

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The Cahira pushed through the seas strong and confident with no storms breaking her down .

We were nearing to Cian and would reach there within the next ten days .

" Try harder . " John commanded as he observed me practice . Sweat dripped down my face , as my body ached .

" Don't think you would get to drink water , unless you do it properly. " He spoke as he leaned onto the wooden wall .

" Let's stop for a while . " I said , desperately wanting a break .

" Do you get stops when you are in a war , princess ? " He asked as he stared at me .

"No . " I spoke slowly .

" Well then get back to practice. "

Practicing more , I felt as if I would faint if I went for longer .

" Do the same move faster . " He ordered , his arms folded and his stare focused on me as I tried the moves faster .

" You should be fast and precise , eh . " He spoke as he signalled for me to stop .

" If this is your case , then when I am not busy hunting for treasures , I shall personally arrive at your kingdom , to train your soldiers because , I don't know think Constance would remain constant for a long time , eh ."

John spoke as he walked towards me , nodding his head .

Ignoring what he had said , I fell to the floor along with my sword as I gasped for air . My body aching due to the constant practices that were happening the past few days .

" Here . Drink it slowly , " said John as he handed me a glass of water .

" You have gotten better than before , but there's still something wrong , and I can't perceive it . " He pointed out .

" Thanks. I don't know what's wrong with me either . " I replied .

" I don't think it's entirely you . How well do you perform when there are wars ? " John asked doubtfully .

" I usually perform pretty fine , but recently not so well . "

He only nodded .

" If we get to spend more time , I will teach you more . "

" Thanks , captain . " I spoke as he walked away ruffling my hair on the way.


" There's something wrong with me , Em . " Matilda spoke as bit into an apple .

" There's nothing wrong with you . If there was something wrong with you , our people would have voiced it out and you know it very well , that they wouldn't care if you are the princess or not , they would have spoken something . "

" That is the problem Em . I am the princess , I can't afford to make mistakes . My mistakes could would be payed with many of their lives . How am I supposed to lead a war , if I am not even able to win a small sword fight ? "

"You need to remove some stress off of you . Let me give you a massage . " Emlyn offered as she listened to her best friend .

" That's -"

" That is needed Tilda , unless it's your way of saying , your massages are horrible ." Emlyn cut off her friend .

Admitting defeat , Matilda caved in to Emlyn.

" Where is Amia ? " She asked .

" She is with the chef from last day ." Emlyn smiled as she massaged Matilda's shoulders .

" Again ? " Matilda turned around to conform if what Emlyn was actually real .

" I believe there is ' a little something ' going on between them . " She spoke as she held both her index fingers together .

" Are they always together ? " Matilda asked .

" Always , but I am a bit concerned . " Emlyn spoke .

" I know . It just flew through my mind too . "

" If they are indeed in love , like I believe . It might hurt her when we would have to leave."

Emlyn spoke concerned about the future .

" You know , we could ask her later . ' Only ' , only after confirming that she is indeed a love bird now ..... She most probably would tell us herself though ." Matilda spoke as she threw the leftover of the apple she was eating into the dustbin .

" Right . I heard that you wrote some letters . You know , me and Amia had wrote some too . You think we could send them together ? "

" Of course . "

" I really miss father . " Emlyn spoke as she massaged her temple .

" I know . I do too . I wonder if mother arrived back home . Do you think there would be any questionings happening back there about our disappearance , even if not us , the Blue Moon atleast ? "

" I was thinking about it last night too , but I think his highness would handle the situation really well . I don't think we would have to worry about it now . The only thing we need to look forward is to our demon . "

" I know , I can't help but worry . I did give father my word that we would come back with the Blue Moon and something that could stop the war . "

Emlyn hummed as she finished with her massage .

" You know we should go outside . It's almost dinner time . I heard they still have a lot of rum left . "

" I know . I took two bottles of rum to my room . " Matilda giggled as she winked at Emlyn , who didn't waste a second to start whistling .

" My princess do be getting wild . " Emlyn teased .

" I thinking we should get going if we want to see our Amia in action . " Matilda spoke as she suddenly remembered Amia .


" Drink to your heart's desire , my lads , oh and ladies . " Spoke a tipsy John , as he sprang from the place he was sitting , his hand raised as he held a bottle of rum .

The rest of the crew hollered in support .

" Who is steering the ship ? " Asked Amia , who was completely sober . She never really had an interest for alcohol , but grape juice , yes please .

