
The plan of a lifetime

Their was no windows and small candles around the room to be our only light.

He pulled a seat out for me while I carefully sat down looking at a glass orb seeing its beautiful colour and memorising gaze that I cant let go of.

"What is this?" I questioned.

"Its the all seeing orb. My family passed this down for generations and generations not knowing how it landed on our door step the only thing we knew is that it could tell the past and future" He put his hand over it moving his fingers around.

"Then why are you showing me this..?".

"Because your different. I tried to see your mana but you didn't have any your pulse is different and their was some kind of black magic following you that's why we needed to move to a different room because I felt like something was trying to harm you".

I was shocked to death. Something was trying to harm me? That's when something inside of me clicked. Does this have something to do about switching bodies or about nearly killing the other Visha?

I put my hand to my head trying to feel something that was different about me.

In the book black magic was like the plague. It could kill you and even corrupt your body into madness.

Yet I am still alive and well nothing felt different.

"If its alright with you your majesty may I see your future?" He insisted.

I agreed to what he said and he took my hand putting it on the glass orb. He closed his eyes humming in a familiar chune that I might have heard of before.

For a couple of seconds his face had so many expressions that I didn't know of.

I wondered to myself if their something that could help me get back home but his face was to hard to even read.

He quickly let go of my hand panting for breath.

"I cant believe it..." He mumbled shaking all over his body.

"It really is you! Your our saviour!" He smiled quickly running over to a locked chest with chains surrounding it.

He took each key out of his pocket unlocking every chain that must of had been locked for years because of its rust.

"Aaron is something wrong..?".

"Everything is going amazing! Don't worry their is nothing to be worried about!" He opened the chest pulling the old rags away from it.

It revealed a sword. It was silver and bright as the sun itself. Jewels were inlayed on its handle and their carved the words. 'The light will always shine on you". It was glorious looking and no other sword could come close to this one.

I felt a connection between it like it was made for me.

He handed it over to me but I took my hands away from it.

"I cant accept this! It looks so beautiful this must be very important to you!" I raised my voice a little trying to persuade him but nothing made him change his mind.

"Please take this! It would be a big sin if you don't so please take it!" He shoved the sword in my hand as I felt powerful touching it.

I didn't have a choice but accept it.

"What's so special about this?" I was in awe but it seemed like a regular sword to me.

"Well the black magic wont drain your body and it will help you on your journey well that's what the orb told me" He chuckled.

He put his finger on a button behind the swords handle and it transformed into a dagger small and petite.

"This will help you carry it around places. Oh and also here is a belt you can put it around your leg underneath your dress to put the dagger in their" He handed me over the long belt and I quickly put it on fixing the dagger in its place.

Everything was complete. The dagger felt weird on my leg but I guess I have to get use to it.

"The ball is coming to a near you better get going your majesty" He kisses my hand once more for respect leading me out to the door.

I thanked him and walked to the carriage making my way back to the castle.

It was already sunset and the the dawn of light had begun. The ball was only a couple of hours away and the sword was still on my mind.

I was happy that Aaron gave it to me but now that the black magic cant harm me the plan I really am doing is going to start.

As the carriage was speeding on the highway I found the same figure of the man from when we were going to meet her lover was at.

He was still at the same spot but he wasn't training at all this time. He was staring right at me.

I told the driver to slow down and the figure was more deadlier.

But this time I could see him and he was gorgeous.

His hair blonde as gold as treasure and eyes blue as the ocean.

It lured me in and I couldn't stop staring meeting from eye to eye.

I would've expected him to ignore me but he smiled and waved gently as the wind brushed against his pale skin.

I wanted to reach out to him but the driver seen my expression and proceeded to move the carriage without my command.

That is when I lost site of him wondering if I will ever see him again.

"Why did we start moving?" I inquired wanting to see the young man for once.

"Your majesty he is very dangerous. He may have good looks but he has lured many woman in his trap. So I advise you to stay away from him" He was looking at the road ahead trying to go faster.

