
Deadpool Is God

After a miserable life being a chew toy for his boss and overall meaningless to society he ends up in a seemly endless void with someone able to give him a second chance to really live his life without someone telling him otherwise. starts in Danmachi I don't own the cover image and I really based this fanfic on Deadpool Throughout the multiverse so if you haven't read that one go check it out its a nice read. Also I don't have a lot of experience writing and I write just for fun I hope you enjoy it there wont be any patreon or any of that shit when I post something its gonna be here.

Dextrious · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Dungeon and Soberness! Part 1

POV Wade


'You know what who cares because I don't.' Wade think as he makes his way back to the church. On the way back to the church Wade looks at a bustling tavern widely known as hostess of fertility as one thought comes into his mind. 'Fuck it I'm gonna get drunk.' he nods to himself as he heads inside the popular establishment. He has never been here since he arrived in the Danmachi world and only knows about it from the anime.

Wade enters the tavern and makes a b-line for the counter. A muscular women can be seen tending to the bar as she gives the new customer a big grin and greets him "Hello you must be new here names Mia Grand some call me Mama Mia but you can just call me Mia." She says still showing her big smile.

"Give me as much beer that this money can buy with this much valis." Wade says getting straight to the point slamming down the all his remaining valis which adds up to 6144.

"HAHAHA I like you new guy straight to the point and not afraid spends all your valis!" Mia says laughing swiping the valis off the counter and handing him a mug of beer. Wade grabs it and heads to the corner of the bar so he could get drunk in peace.

3 hours later

"WHAT THE HELL!" Wade shouts loudly in the corner whaling in his sorrows as tears threaten to fall from his eyes at this catastrophic situation that has been unfolding the last 3 hours. "I CANT GET DRUNK!" he says banging his fist on the table with his head face down. He got a few glances from some of the people in the bar but it didn't last long as they returned to there conversations spending there money freely as if they might not be alive tomorrow. However one gaze doesn't leave intensely focusing on the grown man that's clearly crying like a baby not getting its milk.

'Wade its simple its because of your healing factor as your regenerative abilities make you near immune to most toxins!' Mio said cheerfully as if he's one something however when Wade hears this he sobs even louder. Mio seeing her statement make things worse starts to panic and continues. 'However Wade that doesn't mean its impossible for you to get drunk its just mean it's much harder.' Mio said slightly in a slight panic trying to soothe her grieving host.

"Really?" Wade said looking up with a little hope.

'Of course host anything's possible as long as you try hard enough!' Mio said in a encouraging tone. Wade heard solace in her preaching raising his hopes a little higher.

"Ya if I try my best one day I'll be able to get so wasted that ill reach enlightenment" he says holding his fist up high.

At the bar Mia filled up a mug of beer and handed it to the waitresses that has been tending to Wade this entire time. "Here ya go this is his last beer for the day." Mia says handing the beer to the black haired cat girl.

"Ok Mia ill be sure to tell him Nyaa." she nods and heads over to the weird man that has been talking to himself the entire time he has been here however this isn't the first time she's served crazy nor would it be the last. However before she could leave the bar someone intercepted her.

"Is it ok if I take it to him?" the waitress said innocently.

"Sure Syr Nyaa." she said with a smile holding out the mug to her because she has other customers to tend to and Syr accepts it making her way over to the man in a victory pose holding his fist up high. Seeing this something flashes through her eyes however it goes away as fast as it appears as she sprinkles something into his beer.

Wade was in his own world in this moment not paying attention to his surroundings. "Yes I can do it I'm a god for crying out loud no one will stop me from getting wasted!" he said with renewed vigor but before he could continue his epic monologue he was interrupted.

"Um excuse sir this is the last of the beer that your valis could afford." Syr said shyly holding out the mug not making eye contact. Wade looked at this sudden intrusion on his motivational speech to himself and lifts a eyebrow.

"What happened to the cat lady that served all my drinks before." he said questioning tone inquiring on Syr's sudden intrusion.

"She was busy with her other orders I decided to help ease her workload." she says finally making eye contact looking at him timidly holding the mug closer to Wade.

