
Chapter Twenty-Five

Lizzy was just dreading these last moments until she had to come face to face with Lucas and share a plane with him again.

She woke up kinda late and only had an hour to get ready which she blame her alarm for. And for the first time in history the alarm did not wake her up in a shock, she got shocked looking at the time and what a day for that to happen she thought.

Since she had packed everything the night before, she did not have to stress about nothing but just to get ready.

Lizzy decided to use a knee length white dress which matched her white sandals and with just minimum make- up. Her hair castrated down her back in longs lusses curls.

Before she could head towards the kitchen to eat the buzzer rang and the chauffeur announced his presence to take her to the airport.

To be honest the chauffeure who's name shes come to know is Anton seems more pleasant than you know Lucas she thought. Lizzy wondered how anyone could work for Lucas but look at her own life now.

The SUV is nearing the platform and her hands were shaking and sweating with anticipation. She rubs them down onto her dress and shake her hand to get rid of the nerves. Anton smiles at lizzy through the mirror which she just smile back sweetly after all he is an elderly man.

The car comes to an halting stop and Anton gets out and open the door for lizzy. She mumble a quick thank you and takes her black purse hanging iy onto her shoulders.

"I'll have the bags sent on the plane, you can just go in. Mr Kingston should be here any moment." Anton tells lizzy.

"Oki, thank you. Bye" she waved him of and began walking towards the private plane.

Lizzy walked up the flight of stairs,  (haha flight get it. Anyways... )she is greated by the airhostes who shows her to her seat and may Lord help lizzy control her mouth to not say anything cause the women's breasts were practically hanging out.

Ugh this is really going to be a long arse flight she thought but then never get the chance to ask him where the meeting is she recalled.

There was pit in her stomach and before it gets all whalely up in there she should eat something.

Signaling over to the airhostes and the hostes walks over like she's on the runway (' ha ha again with the jokes but it's funny to me sooo'...)

"Yes mam how can I help You?"

"Do you have anything to eat because I was in a rush and never get a chance?"

"Yes there is a bar where drinks and food are served, would you please follow me!"

Lizzy nodded towards her and followed her towards the bar in the back. Range of fruit salads, savoury baked goods and things to nibble on where set around the bar.

She picked a tropical fruit salad with baked good's. Lizzy then made her way to a table in the back and begin eating and was left to her thoughts with smooth jazz music playing.

While lizzy was eatting she did not realize a presence behind her.

"I see you found yourself the bar even before the plane took off." If startteled she was while eatting eating you could guess she began chocking on the strawberry, like come on she was eatting.

She drinks her coffee which she ordered and drank it slowly to clear her throat. Tears were in her eyes, she took deep breaths and faced Lucas with a fake smile plastered onto her face. He was taken aback by her reaction after the way she was towards him the previous night. It confused him.

"Good morning sir, I actually never get a chance to eat since I woke up late and I'm rather hungry so I thought let me eat something by the time you arrive. Would you like to join me?"

What ever emotions was going on right now, Lucas practically hid it with a straight face.

"No, the plane is about to take off so we need to be seated now!" Lucas says through his teeth.

'wow what's gotten into him all of a sudden.' Lizzy began to wonder.

"Okay" she grabs the bottle of water and walk towards her seat.

"Hey girl!" She turned her head  to the right and saw a familiar face.

" wha- Cole? hiii." She shrieked when she saw Cole, at least she won't be in hell this whole trip.

She got up from her seat and went onto her tippy toes and hug him,  she could feel her back burning with the stares that Lucas was throwing her way.

"How are you haven't seen you for long."

"I'm good and you look great today."


Before they both could even continue their conversation Lucas cleared his throat, rudely!

"Sit down in your seat." Lizzy looked how cold his eyes were. She rolls her eyes which made Cole chuckle.

Lizzy walked back to her window seat while Cole and Lucas sats opposite each other on the right side of the plane which she on the left.

They buckled up and lizzy just smiled at Cole like a mad thing while the plane began to take off.

Once they were in the air lizzy unbuckeled herself. Lucas also does the same so does Cole.

Lucas got up from his seat and walked towards lizzy. Cole could feel the sudden tension coming from Lucas once he went over. Lucas sits across from lizzy with some files in his hands.

Cole was sitting in his seat watching it unfold itself in front of him.

Why does lucas keep treating her like a pile of shit he thought. He knew that lizzy is different and can already see something change in lucas since Sunday when he met up with Lucas.

Because his a partner and a really close friend of Lucas. Lucastends to take Cole on these business trips offten. Even though he would rather be with his extremely beautifully God blessed wife she's the person who makes his go with Lucas because she knows how he can be with his ignorant ways.

