
My long time crush

Suddenly Zhing Li phone rang...

"hello, im in NY... ah... Ok... Ok...."

"what happen? Whos calling?" i asked

"my brother, he's s in LA will come to NY tomorrow."she said

"ah ok, business trip?"

"yup, and hes looking for PA"

"why?" im asking curiously

"his PA in vacation for 15 day, for honeymoon"

"wow, so yang got married... Finally" atleast i feel happy that someone found they're forever one... Then she asked me if im curious and want to be her brother PA while yang is in vacation and since I'm familiar with NY... I want to say yes but I'm not ready to meet my long time crush... Suddenly I recalled my first crush, how i miss him and hope someday he will recognize me... But reality is different from fantasy and i have to move on.. Actually Zhing didn't know I like her brother coz i don't want to put myself in shame, Zhing and her family like me so much and always want me to became their inlaw eversince I met them but Li Zhen Li always oppose to met me and never want to see me, and its hurt... I cant throw or push myself to someone who doesn't like me coz I know I deserve someone better which will love me and accept me for who I am and its a good thing to zhing li family to understand my situation and respect my decision not to arrange or push me to met Z again even deep inside my heart I want to see him.