"You drugged it didn't you." he said coming to a conclusion knowing who this waitress real identity is from watching Danmachi as she was so obsessed over that loser. Syr hearing this flinched at little being caught off guard as she wasn't expecting him to saw that nervous that her identity might be exposed. Wade seeing her flinch confirms his suspicions and lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God." Wade says snatching the mug from her hands and gulping it down. Syr watches the man that exposed her antics however still continued to drink it watched with disbelief.

'Why is he drinking it if he knows I put something in it?' Syr thinks to herself in disbelief at the man actions in front of her confused her as she tries to deduce this mans personality. Wade finishes the beer in couple gulps.

"Ahhhhh that hits the spot now run back and get me a couple more pints or ill tell everyone you roofie me and ill never set foot in this tavern again." Wade says smiling feeling refreshed he blackmails this crafty thot in front of him like its just another average day in his life. Syr hearing this feels a bit relieved at his words and nods furiously at his words not wanting to give up her act.

"I'm sorry I just...saw you and I couldn't help myself I-." Syr says as tears begin to fall down her cheek but before she could finish her sob story Wade interrupts her.

"Shut up and go get me more beer." he says shooing her off like the annoying fly she is. Syr nods reluctantly and slowly walks back to the bar at first glance it looks like a girl who has lost everything in her life and accepting its sad reality with open arms not denying its existence any longer however in her mind a storm was brewing.

'You think this is over you think I you can just blow me off ME I WILL HAVE YOU AHAHAHAH I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT AND I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL YOUR UNDER MY FEET BEGGING TO LICK MY SHOES HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!' Syr thinks as she forces down her crazed expression. Wade on the other hand has a totally different thought processes going in his head.

'Ha sucker more beer for me and the cherry on top is that its free.' Wade says with a victory smile plastered on his face as he drinks the last drop of the drugged beer tasting the nectar of blackmail for the first time.

However he frowned once again thinking of his nagging problem that seems to keep coming back like family members after you win the lottery. 'Why is it so easy with Freya but like a fucking tug of war with Zoro.' he says as his mood is ruined crossing arms with a dissatisfied face. Syr returns to Wade with another pint of beer.

"Here you go and I wou-" however she was interrupted again by Wade again.

"For the love of me just shut up and bring me my drugged beer." Wade says shooing her away for the second time. Syr looking dejected turns around and walks back to the bar looking dejected.

'Tsk just you wait soon you'll be mine' she thinks not even bothering to hide the greedy look in her eyes as she walks back to the bar.

"Ya know this is going on your tab right?" Mia says polishing a glass looking sideways at Syr.

"I know" she hissed with dissatisfaction shown on her face however it turned back to a innocent expression in only a moment as she went to go serve other customers looking at Wade from time to time checking when to give him a refill. 'Maybe I should increase the dosage' she thinks to herself looking at Wade.

"Tsk she should increase the dosage I barley feel anything." he said dissatisfied as he's still sober only feeling a trace of the drugs before the feeling vanishes into thin air. Wade looks up at the ceiling drinking his drugged beer turning to the only one that he can at this point. "Mio I don't get it I help Zoro all the time and he just spits in my face whenever he gets the chance why doesn't he just listen to me." Wade says continuing to drink his drugged beer.

'No Wade your wrong your treating him like a anime character.' Mio says bluntly making her point clear.

"But he is a anime character?" Wade says questioning where Mio is going with this as he doesn't understand what she's going for.

'No he's not unlike me he's a living breathing human he feels, he talks, he walks, he cries, he laughs, he complains, he fights, he breaths, he questions, and most of all he's alive maybe at one point he was a anime character however his actions aren't expressed by a pencil anymore but by himself.' Mio says and Wade hearing this is shocked because the whole time he's known Zoro he's treated him as if he can read him like a open book. Wade sits in complete silence for the first time since he's entered the tavern as he finishes his beer and as Syr comes up to give him another one as he snatches it completely ignoring her existence thinking to himself.

"No wonder Zoro's so hostile I would act like that if I suddenly appeared next to a random guy that treats me like he knows all about me throwing out blatant accusations about me left and right." Wade says drinking the beer that's dosage of drugs has been increased. "Well its not all bad at least I have a genuine Blue Eyes White Dragon right Mio." he smiles summon it from his inventory holding up the playing card as he admires it.

'....' however Mio keeps silent and after a while he notices Mio hasn't responded to her and raises a eyebrow.

"Mio what wrong why aren't you responding?" Wade says a little suspicious.