He seemed scared and didn't want to talk about it but I wanted to know more about him not for his good looks but the death in his eyes.

The thirst for blood already drained my body and I needed more. Maybe I can ask father about it after the ball ends.

We continued going back home and the seconds were already passing by quicker than life itself.

I hated it here and my old life was better than this one. It would be everyone's dream to enter their favourite book but not me.

I hated the main character no matter what. My blood would boil just to see her in every chapter.

They would always be the hero only to get powerful after one week and they become everyone's favourite.

But as a villain they tried their best for so many years and end up having their dreams crushed by a nobody who comes out of no where.

Some times I feel like their is a reason I was bought here. It could be because of the main character or a socially awkward girl like me didn't have a chance at all to live a good life but ill prove everyone wrong!

This is my life now so I will live the life I never had the chance to have!

As the carriage was pulling up to the front of my house the sun was already going down quicker than I thought of it to be.

Aanya rushed towards me panting for breath. Her skin was pale and lips dry as a desert.

She tried to tell me something but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Aanya what happened!?" I rushed out of the carriage trying to hold her up. She was already breaking apart at the scene.

"My lady you must be careful!" She tried her best to say everything in one go but only a few words of whispers came out.

"Be careful of what!" I yelled louder than I have ever done before.

"Blonde hair. Try to. Note. Pillow. Poison!" These were the only things she said to me before collapsing on the ground.

The servants came to the scene taking her to the infirmary.

Seeing her like this was shocking to me and another maid came to my side whispering something in my ear.

"He is a man of power your majesty I would remind you to forget what she said and move on" Her voice was squeaky and she tried warn me about him but I cant forget what he did.

I ordered one of the maids to follow me back into my room to get changed for the ball.

As I walked back into my room my heels clicked on the floor furiously while the candles above us dance in a fiery tone.

My anger was already reaching the sky and my maid was already in a poor condition.

"No one underestimates the Kortana family..." My face felt ugly in that moment.

I knew who did this and the way he thought he could charm me never worked one bit. The only thing I wanted was the blood of my enemy's and lovers.

Never love.

I stormed into my room bursting open the door with fury. "Get me my THE dress now.." I instructed her looking out of the window to the forest.

"My lady isn't that dress a little to much. I can get you something more comfortable!" She stood their holding her arms together trying not to faint.

I calmed myself down turning around to stare at the maid in a fake smile making her feel more relieved.

"Well of course we wouldn't like it if our guest over here would see me looking like a commoner" I stared right at the cupboard while the maid agreed and walked into the closet shutting the sliding doors.

I waited for a response but acting dumb would never work on me.

"I would advise you to show yourself to me before I execute you on the spot" As I said those words the cupboard opened steadily revealing the man.

"Well my lady your quick to find out" The stranger I seen at the forest was their right in front of me like he was the master mind.

"So you were the one who hurt my maid didn't you? And I can guess you have something to do about the person following me is that correct prince Lucian".

"My my your majesty! You sure are sharp-witted aren't you and I thought you were a princess who killed of her people for fun" He clapped his hands walking closer and closer to me.

I could feel his arms hugging me from close behind. His skin was cold and pale. His smell was like burnt wood and flowers.

The distance was the only thing I stared at not even thinking about looking at his eyes ever again.

I guess I am a fool for staring into them like a lost girl.

"I never want to see you again near this palace or my servants".

"Why the sad face your majesty the clock is ticking until the fun really does begin" His voice was attractive but nothing will change about me.

I have already been broken to many times and I know their tricks.

Warming up to them, complimenting about their looks and even buying them expensive stuff it works like a charm.

Just in one click you can become their lab rat yet he feels different from them.

Like he is trying to do something else, something not even I know about.

"Please get out" I pointed at the door moving away from his grasp.

He just stood their emotionless waiting for me to say something else to make him stay more. But I don't want him here not when other servants are around.

