
Chapter Thirty-Two

Originally if someone had woken up in a room was chained they would scream for help or want to be released, I mean wouldn't you?!

Lucas just remained silent. Lizzy saw how his face contoured from confused to shock to realisation.

She waited for him to say something, anything right about now.

Had he seen her yet? But he woke up from her calls.

She could not hold back anymore, she called out to him.

"Luc-" she could not complete her word when a sob just came out with a cry.

Lucas suddenly whipped his head 90° to his right. The fact that he had forgotten about her had slapped him in the face.

Not saying anything he studied her. Watching as she broke down.

She was only in her matching navy blue lace lingerie. She had marks all over her body. Her hair was messed at all sides. Her skin looked oily but it was sweat because of her tanned body. Blood and dirt littered her skin as if being dragged through the desert under the hot blazing sun.

His heart rate picked up, wanting to do something to help her. He felt hopeless. He knew he did not have the strength to get out of this chains. He needed a plan and he needed one fast.

He looked around the room which he noticed was brightly lit but the room they were in was depressingly awful cause you could only wish to get out of there even though you know you cannot.

The room was cement and gray. There was no window for fresh air. A stench was in the air that made them gag. The walls were brown of red stains.

"Angel." He said in a whisper hoping to catch her attention.

Lizzy stoped her sobbing and lifted her head to meet his gaze. She choked a sob down, her eyes red and puffy. Her eyelids were feeling heavy with crying so much.

"Lucus, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I never meant to drag you into this."

He became confused. He knew that the person whom have taken them hostage and was in fact his fault so how was it hers?

He creased his eyebrows showing that he is confused.

"My angel listen to me. This is not your fault. I don't know why you think it is but please angel dont blame yourself."

"No you don't understand. It is my fault. I brought you into my mess and now you are going to get hurt because of me."

Lucas wanted to reply so desperately but he was uncomfortable and the chains were putting strain on his body.

After all how long can his arms take his whole body weight.

He winced with the pain. He tried to touch the cement floor with his toes for relief but was unlucky.

Sweat beads started to form. He needed water just like lizzy. They both looked at the table infront of them, full with what looks to be dreadful. They knew what was to come only picturing two different people.

Lizzy was awfully quite. Watching how she cause a human who had done nothing wrong to her to deserve this much toucher.

Suddenly being pulled out of their thoughts. The door opened and in came the man who planned it all. He had this evil smirk again once he spotted that the human has finally awoken.

Lucas grew worried because that was not who he thought had taken them. In fact he did not know that person.

Who is He?

Was the only three words playing in his mind. Wanting to find answers.

"Ahhh someone's awake. Afraid you was going to miss out on the fun did we?" He said in a disgusting playful child's voice. He looked pathetic but cared less.

Lucas found his voice and spoken.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Have you not told him yet. Tsk Tsk. Oh such a shame. Well let me introduce myself. I am Alpha Max vain. And welcome to your new home. Hope you enjoy your stay."

"We dont know you. Let us free NOW!"

"Well you see I cannot do that just yet." He gave a disappointing look which had turned into anger.

"And I hold the power here you miserable human. You just a waste of my space. If I wanted to I can kill you easily-" from his anger demeanor he changed to this unknown emotion that sent fear straight to her heart.

"-but i think it would be unfair for poor lizzy wouldn't it. So you are my assurance of her co-operation. Plus an extra kill is a bonus."

Lucas just stared at the man as if he was joking.

"I don't know what you're playing at nor who you are. You need to let us go now. You don't know who i am and what I'm capable of. So this is my last warning. Let. Us. Go!"

Alpha Max turned his head to the side. Giving a sadistic low chuckle.

"Oh I know who you are. The famous Kingston's right. Well I'll do a rain check on letting you'll go."

Alpha Max's took his phone out of his pocket, pretending to send a message but was really just scrolling through his feed.

"Thank you and make sure you tell your boss that he will be in trouble when we get out."

Alpha max took that as a challenge and put his phone back in his washed out blue jeans back pocket.

"Ohhh is that so, well you see I don't think I'll let you'll go. And I'm the boss and Alpha and no one defines me. No one is above me not even the so called moon goddess."

Lucas stared at this man who calls himself an Aplha of some sort and who the hell is the moon goddess?

"Are you on meth or something? Cause you are crazy."

Suddenly Alpha Max got an idea. What he was good at?

inflicting pain!

"Well shall we see how crazy I can get?"

Lizzy dangeled from the celling just watching the rant coming from Lucas and Alpha Max.

But when she caught on to what Alpha Max was about to do, she started going crazy.

"No no, please no. Don't hurt us please. I'll stay just let him go. Please."

"Tsk Tsk now where is the fun in that."

He walked towards the table next to the door. He brushed his fingers and eyes over all the torcher devices that can be used to inflict brutal pain. The most brutal was the two bottles of salt water.

There were two of each. Just like two that he could torcher at the same time.

His eyes spotted the two stunt guns. A vision of what he could do with them ran through his mind.

Lizzy and Lucas watched him carefully. When they saw what he picked up and held in both his hands once he turned around their faces went pale. You could see the life had already left their faces.

He switched it on showing them both. The electric waves were bright blue and white. The noise of crackling. was sickening that send vibrations through your body.

He walked back towards them standing in the middle of them both. They started to pull on the chains together.

Alpha Max wanted them to stop so he stretched his hands out and attacked both their abdomens with the stunt guns.

It stunned them both sending shock waves through out their whole bodies. It stopped them both from pulling on the chains to get away but now it was to stop the pain.

Screams were starting to come up from lizzy's throat while Lucas grunted.

Alpha Max stopped and pulled his hand away. With a smirk on the left side of his face, that reached his eyes

"Well let's get started shall we?!"