'Nothing' Mio denies however Wade doesn't listen.

"Tell me." he says as his suspicion increases.

'Its not that big of deal don't worry about it.' Mio says as her nervousness can be heard in her voice and Wade picks up on this knowing something's wrong.

"Mio tell me right now!" Wade demands Mio hearing this has no choice however still gives a little resistance.

'Its a *whisper*' Mio says whispering the last part of the confession however Wade doesn't let it go.

"MIO!" Wade shouts at Mio in anger and as she hears this meets his shout with one of her own.

'ITS A KNOCK OFF!" Mio shouts at him finally breaking the bad news.

"WHAT!" Wade says standing up gathering attention from some other customers however shrugging it off as this weirdly dressed guy has been shouting random things the whole time and everyone's gotten used to his crazy behavior at this point.

"How can this be Mio your joking right?" Wade says still trying to grab on to a last ditch effort of hope.

'I'm sorry Wade it's a fake if it was real it would read Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the system instead of Blue Eyes White Dragon surly you didn't believe a Blue-Eyes White Dragon would be a Uncommon item?' Mio says not knowing that she's rubbing salt in his wounds.

"Then why is it a uncommon item instead of a Common item?" Wade says slumping back into his booth.

'Well it might be a fake but its a fake made to copy Blue-Eyes White Dragon.' she says as if its a matter of fact. Wade just chugs the rest of his beer and slams his head against the table as his life is now pointless Mio seeing this tries to cheer Wade up. 'Hey its not all bad you could still scam a kid with this card in the future.' she says trying her best to cheer Wade up.

"You think so?" Wade says sniffing a little raising his head.

'Of course knowing you you'll probably scam that kid real good.' Mio said with a assuring tone.


"Your right I can totally scam a kid with this card." Wade says as he becomes a little bit better knowing he'll rob a kid blindly without the kid even realizing it. Syr returns with another beer and Wade actually looks at her.

"Hey don't talk just listen get me something strong so strong it can could knock out a elephant and before you speak don't bother and just go get what I asked for." he says shooing her away as he makes a last ditch effort to get drunk as this drugged beer wasn't enough for him too feel anything. 'Man the Danmachi world has some weak shit.' he thinks to himself not caring to remember how much alcohol he has consumed in the last three hours as it is enough to knock seven lumber jacks on their ass. Syr still with a fake smile on her face nods and turns around and heads to the bar.

'Fine you want something strong I'll give you something strong.' she says making her way towards the bar and going to a hidden compartment and grabbing a bottle of wine with the name 'Nectar of the Gods' made by the Soma familia. Mia seeing this gets a little surprised that she would resort to this however she doesn't care as she will be compensated so she doesn't pay it too much thought. Syr brings the bottle to Wade and he snatches it not even looking at the name and starts drinking it and she smiles turning around waiting for him to finish to start her plan but when she gets to the bar Mia inquires.

"Was that really necessary?" Mia couldn't help but ask never seeing her former goddess resort to such measures.

"Do not question me and just run your tavern." Syr says not even bothering to continue with Mia. Seeing this Mia just nods her head feeling sorry for the poor sap. Syr turns around to see if he has finished the wine as her eyes grow wide as she suddenly bolts of of the taverns entrance looking around franticly. 'Where did he go WHERE DID HE GO DAMMIT!' she thinks as he's disappeared into the night as she's franticly searching for him not wanting to let her prey go.

Wade however is wondering down the street feeling a little sad as when he drank the bottle he still didn't even get drunk however this didn't make him feel sad what made him feel sad was when he heard the confirmation that he wasn't going to get drunk.

[Hidden mission completed 'Soberness']

Description: Maintain the state of not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while heavily consuming them.

Reward: 1 gacha ticket

'Fuck this' Wade said getting up when he heard this mission and leaving the bar. Wade was aimlessly roaming down the street wondering what Zoro's been up to.

3 hours earlier

Zoro POV

'Tsk I'll show him' Zoro thinks to himself as he going to prove Wade wrong just to see the look on his face. Zoro slings the bag over his shoulder and unsheathes his sword Wado Ichimonji from his waist holding it tightly in his hands as he smirks. 'Since I've come here I haven't even wielded my swords at all hope I'm not rusty.' Zoro thinks as he enters the dungeon.