"If I see you near me ever again don't expect me to go easy on you like this time".

"Very well my lady. But think about it for a while having me as a friend can help you with a special problem" He winked at me with a teasing face walking out of the door hearing his voice hum a joyful chune.

I sighed in relief thanking that he was already gone from my site. The maid came back in with my dress and she changed me into it as my hair flung into my face because of the wind.

I wanted to forget him but he was still on my mind as usual. Men like him are hard to get away from especially when they are a stalker.

My dress felt tight around my waist and the the colour was magnificent than I read it to be.

It was dark red like a sea of blood and reached the floor surrounding my room. The black silky jacket was longer than my dress and made me look more important than I was supposed to be yet it was stunning and could capture anyone in the room with just my looks.

It felt nice on my body and I never wanted to take it of even if I was forced to.

I sat in front of my mirror as my maid brushed my hair silently with each brush my hair became softer and less curlier.

I was scared to even think about the ball. Their were so many things I still haven't figured out yet.

One of them was how to get to the Maiden Aelia. She is one of the most wise and important people in the world and just looking at her makes everyone feel safe.

I never met her in person but the other Visha did meet her when she wanted to ask the Maiden about war and crafting as a child so their relationship was stable back then.

I don't know about their relationship now but I must be on my guard and try not to act to friendly just in case they had a fight or something years ago.

Aaron was a weird person to me. He was friendly and kind and he also says things that make no sense.

About the sword and me changing worlds. I wondered if he knew something that I don't but I should ask him when the ball begins since he wont be that occupied like everyone else would be.

When the maid finished brushing my hair she took half of my hair back and put a Gold phoenix clip on it.

I never seen it before in my jewellery box and neither has my maid either.

"I never seen this clip before do you know were it came from?" I asked in a polite voice touching the clip on my hair as the maid stepped back a little.

"Your father wanted me to give it to you if you don't like it your majesty I can give it back to him" As she was about to take it of I moved my head a little wanting to keep it in my grasp.

"No, no its fine. I like it anyway so their is no need to take it of it would be rude to not accept a gift from my own father".

"Oh...oh right" She had a regretful face from trying to take it from me but she was just a maid and she would be scared of me like everyone else.

Ever since I came to this world many of the maids tried to avoid me and some servants would just greet me and leave before I could have a conversation with them.

It gets lonely from time to time but my special maid Aanya was always their for me.

From my death bed to adventuring outside our walls.

She is somewhere close to my heart and whenever I see her I would always be happy and have a warm feeling inside.

I guess that is what you call a best friend.

As the maid fixed my clip she put a small amount of makeup on my face and powder to fix my red strawberry cheeks.

When the makeup was done I walked towards the golden mirror to see my reflection. A new me.

I felt beautiful for once. My cheeks were slightly red and my lips a cherry sweet colour. Eyes big and bold and my dress elegant than any other dress I seen in my whole life.

Is this what I could of had been if I never listened to father? I could of had so many friends back in university and maybe live the normal life of a girl that I always wanted.

I hoped that my purpose for reincarnating in this world was to live a life I never had before.

I want to change. I want to be this type of girl who is proud of who she is not a villain but a hero by heart.

"You look beautiful my lady. I am proud to serve you" The maid stood behind me showing a small smile of happiness.

"Young maid can you tell me what life you want me to live as" I asked her a question she might not even know about but at that minute she opened her mouth proudly.

"I want you to live a life that you can be yourself my lady. All of us workers want the best for you but every since you shut yourself out we have been worried for you and ever since your illness ended you changed and everyone is so happy for you. Your father was proud to see you and you even remind him of his late wife" The maid looked down still smiling.

Tears nearly fell from my eyes but I held them in because of my makeup might getting ruined.

I held the maids hand softly. She was surprised to see me doing that but the truth she told me changed so much in that moment.

"My lady!".

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just glad your still here with me".

I should be the one crying yet the maid is doing it for me.

She soon stopped crying and walked with me downstairs to the family carriage.

