Characters illustration (Spoilers)

The illustrations are merely conceptual, (If you are the owner of any of these images contact me and I'll remove the images)

If you wish to see another character here just comment.

I may update this as the story goes on.


Iske Grace

Age: 18

Birthday: 03/13

Likes: Books

Dislikes: Mornings, alcohol

Goal: Change the 'End'


Liam Vanheart

Age: 17

Birthday: 12/25

Likes: Superhero movies, training.

Dislikes: Smoking, bets, alcohol

Goal: Become a hero


Lucas Medici

Age: 17

Birthday: 09/15

Likes: Training, winning.

Dislikes: Lose

Goal: Become stronger


Ian Baker

Age: 18

Birthday: 04/24

Likes: Alchemy, math.

Dislikes: Everything not related to alchemy

Goal: Get an Ascender's license and live a tranquil life.


Emily Lancaster

Age: 17

Birthday: 11/03

Likes: Drawing, painting

Dislikes: Fighting.

Goal: ???


Julie Rose

Age: 18

Birthday: 05/11



Goal: Veangence for her brother


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