
Chapter Twenty-Nine

After the whole dramatic scene, Lucas had decided to take lizzy back to the hotel leaving Cole behind to handel everything.

Lucas may have been a manwhore once but never did he force himself onto another. It made him so angry to see how vulnerable a female feels after almost being raped.

People like Zacory needs to burn in the flames of hell screaming for mercy and never be forgiven for his misdeeds.

Lucas felt the need of protecting lizzy and keeping her safe. It was as if someone took over his body wanting to make sure she is not harmed anymore.

Once arriving back at the hotel, lizzy was exhausted after the event down memory lane took place.

Lucas knew her body was about to give up so he carried her bridal style to her room. She was not in the mood to put up a fight so she let him carry her.

Lucas placed her on her bed, removing her shoes he tucked her under the blanket. She sunked herself into the bed feeling that's her only safe place for now. With that she fell sound asleep.

Lucas watched her fall asleep. Such a beautiful angel, why would someone want to hurt her for their own selfish reasons. He returned back to his own room left with his thought of what if he was too late?

After a while Cole arrived back at the hotel informing him on what happend.

"Zacory is now in jail and Mr Slyvain would like to have another meeting with you regarding the way forward." Cole said to Lucas in his room.

Lucas did not know what he should do from this point. He wanted to kill Zacory plus he did not want to end this deal because so much money would be lost.

Cole left Lucas room to go to his own because the both had decided to have a shower and get rid of the blood on them that belonged to Zacory.


After a couple of hours lizzy had woken up with strange sounds in her room. She noticed Lucas and Cole were seated at the table and busy going over some documents.

Realising that she was awake Lucas and Cole attacked her with questions of how she was feeling and if she needed anything.

Lizzy simply said she was OKAY so they would leave her alone. She also said that she wanted to take a shower and asked if they could leave.

While leaving Cole said" get ready for dinner cause I'm making plans for us three to go out and take as long as you want in the shower, Relax also. We'll see you later."

Lucas looked at lizzy before he left, he had to hold himself back of wanting to stay and hold her to make sure she was alright.

Lizzy dragged herself to the bathroom turning the shower on for it to get hot. She removed her cloths looking in the mirror tracing the marking on her body. She could feel a lump in her throat.

When she got into the shower she burst out in tears. The water washing away her tears making it look as if non were pouring out of her now red eyes. All you could hear were her cries of desperation to stop hurting.

All these events brought back memories of how she was treated. She would never wish even for her worst enemy to go through what had happened to her.

Manytimes she just wanted to give up on life but she just could not do it. She did not want to be a coward by committing suicide just to get rid of her pain. She wanted more from life than just being hurt and feeling pain...

Lizzy sat on the cold shower floor for sometime, letting the hot water that's hitting her numb her body from the pain.


"So how are you really feeling?" There was something in his eyes that she could not see.

"Feeling much better now, thank you."

"Why you thanking me?"

"Thank you for saving me, I have no idea what condition I would have been in if you did not arrive on time."

Tears began to prick her eyes. Lucas caught the emotions in lizzy's voice so he grabbed her hand holding it across the table of only both of them.

"Hey listen to me, don't think about what could have happened because I would never let that ever happen to you. I care about you okay and I never want to see you hurt so please don't cry."

Back to before dinner...

You know sometimes I wish I was a boy because of all these stuff us girls have to do to look pretty and dress up just to impress.

Everyday I've been doing the same thing just dressing us and applying make-up. I just want to be make-up free and laying around in my PJ's. That's all I ask for,Lizzy wondered.

Lizzy is getting ready for dinner with

Lucas and Cole when she hears a knock on her door. She quickly does touch up and smooths her red dress out.

She opens the door only to find Lucas there but no Cole?

She smiles up at Lucas "you're ready?" He askes.

"Yeah" was her only reply. She closed the door behind her and walked along with Lucas.

"Cole said he won't be joining us for dinner due to a really important thing he needed to take care of but we should still go he said."

Lizzy knew nothing was important, so did Lucas. But they still went for dinner together as if nothings wrong.

They walked in silence towards a car that was parked in front of them.

Lucas opened the passenger seat for lizzy and went to the driver's seat.

Lucas turned the music on just to get rid of the awkward silence that had taken place in the car.

The drive was no longer that fifteen minutes. Lizzy saw the amazing view as the car stopped in front of a brightly lit restaurant.

Before Lucas could go to open lizzy's door, she was already out fascinated with the lights and how it beautiful it looked. Lucas could not be angry because of the administration she had for the building now.

He outstretched his arm for her to take which she sees. Lucas thought that the building is nothing compared to how beautiful she was tonight in that red silk dress.

"You look breath taking tonight." He complemented her. Lizzy was caught off guard and suddenly blushed making her cheeks pink in colour which emplified her beauty even more.

Once they were seated a waiter attended to them giving them their menus. Lucas gave the waiter a look since he kept looking at lizzy. She noticed that his jaw was set and tightened.

They looked through the menus and ordered not to long after.

While waiting for their dinner to arrive Lucas decided to start a conversation at least this once to break the silence between them.

"I understand you hate me and stuff but can we please just forget about that night for now and focus on whats in front of us?"

Lizzy was lost for words because of his sudden outbursts of wanting to talk.

"Fine" was all she could say.

So how are you really feeling?" There was something in his eyes that she could not see.

"Feeling much better now, thank you."

She felt as if she had to sacrifice her life for him after he saved her.

"Why you thanking me?"

"Thank you for saving me, I have no idea what condition I would have been in if you did not arrive on time."

Tears began to prick her eyes. Lucas caught the emotions in lizzy's voice so he grabbed her hand holding it across the table of only both of them.

"Hey listen to me, don't think about what could have happened because I would never let that ever happen to you. I care about you okay and I never want to see you hurt so please don't cry."

She nodded while staring him in the eyes. His gray eyes were perfect with the candle light dinner. The way his jawline was so defined and the way his manliness seemed to draw her to him. Could she really say mad at him for so long? After all it was also her fault of what happend.

They were pulled out of their thoughts as the food arrived pulling their hands away from each other, they both just smiled.

From there onwards conversation was easy during dinner. They tried their best you could say, especially with lizzy blushing furiously throughout the night because of the comments Lucas passed to her.

Once dinner was over they both left and headed towards the car. Lizzy letting Lucas be a gentleman allowed him to open the door which pleased him alot.

He drove back onto the smooth road leaving the gravel road behind. While driving both lizzy and Lucas had a funny feeling in the pit of their stomach which they ignored.

Lizzy's wolf Skyler tried pushing herself forward to warn her but lizzy kept blocking her out.

Everything was going so well planned out that she might actually had to thank Cole. It seemed as if they did not want that moment to end because it felt just right and Lucas held lizzy's hand, thinking nothing could go wrong.

Well except for the part when another car crashed into theirs.