I was ready than ever and the plan is already in shape. All I have to do is play my part and everything will go well.

As the doors opened I could see my family waiting for me and even chatting to each other about law and politics.

I was a little nervous but I had to overcome it.

My sister Mareena was sitting inside the carriage with mother while she was writing things down in her notepad.

I always wonder what she writes in their something amazing or little cartoons of herself.

"Mother looks its Visha!" She points outside the window and everyone stares at me which makes things more worse.

I try to smile but only a awkward one was shown.

"Ah daughter you are finally here. We better get going the wizards are already here" He steps inside the carriage not saying anything else to me.

Maybe he is always like this?

I step inside the carriage with my sister and mother.

Father is going on a different carriage than us probably to sit next to my older brother.

I haven't seen him in ages but he is always away for work reasons to support our family and one day I will as well if I am stuck in this body.

The wizards were wearing black cloaks that covered their whole body. They each used a staff to open up a portal which was harder than any kind of wizard could do.

It could take over fifty wizards just to open one portal but father had five professional wizards so he wouldn't have to waste time finding a lot of them as the age of wizards were decreasing each year.

We don't know why but some even had their magic disappear one day.

"I didn't see you the whole day darling what happened to you?" Mother held one of my hands in hers smiling gently.

But I quickly took my hand away not looking at her and trying to avoid her.

Mareena knew I didn't like her and it made things more uncomfortable for us.

"Why would you want to know.." I say in a disgusted voice looking at her up and down.

"Wow is that a horse! Look their sis its amazing isn't it!" The carriage wasn't even moving yet and I turned to see what the fuss was about.

"Are you dumb? That's a cow" I smirked looking back at the window.

Mareena turned bright red trying to lean out of the carriage.

"Well um maybe it might be a cow-horse you know?" I knew she was trying to stop me and mum from fighting again and I guess it worked.

She was my little guardian angel and without her I wouldn't be able to live in this world or even be able to change it.

The carriage soon moved and Mareena was excited about this part.

We would enter the portal and this one was different you could see a galaxy of moonlight stars and fish made out of your imagination.

As the carriage entered the portal we could see a whole galaxy.

Mareena wanted to see a phoenix and luckily one appeared in front of the window dancing around us.

She was mesmerised by what she say and quickly wrote down in her notepad all about it and even drew a small picture.

Shen was quite the artist herself.

"Hey Mareena do you see that?" I leaned close to her ear whispering something.

"I don't see anything?".

That is when a young boy jumped from out of no where surprising my sister.

His eyes were gold and hair blue as the sky. Mareena touched his face with her hand looking deep into his eyes.

"He is beautiful isn't he back in my world he was my friend and his dream was to look just like that".

"Amazing what happened to him?" She wanted to know so bad but the ending of him was to sad to even say.

He was the only person I had and yet I feel so distant to even look at his own face.

"He sadly past away years ago when we were only kids and now seeing him like this already puts a smile to my face".

Mareena was already feeling a little relived that the question didn't harm me but we were only kids so I don't mind talking about him.

"You girls better sit tight we are about to arrive at the imperial palace" Mother said.

Mareena huffed looking annoyed sitting arms crossed as she wanted to still see all the wonders the portal had for us.

As we escaped through the portal we were at the front castle of the emperor and empress.

It was humongous and golden white was the theme of it.

It looked better than any estate I had seen before but maybe that's because I was use to living in an apartment.

As the carriage stopped we all got of and father was seen again but this time with my older brother.

"Its good to see you again little flower!" He teased me.

When he looked at me and at my dress he was stunned almost falling to the ground.

"What is that! You must be trying to steal attention tonight because that dress is totally stunning no man would dare take their eyes of you!" He covered his mouth with his hand like he just seen an angel.

"Well thank you I have a been trying my best a little this time" I say in a weary voice.

"Trying!?! You went full on out today don't you agree father?" Dad turned to look at me and after so many times of seeing me he actually notices.

