
Chapter Twenty-Three

(Narrator pov)

You see life is something unique.

It teaches us how to live, how to love, and accept loss in many ways.

From being born there are so many paths for us to take, for some it's being rich and famous and other teachers and farmers.

People say we should always forgive and never hold grudges. But are we really able to forgive?

Is our heart ready to forgive for the pain it's being caused?

Are our eyes ready to forgive for the countless nights and tears lost?

Sometimes forgiveness is a foreign word to a person who has been hurt so many times, they just give up with trying to reason with the pain to go away so easily.

Yes forgiving someone out of good is showing how rich and golden your heart it.

But when you have been through by someone you actually never expected it to come from, what do you expect?

Elizabeth Stryder a girl whom revenge was taken out on. A girl who lost everything and was lied to by her only support beams.

A girl who lost her parents because of her own mate. A girl who was raped and shamed in front of many.

She lost her confidence in believing what she is capable of. Yes she's a werewolf, she's supposed to be strong since she is an Alphas daughter. But when she lost everything close to her, she found no reason to fight.

Escaping to New York City and beginning a new life, well as you can see is rather tough.

She just wanted to let loose for one night and never meant to get into her bosses pants. Once she realized what had happened she lost it immediately because after being raped countless time she was not ready to have intercourse with anyone.

She was slowly gaining her strength only for it to be used in her traumatic state.

She never knew her life would take a turn onto the right path only for the worst to happen.


There she was, beautifully sleeping on the bed. Not so calm but still unknown to her surroundings.

Her pale skin being sun kissed as the sunlight shining through the blinds.

Everything was quite as if in the middle of no where. The only thing could be heard was her whimpering in her sleep.

Her long dark hair was nearing the birdnest type of hair. She twisted and turned as she had another nightmare which were flashbacks of being tormented by her so-called-friends.

She held onto the pillow for dear life, her tears could not be mistaken for sweat.

It's been about 4 hours since she blacked out and in her nightmare state. Each time she tried to fight to be awoken, her energy would just be drained by another nightmare.

It was not frequent these nightmares would appear, only if it were triggered by a similar event.

Meanwhile Lucas was just sitting at the desk and chair that was in his room. He had it assembled there, so he would not have to go to his office late at night to work.

After making breakfast he brought it up to her assuming she would wake up in a few minutes, but she never woke up. He tried his best to wake her up but since he noticed she was asleep he never really bothered much on calling his doctor he just gave her space to sleep.

From the corner of his eyes he noticed her squirming around. He sighed not knowing how to help. He knew she only panicked because of what happened but what confused him more was why.

Why did she panic?

Was it because of what happened between them?

Why was she so scared of him all of a sudden?

Was it something to do with why she moved to New York?

He had no answers to answer his questions but was determined that soon he will get them.

He just continued to read some paperwork until she would awaken from her deep slumber.


(Elizabeth POV)

"Help." I screamed trying to take over my mind.

Everything was replaying over again of what happened not stopping. It was as if it is trying to drain my strength.

I do not want to relive these events but I could not stop it. I am seeing though my eyes or rather myself in my dream being beaten. I can't move nor can I say what I want, it is like I am in my body but everything was like how it was being controlled!

I clear my mind and try to reach out to my wolf once more and then all of a sudden everything goes black and I'm being pulled. Everything happens so fast like a flash back of every moment all at once, all in order from the time my parents died to the exact moment to where I ran away.

In this vortex like state. I calm myself down and breath.

I picture myself waking up, I open my eyes and try really hard to move my body as if it was stuck. Please please...

(Lucas POV)

"AHH" a gasp pulled me out of my daze. I look at Elizabeth she is sitting up in the bed looking shakened up and eyes wide open.

I quickly throw my papers that's in my hand to the side and move off the chair to go to her side.

I go to her side and sit down. She looks at my every movement while doing so.

"Hey you awake. Are you okay? You've been out for a while now." I hand her a bottle water which she takes with shaking hand's.

"Finally you are awake. I've been so worried about you." I say while she sips the water. She chokes on it and starts coughing. I quickly go behind her and tap her back, so she could get the water out of the wrong pipe.

