
Dear Adam (Indonesia)

Author: Riska_Vianka
Romansa Kontemporer
Completed · 171.2K Views
  • 416 Chs
  • 5.0
    21 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Dear Adam (Indonesia)

Read ‘Dear Adam (Indonesia)’ Online for Free, written by the author Riska_Vianka, This book is a Romansa Kontemporer Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, PERCINTAAN Light Novel, RELIGI Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Khadijah Putri Ayaas, perempuan yang melanjutkan S2 Universitas ternama di Seoul. Ia memiliki saudara kembar laki-laki b...


Khadijah Putri Ayaas, perempuan yang melanjutkan S2 Universitas ternama di Seoul. Ia memiliki saudara kembar laki-laki bernama Hasan. Namun, kehidupan Khadijah tidak sesempurna yang orang bayangkan. Ia memiliki sebuah luka dalam hatinya. Ia harus kehilangan ayahnya akibat kecelakaan pesawat. Saat dinyatakan ayahnya meninggal. Khadijah tidak percaya, karena ia yakin kalau ayahnya masih hidup. Meskipun, ia sudah memiliki ayah tiri yang sangat menyayanginya. Tapi, dia tetap menyayangi ayah kandungnya. Ketika di masjid kampusnya, ia mendengarkan lantunan indah surah AL-Mulk yang begitu mengetarkan hatinya. Ia merasakan jatuh hati kepada pemilik suara syahdu, bagaikan angin surga yang menyejukkan hati. Ia pun menamainya dengan sebutan Adam. Siapakah dia? Mungkinkah gadis itu merupakan tulang rusuk dari pria yang selalu dia kagumi, bahkan selalu ia rapal namanya dalam setiap sujudnya?

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Characters Jace Robert Marcus Montero Collins Montero Mr Montero

The Tribrid Written by Authoress Mira Presented by the Supreme Writer Bio..... Hello Epic Beings Well this is Author wonder and I need to adjust something's concerning my story. Everything is my fault because I couldn't wait for Sammy back then so I continue till chapter 8,Sammy had to fasten it up by Mixing it together which rendered some of you all confused. I am here to change everything by explaining and summarizing from the chapter 1 to 10 for you all to understand The tribrid. Characters so far Jace Robert Marcus Montero Collins Montero Mr Montero Mrs Montero Mrs Vladimir Mrs Chevolet Alicia Chevolet : pink killer Kristy Vladmir : Seductress of terror Mr Vladimir Mr Chevolet Fred Lason : Primus of the Agratha Coven Senator James Virgil Lilian Montero Chapter 1 The chapter one talked about the event of the past, Elena the last survivor of the hybrids kingdom escaped with a baby in her hands and the Wendigos pursued her to eliminate both her and the little baby. The Anihilators consisting Two Great families, The Vladmirs and The Chevolets. The two sole controllers of the Anihilators went against Alpha Tae chun back then and no one knew the end, It will soon be revealed as flash back and I have ideas concerning that past, Collins Montero is the son of Alpha Tae chun but somehow he is related to Jace Robert. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 talks about Jace Robert and his lifestyle of him been protected from Andrew by Collins Montero and some kept on asking wasn't it Collins who killed Andrew and not Jace, All I want to say is that be relaxed and you all should anticipate on how the story is going.... My ideas are enormous. Chapter 3 Chapter 3 is talking about the hunters and Their different genres like Mermaids, Werewolves, Diamonds, Magic and so on. It also talks about how Mrs Chevolet and Mrs Vladimir murdered a pack in search of the True alpha which was still in Mystery, to everyone. And it also showed the Continuation of the flashback when Elena was completely surrounded by Wendigos wanting to sacrifice her life for the child. It also reveals that Collins Montero is an Omega....A Beserk Omegas, What you all don't get is that different writers use their own ideas and logic, To me and my stories Omegas and Betas are the same but Betas are more stronger due to their packs unity. Chapter 4 This Chapter talks about how Fred Lason the Primus of the dreadful Agratha coven abducts and kills Werewolves in other to locate the tribrid which seems to be impossible to locate and trace. The chapter also talks about Senator James Virgil and His Arrival to Skyfall and his conversation with his friend, His old friend. It also talks about Mrs Vladimir and Chevolet listening to his every conversation but they dare not kill him because he is sponsoring something they really need so if he dies, It will spell doom for them. Total doom! Chapter 5 This Chapter talks about Jace and his three admirers who gave him gifts unbearably and he don't know who they are. Senator James Virgil was attacked In his room by Hunters assigned by the Anihilators and before killing the hunters, He got that one information he needed from them and that's the senders name which is the Anihilators. Fred Lason has a father who is the world most dreaded Alpha Vampire, The one who is been punished by the keepers of time because of the war and the attempt on turning back time which will create an imbalance. Chapter 6 This Chapter talks about Jace and his revelation or dream, His body reshaping and His muscles emerged is really a strange team to him, About the Dreame which talked about Vampires fighting against The Tribrid. Yeah this is one of that part that got most of you confused right? Who Truly Killed Andrew and that question will soon be answered but for now anything that is not yet revealed is because I have something enormous for it Alicia Chevolet and Kristy Vladmir arrived from Spain to finish the mission their mothers started. Mr Edward Montero is a Ex CIA AGENT and it ok