" Who is steering the ship now ? " She asked , her voice raised as she angrily sipped her juice .

" My lady , calm down . Tonight's for fun . This might be the most fun we have before we enter the serpent water . My brothers are out there - " One of John's men spoke as he pointed outside of the room they were drinking.

" and up there . " He continued , now pointing upwards at the ceiling .

" They are dead ? " Amia asked the drunk man .

" Absolutely not , my lady . One of them is sitting up high , watching out for any danger and the rest , two of them are at the steering and three--"

" You don't have three more brothers Jacob . "

Spoke Lien as he smiled at Jacob . The rest of the crew had started singing a song Amia did not know off .

" Where is the princess and the other friend , my lady ? " Lien asked noticing their absence and as if on cue walked in Emlyn and Matilda , half drunk .

How did they get drunk ? Amia had no idea , but she knew for a fact she didn't want to spend more time in this room , especially with a drunk princess and a soldier . Who knows when they would accidentally sing out something that would end up hurting them , besides a room filled with drunk men were not the best area to spend time at and she knew it from experience .

Unconsciously her hand moved to her head , as if she was still at the doctor's , where she was took care of after being almost killed by drunk men , years ago .

The men found it amusing to see her writhing for air as one of them choked her . She still remembered the pain , she had felt as one of them hit her head , with something she still didn't know of . Perhaps it was a rod or a wooden plank .

And she didn't want both of her friends to be in a similar situation ever .

" Tilda , Em , come with me . " She spoke as she kept her juice on a nearby table .

Standing up from her seat after telling Lien to keep her juice safe , she walked upto her friends .

" But I want to go there . " Matilda whined as she pointed at the bar , which Emlyn immediately agreed to , while nodding .

" I will take you to another bar , only for you two . " Amia spoke trying to get them to turn their direction .

" Just for us ? " Emlyn asked , almost bursting out with tears , ready to thank her friend who was kind enough to lend them a whole bar .

" Just for you too . " Amia confirmed , which was more than enough for Matilda's happiness .

" It's in your room . " Amia spoke , sending a happy Matilda hopping to her room , leaving her alone with Emlyn who was busy adoring her face .

" You are so beautiful Ami , I would propose you if I was a boy . " Spoke a giggling Emlyn who immediately ended up almost falling face flat towards the floor .

Holding up her friend , Amia walked up to Matilda's room , hoping Matilda would still be there .


" TILDA ! " Amia shouted as she pulled Matilda away from Godwin . Apparently , she had found the keys to Godwin's cell and wanted to release the man , so that she could feed to sea water , which he told her , that he was dying for .

A sly man , tricking a poor drunk girl , into escaping him . Luckily Amia was there , right in time , to stop her from freeing the man and from blabbering unwanted things while she was drunk .

Snatching the keys from Matilda's hand , she dragged her friend who had started crying .

" I want to give him water ." She started .

" What if he die ? " She continued , tears streaming down her face .

" Well , if you don't go and sleep in your bed , I will make it my personal duty to kill him ." Amia replied to crying girl , who started crying harder when she heard that .

" Why so cruel ? " Matilda cried out as she was dragged back to her room .


Amia walked out of Matilda's room after making sure her friend had indeed fallen asleep .

Emlyn was easy to manage . There was no crying , no I want to save the bearded man and more . She just wanted Amia's hand to hug for a while . That's it .

She walked back to the room for her grape juice . The party that had started there , had not died out yet .

Seeing her grape juice , she walked upto it , taking the glass in her hand .

" Why are you staring at it ? " Asked Lien who had walked upto her from somewhere she didn't notice .

" Did you drink from it ? " Asked Amia , who kept on staring at her glass of juice .

" No , my lady . I would never do such a thing . I have been watching this glass from the moment you left , I had just left for a second to get me a glass , but I still had my eyes on it . " Lien spoke trying to defend himself from any upcoming accusations .

Amia looked around the room at the men . All of them seemed too drunk to care about a glass of juice , besides none of them were even close .

Maybe it was just her trust issues acting up .

" Ok ." She spoke .

Suddenly remembering , she turned to Lien .

" Dear , what do you know of the Serpent

waters ? "

New chapter ! As you can see I am trying to write from a different character's point of view and I hope that I did it well. Thank you for reading this book .

Stay safe . Stay healthy .

Diyalekshmi_Pncreators' thoughts