
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Fantasy
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41 Chs

CH 2 - Sheela


Basic fencing has small chance to mutate thanks to you already having cold attribute skill. Dealer's choice prevented the random decision.

Do you want to mutate your fencing skill?



I was looking at the question in the window dumbfounded. There was nothing more I knew nothing about what the skill is going mutate into and if it was good or bad. After a long deliberation I decided to try it. Basic fencing was un-tiered skill there was very low chance of me getting skill that is worse than that and I still had my tier 2 skill I could rely on.



Mutating skill Basic fencing ...

Skill mutated successfully. Granting mutated skill Ice fencing.

Granting experience for killing first monster.

Your level raised from 0 to 1.

You have 5 stat points to distribute

Your level raised from 1 to 2.

You have 5 stat points to distribute


After this I received bunch of information in my head regarding my skills. Information about how to know if the monsters are edible, how to summon my companion and a lot of information about Ice fencing. I was not sure how the mutation thing worked but skill I got from it was awesome. It was tier 1 fencing style that used cold magic together with agile strikes with a fencing sword. For this to work I could use any saber, estoc or rapier. From what I gathered the weapon was just a part of the damage and second chunk was magic, to be precise ice magic channeled via the sword. 

In that moment I realized that it should work with my training fencing saber. I opened the cabinet where I kept my fencing gear and pulled out my training fencing saber. I tried some moves and it looked like it works no problem. Once that was done, I decided to summon my ice tiger.

I crouched and placed one of my hands on the ground and spoke the words that came to my brain with the skill. In few seconds shining blue circle was created around me and in another about ten to fifteen seconds and ice tiger with the size of regular tiger appeared in front of me. It was completely white with few small black spots here and there. A little steam could be seen raising out of him, it looked similar to when you open a huge walking in fridge. It has beautiful blue piercing eyes that were looking at me waiting for my command.


You have successfully summoned female ice tiger. Do you want to name her?



"Yes!" I Answered without thinking. "Sheela, your name will be Sheela."

I spoke while still crouching and looking directly into the eyes of my tiger companion. As I received notification that Sheela was successfully named, she came closer to me and licked my face. Her tongue was rather cold, but not cold enough for it to be uncomfortable.

I chuckled and rubbed her between ears. "You like your name Sheela?"

She licked me once again. "Okay Sheela we got to go, I need to check on my friends and make sure they survive this mess."

I spoke and quickly grabbed my backpack and stuffed with all the food I could find in my room. Once that was done, I opened the door to my room and walked into the hallway with my training saber in hand closely followed by Sheela.

I didn't used my points since I was not sure where to put them yet.

I slowly advanced in the hallway towards the stairs. I lived on the highest floor of the building so I had four floors to go thought not counting the one I was on and the bottom floor. Screams of fear and pain could be heard from everywhere around me, once I went around the corner I could see why. There was about ten or so zombie like creatures in hallway, most of the doors were broken down and judging by screams some zombies were already having launch inside the rooms. I steeled my heart.

"I need to get to Jess! Once I am sure she is fine I can worry about random people. Jess's group comes first."

I was not really worried about my family right about now; they lived on the other side of states. My college was in the Los Angeles while my family lived in New York almost 4000 kilometers away from here. So, I had no real way to get to them or help them in any way if this crap was happening also in there. I choose college so far from home on purpose to not be treated like special snowflake but sadly enough after first semester some assholes were able to dig up my family background so my normal life in college ended and once again everybody was trying to crawl up my ass. It was frustrating I just wanted to have normal college life. That was when I got to know Jess and her friends, they gave zero fucks about my background and never tried to crawl up my ass, they were my first real friends here. First people with which I was just Vic, not an heir of Withworth consortium.

And so, I ignored what was going in rooms and started to make my way towards the stairs with Sheela in tow. As I stepped into corridor from behind the corner zombies noticed me and started to head my way. There were no zombies like the one I killed all of them were just the usual zombie from movies, slow, decaying and hungry to munch on your face by the looks of it.

"Sheela let's go through them towards the stairs."

I gripped my training saber harder hoping that it is going to work. I quickly steeped towards the closest zombie and full of nervosity I tried to trust towards its head while channeling mana into my saber as the knowledge from the skill described. As I trusted towards the zombie head a cold frosty feeling enveloped my hand and shortly after that traveled down the sword as I ended my trust towards the zombie, I just saw it head shattered into million pieces of ice while the frozen neck together with rest of motionless body fell to the ground.


Ghoul level 0 killed. Experience granted.


Not even second after that.


Ghoul Level 1 Killed. Experience granted


I looked towards Sheela and saw her finishing of a ghoul and charging to the next.  I shook my head and quickly did the same.

"Jess be safe. I am coming!"