the staff. She looks left and right and when there was no one else, she signaled us to get down.

We entered the building and went to the dance practice room. When I opened the door, I saw our training mates waiting for the instructor.

"Is he not yet here?" I asked one trainee that is younger than me.

"Actually, he's now finally here" and he pointed to a direction where the door of the room is located. I looked over there and I saw the instructor who just arrived.

"Let's go to our seat," I told Jaesung and we went there.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you are all doing good. Have you all eaten breakfast?" He asked and we shake our heads as a sign of we haven't eaten anything yet.

"Great because I do have a challenge for everyone. Since I am your dance instructor, let's move the game to the next level." I saw Jaesung gulp as he heard what the instructor said.

"I feel strange about now" He murmured which makes me smirk.

"Your challenge will be a choreography. You'll be going to pick a song on this glass and you'll be going to make a new choreography on that song. There are girl groups in this jar so when you pulled their song, you still going to make a new choreography that is better and hard than the original." What the heck. I am now nervous. I used to follow the steps but now, we're the ones who will make the choreography.

"Are you in or out?" and everyone competently answered that they were in.

"Jaeyon?" I got shocked when I was the first one that was called. I stand up and went in front to get a paper in the jar.

"Jeez. I hope that the song I will be picking is easy so they will not expect more from me." I told in my mind. After mixing the papers inside, I bring out my hand and opened the folded paper.

"Kick Up?" the environment suddenly feels the cold temperature even though I am wearing a jacket now.

Kick Up is the song sung by our seniors. This song became popular in South Korea due to its aggressive choreography and vocals. It's full of beats and a lot of breakdances.

"What the freak" I whispered and put the paper in my pocket.

"What did you get?" the instructor asked me smilingly.

"Kick Up" I answered sparingly and his eyes widened as he heard my answer.

"Really? What a popular song you have got. Aside from that, I and my friend choreograph that song so good luck" My eyes widened again as I heard what he has said.

"Are you serious? Really?"

"Yep. To be honest, the first draft we passed to the team of the group got disapproved and they told us to make it harder to dance" I sighed when I heard his answer. I don't know if I can do a hard choreography beyond these difficult steps.

"Good luck to you Jaeyon. I know you can ace this!" he cheered me up. I smiled at him and went back to my sit.

Jaesung patted my shoulder "You can do that don't worry. You're the Dancing King Jaeyon and this is your dream, right?" and I nodded at him.

"I am just doubtful now because what if I disappointed the instructor?" I told him sadly.

"Tsk! Stop being pessimistic. Just focus on your goals, okay?"

"Jaesung Ahn" Jaesung stand up and went in front to get a paper. After mixing the papers inside, he removed his hand and read what was written on the paper.

"Polaris by LCX" My jaw dropped as I heard what he said. LCX is the first male group that debuted in LC Entertainment two decades ago and that song has an easy choreography and I am sure Jaesung can make dance steps beyond that."

"That's great! Good luck to you Jaesung. Your seniors will be proud of you for sure" The instructor said.

When we finished picking a song, the instructor announced something to us.

"Since you're going to make an effort, might as well, I will be giving a prize to the one who will have the best choreography. A dinner of two in a fancy restaurant. Take note that this is from my own pocket. I want to reward you with something so you will do your best and put too much hard work into this stuff." He answered that makes us excited and motivated.

"You'll be going to perform it live next week. See you and good luck everyone!" he said and he finally left the room.



One week has passed and I think it's enough for us to make a new choreography about the song we have picked.

I am confident enough with the choreography I did. I hope that the instructor who originally made the choreography will like what I created.

Today is the presentation and I am the last who will present. I am kind of nervous now because everyone is deserving to win the award.

"Next, Jaeyon." My heart beats faster and more aggressively. I sighed deeply to release the pressure and nervousness inside my chest.

I went in front. Jaesung looked at me and he cheered me up. My heart beats faster again because of what he did.

"Calm down Jaeyon. You'll get short of breath" I told myself. A while later, the music played and I showed them the choreography I made.

I show off my expression, I give my all for this song. I just let myself feel the song in order to show my best.

After a couple of minutes, I finished the song, and Jaesung claps loudly with a screamed.

"that's my best friend! You killed it!" I saw everyone clapping at me as well as screaming with Jaesung.

I looked at the choreographer and his face is serious. I don't know if he did like my performance but based on what he's showing to me, he didn't like it.

"Jaeyon. You know that the person who helped me to choreograph that song was here?" I looked around in front of the trainees and I did not see any strange faces.

"Where is he?" I asked him. The door from the storage room suddenly opens and a person gets out of the room.

"What the---" I saw the leader of the group who sang Kick Up. He's the leader and the main dancer of their group.

"So what did you think about his performance of the song your group?" the instructor asked him.

"Well…" I looked down at the ground as I saw his expression seems did not like my performance. Shit. I feel embarrassed now.

"I really like and enjoy it. You did a great job Jaeyon." I suddenly raise my head and looked at him with surprise on my face.

"Woah? Really?" I asked teary-eyed.

"Yeah. You transform it to the next level. A not ordinary one." He answered. I bowed at him and ran to hug him.

"Thank you so much that you like my performance. I spent my time doing these steps because I know that this piece won best in choreography years ago."

"It's not a problem besides you exert your efforts doing this. Thank yourself for doing such a great job." He told me and pat my head.

"So, I think we have the winner now. The date-for-two award will go obviously to Jaeyon" I couldn't control myself that I jumped as I heard what the instructor said as if I got into the line of debuting trainees.

"Congratulations! Besides I like how you feel the song when you're dancing. Your expressions are good as well! Keep up the good work. The reason I am serious earlier is just that I want you to focus and give your best." He said politely.

"Also, the reason why I am hiding earlier is I don't want you to get nervous"

"I can't believe that this is happening," I told myself.

"Well, be ready for the next following months…"