
Dear Faye

This story is written through letters exchanged between Layken and Faye. The two leads are connected through a series of 10 letter in which Layken offers various advices to overcome the sadness of life.

Prashasthi_Shetty_1691 · Teen
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10 Chs

Letter 1


"The points are not the point. The point is the poetry."


Dear Faye,

  They say it's never too late. But then again, it is. Things change the minute you make your choice. Whether that choice was good or bad, no one knows. so, choose wisely. Be imperfect but let your choice be perfect. I say "perfect"  not to imply that your decisions should lead to a flawless life. No. Choose what you know is going to make you happy. Choose your happiness first. Remember, it is you who comes before anybody else and only you who can make yourself truly happy. 