"Well don't you want to try taking it down a little you may catch the attention of to many people" His words cut me deeper than a knife.

I was startled to hear him say that but was he right maybe I was going overboard with my look.

I ignored his words and agreed apologising to him.

"Sister you better not let father get to you he is just worried the empress may be a little jealous of you".

I did feel better now my older brother was by my side but lying to him made me want to throw up.

I haven't told a single person about my old life except my little sister who was still growing up and weighing her down with all my problems could ruin her life.

I wished it was my brother who found out but he is always away so it would be better if no one even knew.

We all walked towards the grand ballroom to see lights and music filling the whole room.

People chatting away and old men getting drunk as usual.

As my parents went to congratulate the emperor and empress for their amazing deeds I was keeping an eye out for Valerie and Kailani.

Billions of people were here and it would be hard to spot them out.

Well it would've been if everyone didn't stare at me.

Brother was right about me being the centre of attention but I spotted someone who kept staring right at me.

It was the emperors son and he was already hard to please yet when I seen him sitting on the perfectly fitted throne I kind of felt happy.

Prince Azazel was one of the people I didn't want to stare at but seeing his brother made my heart flutter a little.

Not for love but for something not even I know of.

I met him weeks ago when I was helping the chef take the crates of food in but they were really heavy and as the clumsy person I am the crates fell out of my hands and I was already panting for breath.

I had to carry it for so long that not even my back could pick it up any longer. As I was about to give up someone helped me pick the foods back in and stupid me thought it was a servant.

So while we picked up the food from the ground we had a conversation with each other about our life and how we both didn't like it.

He was frightened of the road ahead and was put on so many expectations he sometimes feels like a wooden plank about to break.

While I told him about wanting to be myself. But their were always well manners and being tidy and always eating a lady-like way.

I never wanted that but thinking back now I already adapted to this world as Visha Kortana.

But when I was about to take the food back in I finally seen his face and it had to be the crown prince.

I took my eyes away from him pretending I never seen a thing.

I walked down the isle to see Valerie waving to me which made things a lot better.

"Valerie your here and you look stunning in that dress!" I say mesmerised looking up and down.

She wore a Mermaid Silhouette Dress covered in a deep ocean blue colour and pearl ears matching her dress.

She was shy looking but I loved the theme she was going for. It reminded me of the Christmas production I did as a kid and I ended up getting the role as one of the mermaids and I loved the costume my father made so much I couldn't sleep all night.

"Thank you lady Visha but I couldn't come close to looking magnificent like yourself" Her eyes shinned brightly as the chandelier shinned down at us.

I laughed gently holding my hands together.

I never went to a ball before so it was already a fun experience for myself. Meeting new people and knowing what the life of royalty was really about.

"Oh right Valerie have you seen the others yet?" I asked putting a finger on my lips.

"Actually I did see Kailani but for some reason she went somewhere and I couldn't catch up to her" We both sighed knowing things were already not going as planed.

If Kailani doesn't come back we may have to do double the job which meant it would be ten times riskier.

"Its okay Valerie ill go talk her so try keeping your eye out of Aaron he is supposed to be here by now" I look around the crowd and servants were everywhere.

Wearing the same clothes and expressions like a walking robot.

I tried to avoid bumping into anyone but it was so squeezed in here it was like herd of animals.

One of the servants came up to me offering a drink. I took one of the tray taking a small sip of it feeling the fizziness in my mouth.

I wondered how to get to the balcony but luckily my sister Mareena took my hand leading the way.

"You better be careful sister. People will look at you for every mistake so you better stay on alert" She smiled as we passed many duchesses, nobles, kings and queens.

I could barely breath in here but it was all for a good cause helping me and Lady Visha.

As I watched every person I could see they were having a great time. Especially the young duchesses flirting around with the boys.

My stomach churned just thinking about it but something caught the corner of my eye.

It was Eleena standing their with a lady I had never seen or heard before.