

The pain of feeling my body hitting countless trees kept me awake, which was good. Once I fell to the ground, I groaned in pain and noticed that the vision in my right eye was red from my blood.

I cleaned it and got up, turning my focus to the Hidden Worm.

That thing, it actually realized what my innate magic is. Usually, monsters are very dumb, they are strong but dumb, that's why we humans can exterminate them, because we have a huge advantage.

But some monsters develop intelligence in different ways, most when they reach grade 4. Which means that thing is about to evolve. Or is just a mutant that became a little more intelligent.

I released a deep breath changing my Flow, focusing my mana and channeling it to the points where I suffered more damage.

This will do for now.

I ran with everything I had towards the Hidden Worm with my mana released, I can't let this monster focus on Eliza. I jumped and released 100% of output, there's no meaning to keep hidden cards right now.

I don't have a secret technique, or powerful magic. I wish I could use Iske's techniques like the Grace style, but I don't know how. All I can do now is use martial arts to keep this thing occupied.

Noticing my presence the Hidden Worm turned its attention to me and launched countless teeths towards me, I threw a rock that was with me and when it passed by the teeths I switched.

But the Hidden Worm was smart, and really did get used to my innate magic. It knew that I was going to switch and approached me, preparing its body to attack me once more.

I quickly threw Eliza's blade in the air and switched myself once more, and as I expected, the Hidden Worm followed my movements, and opened its mouth in the air to receive me.

I prepared my fist while I was falling towards its mouth, channeling as much more mana as I could, and when I was just a single meter away from its mouth. I switched once more with the sword.

Appearing at the side of the monster, I didn't hesitate and landed a punch with all my strength. The punch was so powerful that the weak monster closed its mouth and groaned in pain.

I took the opportunity and switched once more with the sword, landing another punch right on the worm's mouth. This one was weaker than the first, but still affected the worm.

Then I jumped from the monster and landed on the ground, grabbing Eliza's blade and retreating a bit.

I struggled to catch my breath, trying to recompose myself. Everything felt extremely taxing; I was using 100% of my energy, along with my innate magic, and my body was not in the best condition anymore.

I saw as the Hidden Worm recovered and was already ready for another round.

If things keep like this, I'll fall first. That thing even weakened has more stamina, strength and mana than me, something needs to change.

I looked trying to look for anything that could help me, but I didn't find anything, nothing that could help me against a grade 5 monster. In this situation I could have only one thought.

I'm weak, extremely weak. I only created one circle; I didn't train to try to use Iske's techniques, nor did I even bother to test the limits of my innate magic. If I had known, I wouldn't have had that problem with Aaron, which led to our encounter with the Colossus.

I'm weak…That's funny.

Weak people only complain about their lack of strength when they need to be strong, but they never take action to change, neither before nor after. 

I'm exactly like that. But I need to change it immediately. I need strength, a lot of strength. But I don't have any at the moment, and weak people can only do one thing when they are in trouble, call the strong one.

'Can you help me?'

I said inside my mind, because I knew that 'he' was listening.

'Why should I?' I heard my own voice inside my mind.

'You are the owner of this body, I bet you don't want to die, and you said earlier that you would help me'

I heard him scoff, 'I did said I would help you, but seeing your actions, I don't think you deserve at all'

I couldn't argue against that, I knew that up until now I was very pathetic.

'If you survive this, I'll help you next time' He finished saying.

'Hey, what do you mean?'

I tried calling for him a few more times, but nothing worked. And now I'm truly without options. That was truly pathetic, I even begged for help. I'm fucked, I need a plan… I'm…

I slapped myself and took a deep breath. Stop thinking, let's just fight, Iske said that my body remembers his fighting style, so let's just not think, focus on what you can do, forget all the rest.

Let's do this.

Next chapter