
Chapter Six

(Elizabeth's pov)

No...no...no... I woke up gasping and chocking on air while shocked. Everything just came back to me. I Dreamt about IT again.

I've been having the same dream for years now. It never does change to me jumping over rainbows and eating candy corn.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and playing a song 'Can't get enough' by 'Kyle Deutsch'.

'We can't get enough of this suction.

We keep getting lost in the moment.

I get a rush when we lovin.....'

I shut it off cause that song will just make me more depressed right now, I rub my hands over my face to take the sleepiness away. There are sweat beads on my forehead now. If I collected all the sweat I wake up with from the nightmares over these years, I would have a cup by now.

Being vulnerable and alone makes it more scary. The softness of the sheets being the only comfort I have makes me feel more lonely. My head is banging like someone hit me with a hammer and pulling my hair at the same time and also the tiredness under my eyes that I bet you could see from a mile away.

I drink the last remaining sips of water from the water bottle I had left on the table besides me last night. My throat feels itchy and dry and with the smoothness of the water going down my throat it makes it feel like heaven.

Since the bottle is now empty, I put I down and lay back onto my soft warm welcoming new bed that is my new lover right now.

I wonder if I can fall back asleep even after such a nightmare. So I just close my eyes and try and I mean try to clear my mind of all sorts of stuff.

... Grrrrr.....

Can't I just get some peaceful sleep? I was just about to fall back to sleep but then the whale in my stomach decided to make some noise. Now I have to get rid of it.

I can feel a pit in my stomach of emptiness. I never eat since lunch yesterday that Mr Sean had offered to take me. It was a bit fancy and I really felt out off place there because I was wearing a worn out jean and T-shirt with my converse while all other the females I saw had a dress on. I had offered to pay, but then he said "I said let's have lunch and I won't be a gentleman if I don't pay" so he paid for my spaghetti and his pasta.

I really enjoyed the meal yesterday after all it was the best meal and full meal I had eaten in a while now. I would mostly eat scraps of the table since I was...I'm not going to think of that now...

Sorry maybe another time you can know about my tragic story.

Now let me wake up from my comfy bed that I am in now, and get away from its warmth and softness. I'm just making it harder for me to get out of bed right now.

"I want to sleep! But I'm also hungry. Which to choose?" I said talking to myself, Looking up to the cream white ceiling with its creative patterns.

The entire apartment is themed black white and has the modern touch to it. It is a bit small but it's perfect for me. I heard that the former owners "THE WILLIAMS" of this apartment did change everything because the walls were bricks and not painted. They liked the modern feeling even though they were an old couple. Unfortunately they had passed away in an accident and everything was just left in the apartment but luckily for me. I know it's bad but I'm happy I got this place to stay.

I sit up against the headboard which is kind of hard and soft at the same time. Like I said this house is themed black and white so all the furniture is black and gray especially the bed which is black. Black pillows, covers, blanket and black headboard.

There are drawers and cupboards for my cloths and a dresser for me. And an award for you cause as you guessed, yes it's black. You might as well think that I'm Gothic.

The light that's coming from the side of the window Clearly telling me that its morning and time to get up. The annoying chirps of those fly by Bird makes me want to pull my ears out. I'm sure you can agree with me that when we have just woken up from a sleep and our bed that we don't want to wake up from, we are already annoyed from this, and then we must listen to the chirps of those birds. Those birds are not like the ones from snow-white with their perfect melodies.

More like fudging screeching birds communicating like cats and dogs.

I move to the side of the bed, standing up and when suddenly my feet is met with the ice-cold tiles which sends shocks through my whole body. I scramble fast to put my shoes on. And rush fast to the door almost tripping over my own two feet. I open it and walk into the hallway. Just across my room is the bathroom.

Yesterday afternoon just when I was settling down in the apartment I thought about what I was going to use and I have no products at.

So I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to Walmart's which luckily for me was a few blocks away. On my way I spotted a park which I promised myself I would take a stroll there when I had a chance to since it was getting late.

Once I reached Walmart's I grabbed a trolley and went down the product section first where I bought the things I need to use to freshen up. Then I went to the cloths section, it was not that fancy and was simple but neat and that was the type of cloths I could afford right now. Lastly I went to the instant meals section where I bought a lot of noodles and few other meals which were like $3 each also I bought some fruits.

I stood in that line for like 5 minutes and my feet was killing me. Who knew the shop would be busy this time of the day.

There was this dude who kept looking at me like he wanted to eat me. He was well built, too well-built in fact which mad his head look small for his body and had short hair with tattoos. I just kept looking straight and hoping to get to the front fast. I paid for my things which came to $258. Since there was a lot of packets to carry at the way to the apartment, I decided to take taxi. So I rushed out fast because I knew that dude will be finished paying for his stuff soon.

I managed to call a taxi and just when I was loading the things in, the man came out and was heading straight towards me. I quickly went inside fast with the last packet. "Drive" I almost screamed at the man which he noticed my panic and started to drive. That's when I looked back and saw the man headed to the car next to where the taxi was parked....ohhhhh I see....I would like to slap myself for that....

I told the driver my address and when I reached the apartment I unloaded my stuff and went back inside. I put everything where It should be. I did not feel like eating and was exhausted so I just collapsed upon the bed and I was knocked out in seconds.

And that's that happened until this present moment. I looked in a mirror in the bathroom and started laughing at how stupid and paranoid I was yesterday and all for nothing. Even though that dude gave me the creeps I should not have let my imagination get the best of me.

I brush my teeth while the shower was running so that the water would get hot after that I then hoped into the shower when the water turned warm. I took my lavender scented bath wash with me inside.

I stood under the water for long, washing my body and hair and remained under the water for an hour until it turned cold.

Once I finished change into something presentable which consisted of black jeans and a white T-shirt and then put on a little make up to hide the tiredness under my eyes.

"Maybe I should go check out who my neighbors are." I thought out loud. You know if I needed to borrow some sugar or milk I could just ask.

I walked out of my room to go in to the lounge but the clock on the wall caught my attention and ....

Holy fudge cakes!!!!....
