

It's been 10 days since my brother disappeared. I don't think we're gonna find him this time. He only got caught the first time because he got caught stealing food like a dumbass.

He was our parents' pride and joy but I guess he can't handle the pressure. I mean he ran away twice now. I wouldn't know how it felt to be cherished like that because they only care about him. They don't bother with me the "problematic" child. We're twins and I guess they only wanted boys because they only gave me boy clothes and other stuff like that to grow up with. But I still love my brother. He's pretty awesome.

My parents don't care about what I do anymore. They yell at me all the time though. The only thing they really want me to do is go to school so they don't get complaints from the teachers and stuff like that. After I got a job to help pay for some stuff they stopped giving me meals, and they say I was being too greedy because I had a job and a roof over my head. Though it wasn't too bad because I get to eat what I want to eat. I also developed cooking skills.

My brother did love me but he couldn't help me out with the way our parents treating me. But all of that mistreatment lead me to become independent and troublesome at school. I get into a lot of fights with other kids. I still go to class to get a proper education so I can get a good job for myself in the future.

Today I'm going to a new school, it was the old one my brother used to go to. It was a boarding school with the best education program in the state. I didn't get there before because 'It was a waste to send a child like me there'. They are sending me there now because they dont want me to run away like my brother did, basically admitting to mistreating me enough for me to run away from them.