
Dear Momma

Dear momma.... I am a year older than you today,I have a loving family,I'm successful writer,I got married to the love of my life...lol,I think I did more than you did in your life time....but am in the hospital today just like you....lol....at least I lived a year older than you.... This book is going to be me baring my soul to you....taking you through the journey of life I went through.... letting you in on my darkest secrets...I hope we all learn a thing or two from it. We are all looking for purpose in life....me too even on this hospital bed,I wonder if I had fulfilled mine. But one thing I know for sure,is if given another opportunity to re- live the life I had lived....I wouldn't have changed a thing about it expect that my momma be here by my side . Let the part begin!! Sorry,I mean the story

Abigail_uchechukwu_9058 · Teen
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8 Chs

chapter four:Him

kkk...that fateful day,I dragged my pain stricken body to Nne's friends house.she was her client as well as her friend....I have been there countless times since mama started her weekly contribution savings business.

I prayed with everything I in me that her husband has not travelled if not,there would be no money to give me as Nne had warned.and if she gave me no money,that means there would be no money given to me for my malaria medicine and apart from that Nne won't be happy and tonight won't be a happy one for me.

when I got to nwaanyi onye army's house,at first knocking....the door was opened by him.

"who are you looking for"he had asked me

l momentary lost my sense of speech.To today,I still can't describe fully how I felt.i don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful guy before.Not that I notice guys before,I have always been to busy to even look my self twice in the mirror.i barely had time for my self,all the chores I was assigned at home always swallow every tick of my time.

I was suddenly shy,I looked down ....I couldn't look at his face

"I...I ...I came...Nne asked me to....em"I was stamaring,my heart was beating so rapidly that I thought it would burst out of my rib cage any minute.

"oh...Amara you're here"nwaanyi onye army came to my rescue.

"come and sit down inside and wait for me.dont mind Steve's manners for keeping you standing"she apologized on her son's behalf.

so Steve was her son....I was not surprised that I have never met him before, nwaanyi onye army was married to soldier that's why people address her by that Nick name.All her kids were in the university....as I heard she had five boys,out who two had already graduated and staying in their own houses but I have met most of them on some occasion when Nne sends me to come collect he contribution from her.but I don't think I have seen this one before.Not that I was taking notice of them before.

I went in and sat on the cushion in their sitting room,I was suddenly conscious of my self.i wished I had taken my bath this morning before bathing....I think my mouth is smelling.....why did I wear this black skirt today?.....most of my braids are already undone.....he must think am a mad woman....these thoughts were running in my head. my sickness suddenly disappeared.

"Are you okay?"Steve asked me....he must have noticed my discomfort

"yes,"I replied curtly

"I have never seen you before....do you live around?"he asked again

"Amara....oya take"...his mom stopped our conversation...giving me the money"tell your mother it's next week and this week's contribution oh...she should remember to mark it.i have marked my own too" she had instructed

"yes ma"I replied and collected the money from her....

"greet white lady for me oh"she called after me as I left

"she's that's your white friend's daughter?"I heard Steve asking his mother.

"yes oh.....bia Steve,remove your eyes from that girl oh .she's still a small girl and she's a good girl....I don't want any story oh"his mother warned

"mama...did I say I want to do anything to her. ....oh so me am not a good person?"....their voice faded away as I left their house.

I totally forgot about the medicine I was supposed to buy,I was miraculously healed .

"Amara you didn't buy the medicine again?"my step mom asked as she counted the money and saw it was complete.

"I was not feeling sick again"I replied

"Papa Ekene sebi I told you this girl was pretending so we will send Onyinyechi in her stead"she called out to my father who ignored us and continued washing his luxurious bus in preparation for work tomorrow bring Monday,papa usually spend the Sundays at home.he believes one should keep the Sabbath day holy.....but not Nne as far as it's what will give her money,she already out of the house.

"Go and carry your food in the kitchen"....."be fast oh,you will still weed that farm before it's dark....if you like be eating it small small,you will weed that farm with torch light"she instructed

I walked off to carry my lunch which was already cold....as I entered our room, chinaza came and sat beside me.....I don't eat much so it was a tradition for me to always remain my food for her.

"Amara did you touch my phone while I was asleep"Onyinyechi asked me once I sat down to eat

"Then who did?"she asked ....not believing me.Am actually five months older than Onyinyechi but she talks to me as if reverse was the case.even nature was against me being older than her.

I mean, Onyinyechi looks more mature than me....and More beautiful too.she already had two ex boyfriends from our school those I know of....where as no one has so much as to have asked if I was a girl.

sometimes I would be jealous,how can someone be so perfect.she fair, average height, beautiful, curvy and beautiful at sixteen... where as am still yet to see my period.