Zoro walks in the dungeon and see's a huge hole in the center and stops however seeing other adventurers walk down the hole he doesn't hesitate anymore ascending down the stairs Zoro reaches the bottom as he sees sixteen different entrances. He looks at his map and then looks at the entrances and then back at the map contemplating for a little bit before choosing the second to the left entrance that doesn't seem occupied with adventures and walks into it.

Walking down the hallway suddenly three goblins start forming out of the walls as they fall to the ground opening their eyes with one goal that is implanted into their heads at birth to kill the intruders. They rush at Zoro with a bloodthirsty expression preparing to rip him to pieces.

Zoro on the other hand is really displeased about how weak these weird looking creatures are as he side steps one of the goblins that lunge at him swinging down his sword cutting it into two as blood gushes out as his body as it evaporates into black smoke. The other two goblins not even flinching as there comrade was just effortlessly slain mindlessly rush at Zoro both lunging at him at the same time, one coming from the left and the other from the right however right but before they could claim their prey he jumps as both goblins claws dig into each other, blood spurting out of there inflicted wounds. Looking down at this Zoro makes a horizontal slash as his sword cuts threw them effortlessly. Zoro lands as the goblins fade into black smoke with the only thing that remains to prove Zoro's victory is three crystals.

Zoro raises a eyebrow at this sudden development because being the idiot god Wade is he forgot to mention the fact that monsters drop crystals, and that you can sell them at the guild. Zoro looks at the pillow case and clicks his tongue. 'So I'm collecting these tiny rocks that's why Wade gave me this fucking pillow case.' Zoro thinks as a vein appears from his forehead as a certain tights wearing person pops into his mind handing him a pillowcase while continually insulting him in the process. Zoro picks up the three crystals and puts them into his bag while making a downward motion with his sword as the goblins leftover blood flies off his sword.

Zoro walks down the path he encounters more goblins from time to time however he effortlessly kills them not even breaking a sweat. Walking down the path he stops as five monsters are born from the wall. Two goblins and three kobolds emerged as one of them being a different color as the color of his fur is blue compared to the other grey kobolds.

"OOOOWWWOOOOOOO!" the blue kobold howls as the other monsters commence there attack as the blue kobold opens his eyes looking at Zoro with a vicious look. Zoro seeing this immediately throws the bag slung over his shoulder to the side drawing another sword while jumping back a little. "Two Sword Style." Zoro says calmly closing his eyes pointing his swords up like horns as the monsters draw near sprinting at him with accelerated speed lunging at Zoro. "Rhino Cycle!" Zoro shouts as his eyes shoot open spin-slashing around himself in a instant appearing in the middle of the four as if he's teleported. Thinking his guard was down the blue kobold attacks at his presumed blind spot slashing both his claws at him with a deathly speed but Zoro has known the blue kobolds position as ever since he's drank Wade's blood his senses have heightened.

At the time Zoro thought this was just him being paranoid as when he calmed himself down his heightened senses went back to normal but when he saw the paper he was shocked when he saw both observation and armament haki as he's only heard about this ability and has never once used it which made him raise a eyebrow but Wade not giving him any free time to really study the paper as he just glimpsed at the paper and reluctantly followed Wade. He noticed something though when he was looking with Wade for criminals as Wade just looked in random allies he tried to focus his senses trying to see if he could detect anyone and he spotted someone in the distance but what made it strange was he was very far away but Zoro could see stains on his shirt the wrinkles that covered his clothes and his disheveled appearance however it only lasted for a second and ever since yesterday he's been trying to tap into it trying to feel it and when he opened his eyes to use Rhino Cycle while spin-slashing the coming monsters he observed ever single one of their positions including the blue kobold that was waiting for the chance to strike when his guard was down.


The sound echoed as the kobolds claws clashed with Zoro's sword his back was facing the blue kobold as he didn't even look. The blue kobold not satisfied with the result of the clash pushed his claws adding more force, however Zoro swung his swords in a vertical motion causing the force to propel the kobolds arms with the direction of his swing, and as the kobolds arm's start to rise Zoro rotates his body bringing the swords down in a diagonal motion using his momentum to slash at the blue kobold as he connects as he slashes threw the kobold as the body turns into black smoke with a blue crystal shard lying on the ground in its stead as its size is a little bigger than others. Zoro sheathes his swords as he picks up the shards and continued on his way.