What surprised cole was that lucas brought lizzy along. All these years Cole was taking notes but now she is here. It might not seem funny to anyone but it did to cole in a weird way. Cole knew Lucas was hiding something but nothing threatening that's for sure because if the devil is back then they all were doomed.

It felt good to see lizzy again even though he felt that possessive glare coming from Lucas he just won't admit it, looks like he would have to go detective now ugh, Cole thought to himself.

Since the time Cole and lizzy met at the office and when they

talked he could feel a strange aura coming from her. She is strong and she needs to know that.

"These are the files about the meeting, go over them and the deal. Familiarise yourself with it." Lizzy just nods like a headless chicken. Her young age showing by the way she acts.

This deal they made not so long ago was really important and like alot of money was invested and we cannot screw this up so lizzy has to pay attention to everything.

Lizzy grabs the water bottle and open it getting ready to drink but a question pops into her curious head.

"Mr Kingston where exactly is this meeting?" He turns to face her before he could leave and sits back down, lizzy began to drink some water.

"In Seattle"

She immediately spits out the water not realising it went on lucas suit.

Everything just collapsed right that second. No no no... Lizzy kept repeating in her head.

Cole quickly unbuckeled his seat belt and went to Lucas asking what's wrong.

"What did you say to her?"  cole asked Lucas while staring at a statue lizzy who is in shock.

"Nothing she asked where we are going and I said Seattle. Sort her out and see what's her problem I have to go change." Lucas says a bit angry that's his suit was messed and heads to change his suit.

Cole goes in front of lizzy and I try to shake her. She seems out of it. Lizzy could feel tears starting to prick her eyes from the sudden news she was given.

Cole placed his hands on her shoulder but he could feel her begin to shake. He knew lizzy was about to have a panic attack because Emily get those also.

"Hey sweet lizzy everything is going to be okay. Focus on my voice and don't think of anything. Remember you are strong and nothing can break you. I'm here for you. We will protect you so you don't need to worry about nothi-"

Cole tried to carm her down.

That's when she began to cry, Cole did not know what else to do since she was not beginning to carm down.

Lucas comes back and notices lizzy crying. Cole suddenly gets an idea of what should help.


"Come over here and sit now!" Cole demanded Lucas who was thrown back.

"Why whats wro-" Cole not letting him finish his sentence said.

"Just get over here now and sit in that seat!" He points to the one across from her seat.

Once lucas sits down cole picked lizzy up, he could feel her shake in fear. This was starting to scare them both.

Lucas looks at Cole wondering why is he carrying lizzy but then he places  lizzy gently on his lap with her head by his neck. She was not notified about what's happening now so she had not control to remove herself from his imbrace.

"Craddel here and make her focus on you voice. She's having a panic attack. Keep her carm and make her breath cause she can go into something worse." Cole said looking at Lucas.

Lucas had this panic look in his eyes which made cole guess if lucas does have feeling for her after all he never had that look in his eyes for something so fragile.

Cole wraps his arms around her holding onto her tight. He craddels her and whispers words into her ear to carm her racing heart down. She needs to focus.

Emily is the same. When ever she gets her attacks cole made sure to take her in his arms and be gentle with her to carm her down. It's really scary to watch someone you care about to break down and Cole knew how hopeless Lucas felt right now.

Lucas lean his head onto the side of hers which was on his neck. He tried to carm her down by calling out to her.

"Follow my voice angel, follow it."

" Take deep breaths and focus on it."

"Please don't hurt me please." She forces herself to say through her breaking voice while crying.

" Shhhh carm down angel I'm here. I got you. I will protect you always."

She grabs onto his newly changed suit jacket with both her hands pulling him closer.

" Angel deep breaths you can do it, in..through your nose and..out..through your mouth..in....out. That's it love breath."

He could feel her still trembelling in his arms. He was now worried, practically scared for her.

" Shhhh don't cry I got you, I will always protect you."

He kept talking and holding her. After some time her breathing became calm and she looked down to check if she was okay.

Her eyes were closed and mouth slightly open signaling that she was asleep.

Not knowing how she would react to seeing herself in his arms. Lucas wakes up from the seat and  lays her down on the couch.

On the night they both did it Lucas saw the marks on her body but he never brought up questions  knowing she would get angry. But now he had to find out what's happend when they reach Seattle and soon.

'No one hurts my Angel and gets a ways with it. I will always protect her no matter what.' Was his thoughts while watching a now carm lizzy sleep.