Once she's breathing properly again she begins so slide away as if trying to get away from me.

"Oh" I realize and I give her space. Since when did I become a softy? I ask myself.

"You can use my bathroom. I will get started on lunch so long." I say as I begin to get off the bed.

As I am almost near the door I hear her say something but it's quiet. I turn back and look at her to repeat what she said.

"What was that?"

"UMM can you take me home please. I would really like to go now." She said in a soft broken voice.

It hit me that she does not want to be with me and I'm forcing this on her. I put my mask on to recover from what she said.

"Of course, you can freshen up and meet me downstairs."

With that said I turn around and head out the door making sure to bang it behind me to show I'm frustrated.

(Elizabeth POV)

His eyes turned to stone in just matter of seconds when I asked to be taken home.

Did I really hurt his feelings?

Before I remove the silk blanket I look under and find myself naked.

Oh, moongoddes

I wrap the blanket tightly around my body covering my breasts and my women region down there.

I step onto the heated floor and walk towards the two doors that situated across the room.

But before I reached the doors I noticed my dress, bra and underwear laying onto of the couch.

I quickly walk to them and grip them in my right-hand holding them closely to me.

I then walk towards the doors and open the left door first wondering if it is the bathroom and in fact it is.

I stand in front of his and hers counter and look in the mirror.

Horrified is what I look like right now. My hair looks like a jumble sale and my make up from the previous night is smudged.

Not really caring through because all I want right now is to go back to the apartment and be alone right now. After reliving those nightmares I really don't want to interact with people.

I open a drawer to find soap which I used to wash and scrub away the make up and a brush which I used to untangle my hair and straighten it out.

Once I'm done I remove the blanket and put my underwear on and drop the dress over my head finally having cloths on I exit the bathroom. I find my heels on the floor and hold onto them.

I can feel my heart beat starting to rise as I begin to walk toward the door clearly realizing that I have to face him.

I really cannot believe myself. I stood so low when I got drunk. I've been humiliated so many times but this is something that is shameful for me, to actually sleep with my boss.

I open the white door and walk into the corridor. Not really sure where to go I find glass walls and stairs to my right. I continue waking down the stairs until it comes to an end. Everything is so lively except for his room.

I notice him standing outside through the glass walls. I let out a breath and open the door.

He does not even look up at me but just notified by my presence he begins walking to a Lamborghini that looks freshly painted.

Before I even reach the passenger side he opens the door signaling for me to hurry up. I quickly walk on the pavement bare foot to the car. Once I got in he closed the door and got in the driver's seat.

(Third person POV)

They both sat in absolute silent until he turned on the ignition. You could feel the thick tension in the air as he began to drive to her apartment which was further into the city.

Not a word was said except the one coming from the GPS. Elizabeth was rather confused when she saw him enter her coordinates to her apartment but left it unsaid. How did he know where she live? She asked herself.

They both focused their sight on the road.

Lucas was hurt that's for sure but did not mention it knowing that was probably another night of sex with his employee.

When he pulled up to her apartment he parked. He turned to look at her, but she could feel another attack coming ashore, so she said thank you and opened the car door and rushed towards the apartment complex doors.

Lucas felt disappointment and rejected. He griped onto the steering wheel and pulled out to go on the road and go back home.

Elizabeth rushed up the stairs to her apartment feeling tears threatening to release themselves. She held onto her heels and actually ran pass an utterly confused old lady watching Elizabeth run past her. She thought that Elizabeth was mad especially for a teenager dressed like how she was at that part of the afternoon.

Once she reached her apartment she quickly unlocked it with a spare key she kept under a plastic plant. She opened the door and shut the door only to collapse onto the floor once more and cry her whole heart out.

All the emotions of what she felt got to her. She regretted being shameful because that was not who she was. She betrayed herself. She wanted to start a new life only to make this huge mistake that might cost her job.

She got up from the floor after a while and dragged her dead body to her room. She collapsed onto her bed griping the pillow in between her arms and started to cry into them.

She never moved, just laid on the bed thinking how pathetic her life was and if she really wanted to carry on...