1 hour later

Zoro descended the dungeon with the usual routine of throwing the pillow case aside and drawing two swords as his third sword as been sheathed this whole time waiting for its chance to be used by its wielder. He just finished a few dungeon lizards with some kobolds mixed in as he raises his eyebrow. 'Why does it feel like I'm getting stronger.' Zoro says puzzled at this recent development he's experiencing as he's noticed that ever since he killed his first goblin he felt a little different, but at the time he thought it was his adrenaline pumping telling him he was battle ready, but the more he killed the monsters the more he felt this sensation, and the more suspicious he grew.

Unlike the average adventurer that needs to check with there respected god for any small changes in there power Zoro is different. He has been constantly training his body to its absolute limits working out every muscle he could increases his odds as he tries to pursue her dream. Zoro could be said to be one with his body at this point but not being a freak like some people that can control his muscles freely and every part of there body however he could feel still feel even the slightest of differences within himself though.

(Btw I really meant her and not him it wasn't a typo)

Zoro finished picking up the crystals as he would pursue the issue of his increased strength later as he looked at the pillowcase noticing the increased weight as he's accumulated a lot as he has slayed quite a few monsters. 'I think its time to head back I don't want to over exert myself the first day and look like a idiot in front of that idiot.' Zoro thinks as he smiles about to rub his exploits in Wade's face as he takes out the map and looks he at the fourth floor shown in the map. Zoro looks left and then right as they are the only two ways you can go as he sees on the left it looks as if the hallway gets wider and to the right its getting smaller and then looks back at the map. He sees on the map that the way back up seems a little wider than the place on the right as the place on the right seems to cut off and deduces that means the map goes down to the fifth floor, since his map only sees floors 1-4 he nods, and walks to the left with a smile on his face as he imagines his insults as he throws them all at Wade. What he doesn't realize is that the he's been reading the map upside down the entire time and he's been reading the pathway that appears from the second to the right not the one that appears second to the left.

Zoro walks down the hallway pocketing the map with a smile still plastered on his face already thinking of his victory as he doesn't even notice the sudden change of scenery as the walls change to a light green color.

Entering floor five the dungeon births a new monster which Zoro looks at calmly throwing his bag to the side as he draws his two swords. Seven overly grown ants appear out of the wall and look towards Zoro as they start charging in unison as if their connected. Zoro doesn't even blink as he thinks this is a monster that he just hasn't encountered yet and in a sense he's right as he meets the ants charge with one of his own. The ants make a V formation moving there legs in a fast motions as there formation is perfect coordinated as if they have practiced before. Zoro steps on the head of the first ant propelling himself in the air and seeing him in the air the ants make a circle as if to trap him. Zoro smirks as he twist his body and rotates his body so that his legs are facing upwards as his feet touch the ceiling he pushes off of it. "Two Sword Style." Zoro says as he flies towards the ants. "Hawk Wave!" he shouts creating a power gust of wind with his momentum as he lands on the ground sending the weak ants flying as they hit the wall. The ants try to get up however Zoro does not give them the chance cutting them down as they try to regroup. There corpses fade into black smoke as he swings his blades in a downward motion as monster blood flies off his sword as he sheathes them.

1 hour later

Zoro makes his way through the dungeon as the monsters respawn times get a little faster as Zoro's time to rest decreases more and more but thanks to his stamina he can continue unlike the average level 1 adventure that would of died a long time ago on their own. Zoro finishes killing a group of war shadow's as they spawned right in front of him. After killing these guys Zoro gets worried for the first time. 'Am I lost?' Zoro thinks as he hasn't seen a single goblin or kobold since choosing his current path. 'No I'm not I refuse to believe that bafoon was right.' Zoro thinks stubbornly as his pride wont allow him to turn back as he continues.

Zoro continues walking as the pathway becomes shorter however the height of the hallways become taller and actually looking at his surroundings looks at this and has a aching feeling, but it washes away when blue kobolds as well as red goblins spawn from the walls as they open there eyes looking at their prey.

