
Dear Momma

Dear momma.... I am a year older than you today,I have a loving family,I'm successful writer,I got married to the love of my life...lol,I think I did more than you did in your life time....but am in the hospital today just like you....lol....at least I lived a year older than you.... This book is going to be me baring my soul to you....taking you through the journey of life I went through.... letting you in on my darkest secrets...I hope we all learn a thing or two from it. We are all looking for purpose in life....me too even on this hospital bed,I wonder if I had fulfilled mine. But one thing I know for sure,is if given another opportunity to re- live the life I had lived....I wouldn't have changed a thing about it expect that my momma be here by my side . Let the part begin!! Sorry,I mean the story

Abigail_uchechukwu_9058 · Teen
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8 Chs

chapter two;Tales and Tears

oh mother,am living my best life!

what an irony my life became.it has been Ten tears since my mother's death and eight years since I started living with my biological father and his family.

After the meeting with my aunt and uncle, auntie kemi took me back to the Abuja with her.After her service year,it was hard finding a permanent job because her place of service didn't retain her.

After looking for a better job for a while,I later settled for a private school teacher where she was paid peanuts for salary.feeding became hard talk more of paying the rent,house bills, school fees and getting by.

few months,she met this man Tolupe.A young promising lawyer.... fresh out of law school. but he came from a fairly rich background,within months,he proposed to Auntie kemi.....within a month the marriage rites was performed.

I still remember the wedding day like it was yesterday, between me and Aunt kemi I don't know who was happier that day.i was just six then but that one year of hardship had made me into a very understanding little child.i was grateful to God and to brother Tolupe as he asked me to call him for changing our story and giving us a break from suffering.because that was what it it's.

auntie kemi had insisted I would be her little bride,even though the little groom was twice lesser my height.

After the wedding,we both moved into brother tolupe's into brother tolupe's house.i overhead uncle Tunde and his wife trying to convince auntie kemi not to take me into her matrimonial home,as I was a girl.That it would be better to take their son shola who was same age as me...they had promised to take me in to return the favor of taking their son, auntie kemi had been so angry that she asked them to leave the wedding reception even before it ended.

As if Aunt kemi knew I overheard the conversation,she drew me to her embrace and told me I can call her mother now.As she was already married and her husband accepted me.finally I thought,I had a family again.I couldn't wait for auntie kemi to start having kids so I can have little siblings.

for a few months, everything was perfect....untill auntie kemi took in.

Brother tolupe started treating exceptional well,not that he was treating me bad before,but he started paying attention to me.... buying me snacks when even he's coming back from work...Calling me baby kiki when my auntie isn't around.i was only but a child,I never knew what was coming my way.

it was one faithful night I woke to urinate,as was my usual practice .....so as not to urinate on my self.i met uncle kemi fondling his man**d, sitting beside me on the bed creasing my buckt**ks.i was surprised but I knew what he was doing wasn't right.

"Brother why are you touching my bom bom in the darkness ?"I had asked innocently and moved away from his reach.

"Baby kiki ....your brother has been buying things for you,paid your school fees,feed you,married your auntie kemi.i gave you a good life"he had said

"I want you to do a little favor for me"

"brother what is it?"I asked

"come and touch this toy....come and play with it small....I won't tell your auntie"he said pulling me close to him.

I didn't knew the implications of what he was asking me to do but I knew it was wrong to touch another person private organ or allow another person touch yours.

Auntie kemi had told me never to allow any boy touch my private part or touch any bodies own ....if not I will get sick and die one day.

In my little mind,I didn't want to get sick and die like momma....so I refuse.

brother Tolupe became violent after threatening to throw me and auntie kemi out of his house if I still refused to do his biding I still refused.

he dragged me violently to him self....I start screaming.in a bid to shut me up he had tried to force his private organ into my mouth.i bite him with all my might,in rage and pain he had pushed me away from him.....I landed my head on the bed post and lost counciousness.

The next time I opened my eyes I saw my self in the hospital,with Auntie kemi heavily pregnant weeping beside me.

"Mami....thank God you're awake,how are you feeling?"she had asked me

"momma,I didn't allow him....I bite him ,I didn't want to touch him....I don't want to die like mother.... please save me"I wailed.... holding auntie kemi's hand scared I might die if I don't explain things to her.

"my baby"Auntie kemi seeped,she sat down with me on the bed and pulled me into her embrace...."you won't die"she consoled me

"really?" I looked up hopefully to her for reassurance

"yes"she nodded"you were a good girl....but I don't want you to mention what happened to anybody...even the doctor or nurse...if they ask you,tell them you slipped on the stairs"

"but brother Tolupe pushed me "I insisted

"yes..I know"...."I know Mami,but if you tell people about it,brother Tolupe will go to jail and we will return back to living our life of penury....do you want that?" she asked

"no"I had replied

"just keep it a secret between two of us....am not asking you to lie,an asking not to tell the truth"she had said....that was how I learnt not to lie but not tell the truth either.

I nodded in agreement.

After I was discharged, Auntie kemi didn't take me back to her home,she had taken me back to the village to stay with uncle Tunde,who when he heard what happened blamed her again for not listening to him but still refused to take me in.

she had to take me back to the city and kept me with her friend for a week....when she came back,she told me she was going to take me to see my father.

"momma said,my father died when I was born"I had told her.

"no Mami,he's alive and he's rich.you will finally have a real family to call your own"she had told me

"I want you momma kemi.... I am scared he will want to kill me like brother Tolupe ....I want to be with you"I held tightly to her and cried

"no Mami ...brother Tolupe didn't want to kill you.....I have told you not to say that again...brother Tolupe is a ped**phile...you won't understand now,but you will when you grow up.he's sick"auntie kemi tried to explain

"sick? "...."was it because u bite his thing?"I was truly scared for him

"kiki!" auntie kemi was angry this time"I told to stop mentioning that incident.he's not sick because of what happened....he's sick that why you have to go..... he's sick of little girls. like you...he can't stay around them else he will keep doing what he did to you to them."... "Mami"...."I want the best for you....but I can't choose you over my husband,if I bring you back home,he will still try to take advantage of you one day and you might be lucky next time.i can't divorce him either,I don't want to be met with the same date as my sister"...."I have found your father and he's agreed to take you back,he's a rich man,don't worry I will always visit you and when I give birth and your brother Tolupe get better from his sickness,you can come live with us"auntie kemi reassured me

"you promise?" I had asked .... finding it hard to believe promises anymore

"I promise"Auntie kemi assured me and kissed my cheek....but that was the kind of kiss Judas gave Jesus....the kiss of betrayal

that day,I was returned to my father and that was the last I saw my auntie kemi .

please if you like the way the novel give me a sign....a comment anything....us anyone even reading it.

please I really need encouragement from you guys to continue writing

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