"brother Ekene used it to call his friend when you were sleeping"naza answered innocently

"did I ask you?....onu ugba(Talkative)"she definitely didn't appreciate cit that naza answered her question

she couldn't confront Ekene for using her airtime,I knew she hoped naza didn't talk so she vent it on me and accuse me of using her call time.but who could I have called if I wanted to use it?

"mama,oya go and eat"I gave her my lunch as I still haven't gotten my appetite back.i lay on the bed,hoping to rest a little bit before Nne would ask me to come weed the farm.

"Ami"Onyinyechi suddenly called sweetly

"What do you want?"I had asked...I knew she wanted something from me.... Onyinyechi had never been nice to me for nothing.

"I want to wear your yellow gown tomorrow....thank you"she said

"but I haven't agreed....besides you are going to stretch it....no.you can wear another one,not get one"I refused

"That's the only nice dress you have....am not that fat,I will do the dishes for you tonight, please....let me wear it nah "she asked. forging tearly face.

"But where are you going with?.... tomorrow is school,shebi you know"I reminded her.

"I know ni,Stella wants me to escort her to the mall....her Facebook boyfriend wants to buy somethings for her birthday and she's shy to meet him alone.so you have to cover up for me.i will go from school to her house.Tell mom I went to represent the school on a quiz or something"Onyinyechi told me.

"be careful oh"I warned

yeah,that's how wild Onyinyechi was.Nne was trying to protect her from men where as she was going out behind her back to meet random men.well what's my business, at least I won't do the dishes tonight.

"Amara!.... Amarachi!"Nne's voice dragged me out of my train of thoughts.

I left to weed the farm,as I knew that was why she was calling me.


I have been looking forward to next week to come and pass so I can go to nwaanyi onye army's house again ....I was looking forward to meeting Steve again.i have even arranged my best clothes for the day

when the day came,I didn't even wait for mama to tell me ,had already taken my bath,packed my bag....even applied onyinyechi's lip glossy

"Amara ,where are you going"Chinedu had asked me on my way out.

"Nne asked me to go and collect the weekly contribution"I had replied

"Dressed like this?"he asked looking me down

"she's eve wearing my lip gloss"Onyinyechi appeared from no where and chipped in

"lip gloss kwa?....blacky come here"Ekene over heard them from the room and called out for me.

Ekene finish school two years ago but had been a jabite as he hadn't gotten admissions into school.since presence in the house has been haunting my existence,I just wished he would pass jamb this year so he can leave the house already.

"brother Ekene"I called for his attention as I enter the room.

"wow ..sister are you going to meet a man"Chukwuemeka ,my fourteen year old brother asked seeing my dressing

I had thought this through,no wonder Onyinyechi never went out straight from house, instead she goes to her girlfriend's house and dress up there.i had never been the type of girl that cared about her appearance,but today I really went out of my way to make sure I look good.

"blacky where did you say you're going?" Ekene asked looking up from his phone at me...

"To collect money from nwaanyi onye army"I replied truthfully

"so why are you dressed up?"he asked...."why are you putting on lip gloss?....ehh blacky,has someone start looking at this your flat chest?" he mocked me

"who will want to talk to her with this her blackness?"Chinedu asked entering the room

"Amarachi!....Amara....let me but meet you inside that room oh"Nne called out for me,for it's already past time I usually leave the house for our weekly collection.

"yes ma"I shouted back.

"Chinedu....go and collect the money from mama onye army's house today,she will collect your turn next time....I don't trust this Yoruba girl"Ekene instructed

"oh oh....Ekene let her go ni. ....I want to go and play football with my friends by three"Chinedu complained

"com'on go and do as I say"Ekene scolded his younger brother....who left the room angrily

"you this girl...."Ekene said waving his index finger at me....."shebi you feel you have grown up.....the day I will see you talking to any guy outside,the slap I will give you ehh....you will find you self in osun state"..."com'on wipe that nonsense off your mouth"he scolded

I quickly wipped the gloss off my lips and turned to leave.

"where are you going?....oya carry these clothes,go and wash then,I want them tried by tomorrow."he called me back to take his dirty clothes and washed.

I was angry at my unthoughtfulness and at Chinedu for being such a talkative.Not only will I not get to see Steve today,I have earned my self a heap of laundry to wash....

The little excitement I felt since this week thinking I will get to meet Steve again died down.....as I washed Ekene's dirt cloth.anyway I can still go next week I consoled my self....it's not like I will be stupid to draw attention to my self again next time by dressing up .

but fate had different plans for me.....

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