Zoro draws two swords as the kobolds and goblins draw near as he slashes and parries there attack not noticing that these kobolds and goblins are stronger than there counterparts that he previously fought as cuts them down one by one. Picking up the stones and putting them in the pillow case he continues wiping the imaginary sweat thinking that he's almost out as he was worried for nothing. He walks down the hallway whistling a little tune as he slaughters goblins and kobolds left and right collecting there stones as his bag gets bigger and bigger almost full as he walking a faint mist can be seen starting to appear around him if you look closely enough and the farther Zoro walks the thicker it starts to get.

The mist grows thicker and thicker Zoro still slaughtering goblins and kobolds stops as he notices the thick mist surrounding him and lets out a sigh. 'I'm lost' he finally admits to himself in defeat as he never saw this before when he entered. 'I guess I can just find someone to give me directions or follow someone out of this fucking maze.' he thinks however he thinks of a tight wearing loud mouth and grits his teeth. 'I'll pay them off and distance myself from them so that idiot doesn't see me getting help so he can rub it in my face.' he nods to himself coming up with a plan to make it seem like Wade was in the wrong this entire time however the opposite being true.

The mist gets thicker and thicker as it goes from a hallway to a huge area as he continues walking looking for anyone that can give him some help carrying a sack full of crystals. Zoro meets three orcs and they begin charging at him as he draws his two swords. "Two Sword Style." Zoro says as unsheathes the two swords throwing the tied up pillow case to the ground holding the swords up vertically. The orcs charge at him as Zoro opens his eyes. "Rhino Cycle!" he shouts spin-slashing the orcs monsters as blood splashes off of them as there bodies turn into black smoke as crystals and a pair of hide is left in there wake. Zoro sees this and shrugs at the crystals as he cant carry anymore and continues his search for other adventurers.

5 minutes later

Five adventurers can be seen with a greedy looks on there face all experienced level 1's on the cusp of level 2. "Wow this novice actually left behind Orc Hide and the crystals ta boot!" a dog eared adventurer says with a greedy laugh.

"I bet if we follow him we could find even more treasure!" a skinny man says with a overly sized noses with excitement in his voice.

"How lucky are we that on the day of the deadline we can run into such a fool!" a dwarf says grabbing one of the orcs crystals.

"Maybe if we play our cards right we could even ambush him did you see how full his sack was look at all of that potential valis." a chubby man says rubbing his hands together.

"Calm down for now lets watch him he seems very skilled we should wait until he's totally exhausted and make our move." a muscular man with a bloodthirsty smile on his face says as he looks to be the leader of the group as they slowly follow them being careful not to get caught distancing themselves out of Zoro's range of perception as if they've done this before.

Zoro looking around for adventurers suddenly stops as the ground starts rumbling as he looks up at the ceiling a huge white monkey slowly comes out from the ceiling holding itself in a ball as he pops out ceiling falling down to the ground at a high speed. "Well that's not good." Zoro says as he watches the white monkey fall faster and faster.

"Shit its a silverback everyone retreat!" the muscular man yells a little anxiously as they consider themselves strong however as level 1's they know there limits and they know how powerful a silverback is as they retreat as the muscular man looks back and see's the man still not moving. 'Must be scared shitless right now what a dumbass.' the muscular man thinks as he retreats to a safe distance however the man couldn't be farther from the truth.


A loud sounds reverberates as dust and dirt are thrown up from the sudden collusion of this foreign object. The dust starts to clear as the Silverback stands up. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAR." it roars letting all know its strength as it looks down a sees a man smiling at it which causes its blood to boil seeing someone not acknowledge its strength as it starts to charge towards the man the ground rumbles from each step it takes.

Zoro seeing this throws the bag to the side not wanting to worrying about its whereabouts as he takes the bandana around his arm and ties it around his head, putting Wado Ichimonji in his mouth, and finally draws his two swords from his waist holding three swords as the Silverback charges closer and closer. Zoro seeing this his blood boils in excitement as a strong opponent has appeared to test his resolve as he shouts with his battle spirt fully shown.


[Authors note: Thanks for reading so far its makes me happy seeing people enjoy my work. To be honest I only do this for fun and when I see people comment how much they like it genuinely makes me smile. So if you want to make my day give me your honest opinion, do you like it so far, does it feel rushed, what do you enjoy about it, and don't worry I wont delete any comments or reviews because at the end of the day I do this for fun and a way to relieve stress and I also believe that criticism is important and that everyone is entitled to there own opinion and I will respect that but for the people who really enjoy my writing tell me about it because it really gives me the motivation to continue.]