
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Fantasy
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41 Chs

CH 3 - Out of the dorms

Me and Sheela fought our way thought the dorms. Ghoul after ghoul. I was making sure that I won't get hit by them I didn't want to risk that zombie movies were truth and that I would become zombie. Better safe than zombie.

I also noticed interesting fact, if I manage to kill the ghoul in one strike to the head, I was able to freeze and shatter the head but when I stabbed them anywhere else and they didn't die instantly there was no freezing not even frosting nothing. It was weird. But it was mostly inconsequential, even the fact I was able to kill ghouls with dull training weapon was a small miracle I was not going mull over why they froze here and didn't froze there.

We fought our way to the bottom level. The number of ghouls we had to kill was astonishing. Groups of ten to twelve were everywhere. None of them was special like the one I fought first and none of them was above level 2. As we got to the bottom floor and moved towards the exit. We noticed that close proximity to the reception was empty. There was nobody there. It was very suspicious not seeing any ghouls nearby.

I held my saber firmly and looked at Sheela, even she looked like she is on the guard. Something was here.

As we neared the exit I heard Sheela. "Vrrrr!". I looked at her and noticed that she is looking up to the ceiling. 

There was a weird ghoul hanging on the ceiling. This one didn't have muscular legs and neither had big mouth that opened both vertically and horizontally. What he had was quite a long forked tongue and suction cups on the ends of his hands and legs. It had a lean build and greenish color; normal ghouls were grayish.

I backed a little together with Sheela. I looked around and grabbed nearby chair and yanked it towards the ceiling where the ghoul was, hitting his back.  All that happened that it hissed at me and didn't move. Since we would have to pass bellow him to exit, I didn't want to risk him dropping on us. So, I started yanking at him chair after chair from around reception. After about sixth chair zombie hissed, dropped to the ground and started running on all four towards us.

Sheela headed to the right while I headed to the left so we could pincer him once he chose who to go after. He went directly after me when he was about two meters away from me preparing to pounce Sheela attacked from the back with her claw. She pretty much separated his left leg from the body. Ghoul turned towards Sheela to attack her but before he could do that, I quickly ran in and stabbed him. Hitting his right what would be hand or front leg and backing away. Disabling the appendage in the process reducing his mobility even further. This time ghoul again started to turn towards me but I was already backing when Sheela again used her opportunity to go after his second leg. Pretty much separating it from the rest of its body and leaving it with just one working appendage. 

I sidestepped a little so that I would be closing to it from the side where it didn't have working hand and stabbed towards its head, finishing the fight.


Crawler ghoul level 3 killed. Experience granted.


I took a deep breath and look at the dead ghoul. I noticed that there was small wooden chest on top of it's body with a small blue ribbon. I quickly grabbed the chest and notification sounded from the system.


Treasure chest magic rarity  acquired. Dealer's choice has stopped random loot selection. Please select the contents of the chest:


-  Severing axe

-  Soldier's greatsword

-  …



Rarity of the items was from un-tiered to few tier one treasures. I filtered out the selection to only see tier one treasures and what was left was weapon of each type and few pieces of jewelry. I checked the jewelry and it was not doing anything special just adding some stats or giving some regen. So, I decided to upgrade my weapon from my training sword to something that is actually meant to be used for killing. I grabbed a rapier.


Gentleman's rapier

Requirements: agility - 20

Damage +30

Agility +5

Magic +5


I quickly checked the stats and what they do and decided to allocate them since I already had 25 stat points unspent since I reached level 5. My initial stats were 10 in all strength, agility, constitution and magic. I decided to pump 10 in each agility and magic since both increase my damage, magic also increases my mana what helps since I noticed my attacks slowly drain it down and agility increases reaction speed and motion speed. I ended up with 20 in both magic and agility and 15 in constitution that increased my health and stamina.

Then I equipped my rapier that boosted both of my damage stats even further to 25 and gave some base damage to work with since my training sword had 0.

Once this was done, I ran out of the dorms and looked around. Trying to find a way with least ghouls to go thought that would lead me towards Jess.

I noticed that path should be fine for now, I saw the students trying to fight of some ghouls while heading towards gymnasium to the other side. From what I noticed big groups of living beings and loud sounds lured ghouls pretty well so my path towards the other direction was nice and clear.

I felt bad not helping them but now I needed to have my priorities straight. I had to know if Jess was ok, and help her if she needed it.

As I started running towards the college bar it downed on me.

"Why I care so much more about Jess than my other friends?"

Then I realized thing I was oblivious to for all this time. "You fell in love with her you moron."