
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Fantasy
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41 Chs

CH 7 - Fighting for our lives


The three screamed and turned to run back. Hyena like monster quickly ran up to one of them and with a quick strike of one if its claws beheaded him.

I quickly prepared for fight, same for Sheela.

I screamed. "Hide behind us!"

Two remaining students did what I told them to do while the monster munched on the third. Karla shook her initial shock and also prepared for a fight.

"Careful it's fast, just wait for opportunity to strike, don't be reckless. Same for you Sheela."

Sheela and Karla fanned out of me to the sides while I advanced with a rapier in hand towards the monster. 

We were about five meters away from monster when it noticed us and stopped eating.


It made a guttural sound and tossed her victim to side. Preparing for the fight.

It started slowly walk towards me laughing. As we came close to each other the monster decided to go on an offensive and quicky dropped on all four and used its hind legs to gain momentum and jumped into the air towards me.

I quickly ducked the jumping attack and as it was flying above my head, I thrusted my rapier into its belly.

This seemed to anger the monster since it charged me on all for the moment it landed. It was striking with it claws with reckless abandon, not thinking just whacking.

Since it was so focused on me Sheela and Karla got the space for their attacks.

Sheela attacked its right leg, monster managed to catch the white tiger in its peripheral vision and quickly turned to strike the tiger. As it was doing this Karla quickly approached from the other side and buried her axe deep into monster's knee. Basically, removing the leg from the occasion.  As she hit her mark she pulled the axe and was quickly retreating when the hyena like monster screamed in pain and started turning towards the person that caused it so much pain.

This time I came into the occasion and since I didn't have clear shot on the head, I stabbed the monster into the chest as deep as I could. After that I quickly twisted the rapier and retreated. I saw that the monster didn't react so I quickly went for another stab into chest and again twisted the sword.

The monster screamed in pain once more and this time it changed target to me. I smiled, that was exactly what I wanted since I was the fastest in the group and it would have hardest time hitting me with one leg out of commission. After few attempts to hit me that I swiftly dodged Sheela was again in position to attack. This time she pounced from behind and dragged her claws deep across the whole back of the monster.

Monster bend backwards and shriek even worse than before escaped its mouth. In this moment Karla came in with axe and buried it deep into the chest of the monster from the front.

  Monster still tried to claw after her so I quickly jumped in and pierced the head of the monster with rapier. Head froze and shattered. I took a deep breath but I was not celebrating for long. Just a few seconds later we could hear two cackling sounds and two more "Chrrrraaaaa!" from the roofs.

You two try to handle one until I take care of the second one. I quickly spoke as the monsters jumped down from the roof each on the one side of our group. Preventing us from running.

Karla nodded and quickly spoke. "Ahh, if at least we could have fucked before this, I would hate to die horny."

I chuckled and ran towards one of the hyena-like humanoids, while Sheela and Karla run up to the second one.

I needed to end this quickly in order to help the others. As I was running towards the monster it dropped to all four and started to ran towards me. When it was about and two meters away from me it jumped into the air. This time I dodged to the side and quickly plunged my rapier in the leg of the monster and tried to stick it in as deep as I could for as long as I could as it flew beside me. Result was deep gush across the whole leg of the monster.

"This should slow you down." I muttered. And again, started to close distance between me and the monster.

Monster screeched and locked it's eyes at me. Limping due to gush on the leg it was striking at me with it's claws with reckless abandon, just swinging right left right left. Only thing that could be seen in the monster's eyes was bloodlust.

I on the other hand kept spacing the attacks out due it's limp it was not that hard while stabbing where possible. I kept on stabbing anywhere I found space. Chest, stomach head, arms, legs anything.

Blood was raining out of the monster from so many holes that it started to look like strainer. But it was still limping forward attacking me with everything it got. Never stopping.

"I need to hurry and help others."

I was starting to feel the panic. I was not in any great danger but I needed to kill this stubborn piece of shit and help others.

So, I kept on stabbing I started to focus on the head. First stab, nothing. Second stab, nothing. Third stab, nothing. Forth, stab. Nothing.

Now I was getting really frustrated, head of this monster already looked like a strainer for blood by itself but it still kept on going.

"Die!" I screamed and ducked under one of its attacks and thrust up towards the head. The rapier cleanly ran through the entire head and out on the back of the head. I twisted the blade then I pulled it out and jumped to the side of the monster. As I was jumping to the side it managed to hit my left arm but for the moment, I ignored pain. As I was standing to the side, I grabbed the Rapier with both hands and slashed with all my strength and pushing as much mana as I could into it. Target this time being monster's neck.

It was more of a baseball swing than anything else.