

------------------~[ROSE'S POV]~---------------------


I clutch the huge bulk of books to my chest while I head to the library as usual taking deep slow weak breaths. I can't understand why the stress embedded in it is just too unremovable and mind stressing. I wish I can take a break from it all but at the same time, my parents are going to skin me alive. I take a deep breath and walk through the corridor leading through the different levels of the library.

Someone steps out of one of the doors laughing hard to himself and almost bumps into me. I am sharp enough to swerve out of the way guiding the books with care enough to keep them from falling. I turn to the fellow with a glare.

"Hey. Can't you watch where you are going?"

He stops and turn to me. My heart lurches when I see that it is Mike and I bite my lip. He walks up to me.

"Hey Rose. Sorry. I didn't know it was you."

I smile. "Yeah, thanks. It's fine. " I say and immediately turn to go with the decision to completely ignore him.

"Hey don't you need help with that?" He asks as he catches up with me.

I snort. "I'm good Mike. Get back to whatever you are doing. I'm fine."

He chuckles. " Nah. I don't think so. You look like you are struggling with them. And not just physically. Mentally also. "

I finally pause and turn to him as he laughs softly. "It's none of your business." I say and resume my journey.

He chuckles and follows up with me. "Are you still mad at me?" He suddenly asks and I pause.

"No. And I don't want to hear about it." I reply without looking at him and continue my journey trying my best to lose him. He chuckles.

"Let's read together." He suddenly says.

I finally snort and turn sharply to him. " What do you want from me Mike?"

He chuckles. "Nothing girl. I want us to read together. As friends, okay. Nothing more if that's what you are worried about."

" No. " I say and walk into the closest library. The entire large room is empty and void of students. But of course the stubborn elf he is. He follows me till I get to my usual seat and sit down. He sits beside me. I turn to see him smiling at me.

"So what are we reading today?" He asks and tries to take one of my books. I snap it out of his reach. I can't take it anymore.

"What the heck is wrong with you? What is your deal with me? Can't you see that your presence with me is definitely going to ruin my friendship. My best friend is your girlfriend and I don't want anything to...to..... '

"Get a grip of yourself Rose. I just want us to read nothing else. "

" Brittany is not going to take it like that if she by chance sets foot in here. "

" She's not going to come here. She detests the library. You should know that. "

I sigh not knowing what to say anymore. " Just go away." I say and turn to my books. He is silent for a while.

"I get it that you are still mad at me for what I did to you right?"

I scoff. " Get that out of your head silly. I've moved on. You are Brittany's girlfriend now so I can't have a thing to do with you. "

He chuckles. " Yeah. I see. Then why can't you look me in the eye when you are talking to me? And why does your eye blink confusedly whenever I bring up the issue?"

I swallow and turn to him furiously. "Get out."

He laughs and rubs his chin amusedly. I grit my teeth and decide to ignore him. I don't have all the time in the world for this. I sigh and glance through my chemistry books. He sighs.

"I'm sorry Rose " he blurts out all of a sudden and my head spins. I blink and turn to him, shocked.

He smiles wryly. "I'm saying. I'm sorry about how I hurt you."

I chuckle and shake my head. He's a bastard. A freaking foolish one. "So after all these years, you finally remembered to apologize."

He smiles. " Yeah. I just thought about it recently and I realized how much I hurt you. It really wasn't fair. "

I scoff. " You just thought about it recently huh? "

He looks at me and nods. Well. Truthfully, remorse is obviously written all over him but I'm not buying that. What the heck. What does he think he is? Like he can just toss away my heart like some piece of trash and take it back again when he feels like it?

I shake my head. "Get out."

He blinks. "What?"

"You heard me." I say, ``Get out."

He swallows. " Alright. I'm not gonna say a thing. I'll just stay and read with you.... "

" I don't want anyone reading with me. I'm fine on my own. "

He chuckles. " Are you really that mad at me? "

I bite my lip. I am becoming exasperated. " Get the fuck out Mike. "

He looks at me for a while. "And if I don't?"

I blink. What the.... I don't even know what to say anymore. I turn back to my books and use my hair to block my view away from him. He uses his hand to brush my hair away and I slap it away. He laughs. I wonder what the hell is amusing him .

"Damn. I've missed you Rosey."

Memories of how he would use that name to make me feel good and charm me floods through my mind and I shake my head. I drop my pen feeling the strong pain I felt the moment he tossed my heart to the dust. I feel tears slip out of my eyes. I want to skin him alive right now but sadly, I don't even have the mind to do that. I sigh. I immediately wipe my eyes. No. I won't cry for him. He doesn't deserve my tears.

He suddenly wrap his arms around my shoulders and pull me towards him, hugging me tightly. What the.......

I immediately pull away from him. "What the hell are you doing?"

He smiles. "It's obvious you still miss me. I was trying to make you feel better. "

I scoff and shake my head. " Keep dreaming. It's been over between us for three years now Mike, beat it. I'm done with you. Stay away from me. "

He looks at me and sighs. " What if I tell you that I want you back? "

I scoff and can't take it anymore. "Get the hell out Mike!!!" I yell and pause the moment I notice we are no longer the only ones in the room.

My hostel attendant is at the door looking at me inquisitively, wielding a large bouquet of flowers. I sigh and she walks up to us looking around the library.

"Such a good place to get together huh, Rose."

My head sparks. " What? No. I'm here to read. He's the one who won't leave me alone for a second."

She nods. " Yeah. It's alright. I understand. A cute fellow asked me to give this to you." She says and drops the bouquet of flowers with a big box of chocolate cake before me.

I blink with shock and look at her. "Sorry. Who?"

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Sorry honey. Out of the equation. He asked me not to reveal his identity to you." She says with a beam. I look at her confused.

"Uhhh... How can I accept this when I don't know the person?"

She chuckles. " That's the thrill baby. You have no idea who could be admiring you in the shadows. Keep still and stay away from misfits." She says signalling to Mike who sits saying nothing but looking at me with an expression which I didn't understand..


"Laters baby. Your hostel is in good shape as you want it. " She says and walks away.

I sigh and looked at the flowers. I chuckle and shook my head. Who could this be?

"So I see you have an admirer." Mike says, picking at his nails.

I glance at him and roll my eyes. "This is totally sick to me. I wonder why you guys are like this anyway. Why would he send me a gift and not show his face? It's absurd if you ask me."

He chuckles. " It's a way of raising the girl's hopes high."

"Well I never said I wanted my hopes raised."

He chuckles. " Trust me. He will reveal himself one day. But I hope he doesn't."

I turn to him and he smiles. " I still love you Rose."

I roll my eyes and scoff. "Like you have ever loved me."

He nods slightly. " You are still digging into the past. I never hated you Rose."

I chuckle. " Yes. I believe you. You were just so furious i didn't give you sex, I get it."

He sighs. " I....."

" Forget it Mike. Whatever happened between us, was and is still over. Brittany must not get you doing this. You could break her heart. Stay away from me. I'm done. Like done." I say and pick up my books heading for the door..

I walk out of the library straight to the class to see Brittany. I need to see her to discuss this latest shocking development. I glance at the bunch of flowers and chocolate cake box in my hand.

Who the hell could this be?