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Cinta Sejati Khadijah
Volume 2 :Ketika cinta berbicara


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Cerita religi pertama yang sangat menyentuh hatiku. Aku juga dengan seorang pria yang bisa melantunkan ayat2 suci dengan suara indah. semoga Khadijah berjodoh dengan pemilik suara merdu itu. semangat author😘😘♥️♥️


waaahhhh baru kali ini liat novel islami di webnovel, aku suka banget yang begini. sangat menyentuh dan memberi banyak pelajaran, semangat thor.. harus lanjutkan pokoknya...


Oh My God! Keren banget ceritanya, Kak😭 100/100 ini mah nilainya, sempurna banget! Like it! Dari bahasanya sampai latar belakang cerita, semuanya keren. Semangat terus author❤️


amat sangat menyentuh, gaya bahasa yang indah dan lembut sukses bikin merinding waktu membacanya. semoga Khadijah bisa berjodoh dengan Adam yg bersuara merdu itu!! ini rekomen banget pokoknya <3


Wah! novel religi pertama yang saya baca di webnovel! Alurnya pun sangat menarik Thor. bikin penasaran untuk baca bab-bab selanjutnya. Semangat upnya Thor.


keren banget angkat tema roman religi giniii, aku otewe baca jadinya, masih baru satu part, nanti malam mau lanjut lagi, keren thor, lanjutkan [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


UwU novel religi ya 🤗 bikin hati tersentuh 😍. Kuharap Khadijah berjodoh dengan pria yang disebutnya Adam itu, kalau jodoh pasti akan disatukan (✿^‿^) Untuk author semangat terus nulisnya ya[img=recommend]


HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! Novel religi yang sangat bagus dan menyentuh. Banyak pesan yang bisa ku petik dari novel ini. Author hebat bisa membuatku masuk ke dalam cerita seolah - seolah aku menjadi Khadijah. Buat author sukses selalu ya dan ditunggu karya - karya selanjutnya. Love Khadijah.


Senyum-senyum sendiri bahkan pas baru baca blurb nya😊😊😊 Aku tersentuh sama novel religi yang ditulis sama author, cara penyampaian dan gaya bahasa serta kosakatanya jangan ditanya deh, rapi banget!!🔥 Semangat terus!!


seru juga membaca novel religi yang jarang sekali ditemui, penulisan yang cukup menarik sehingga cerita ini tidak membosankan saat dibaca, malah membuat pembaca ingin segera mengetahui kelanjutannya [img=update][img=update][img=update]


wuah novel islami ya. suka suka. langsung masukan rak lah. semangat kakak author buat up selanjutnya. makin ditunggu nih kisahnya. makin penasaran.😘😘😘


Reveal spoiler


Makasih ya semuanya, udah baca cerita Dear Adam. Eps-eps update tiap hari ya. maaf kalau jam tidak menentu. Jangan lupa power stone dan komennya yaa. makasih. 🙂


Wahh bagus banget ceritanya mengusung tema religi islami, keren banget ceritanya. Buat kakak author semangat terus ya updatenya, ceritanya bagus [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


aku jadi penasaran seperti apa sosok adam. hanya suaranya saja bisa membuat khadijah jatuh hati[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Reveal spoiler


jangan lupa ya baca kelanjutan episode-episodenya volume 2 ya, happy reading yaa buat kalian pembaca. Jangan lupa yaa. Terima kasih ya sudah setia.


Baca Blubr nya jadi bikin penasaran, ceritanya menarik, aku jdi penasaran juga, siapakah Adam? 🤔, semagattt up nya ♥️♥️🥰💪💪💪🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🧡🧡💛💛💚💙💜💜💜🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


Halo semuanya. Cerita AS akan memacu adrenalinemu karena alur bakalan maju mundur. Religi - Thriller- Romance. Semoga suka 3 bab perhari. Happy reading now.


Gak pernah gak baper kalau baca novel religi! Apalagi novel ini, salut bgt yang buat!! Aku suka aku suka, hehe!! Rekomen banget, bapernya tuh beda gituloh😭🥰❤️❤️❤️


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