
Chapter Seventeen

(Elizabeth's POV)

'Seriously the only thing you could come up with was okay'

I throw my hands up scolding myself for the sense of words that I used.

Mr Kingston or rather Mr Jerk from the plane just left me in the office after giving me orders of what to do today. I was strucked that I had to start today but what was more surprising is that I got a car, alright a company car but it's still something right.

I mean now I don't have to spend money everyday on getting to work but only petrol.

Even though he is Mr Jerk, it was still good that he gave me my own office and working materials.

I stare at the piles of paper on the desk and just looking at it makes me tired. I tilt my head back and let out a breathless groan. How am I going to finish all of this today?

I reach into the mind link between my wolf and I.

"Skyler you can speak again!"

"Oh thank you it felt like I was going to burst open." I roll my eyes at her dumb comment but I missed her.

"I wanted to knock him out. I can't believe the stuff I watched him do on the plane and kind of being rude now. I mean what kind of boss will he be? He will give me gray hair fast. I understand I need this job, but he does not need to put it out there that I would do anything, the last thing I would be is a hooker."

"He is your boss now, so good luck. I'll be napping. All the best with the first day."she say giggling and I can feel her going to the back of my mind.

"Ohhh no you don't leav-" and there we go, she cut the mind link and left me alone. Who I'm going to talk to now, I'll be so bored doing all this work.

I look at the clock on the wall which says 10:45. I guess the interview did not take much time. But soon it will be break that I can look forward to.

I walk slowly towards the back of the desk where resides my chair. The office looks brand new, as if something out of a magazine 'except for all the work I have to do now that's scattered, I face palmed myself in my thoughts'.

I sit down and look around at the glass walls and finally my eyes return to the clock and the onto then stacks of paperwork.

"Oh goddess please help me."


Almost there.....almost there..... come on!!!!

I stare at the clock and continuously tapping the pen on the desk with my right hand and with my left hand occupied underneath my chin to rest my face. I just finished almost half of the work that Mr Jerk had given me. I am starving right now and each time I start a new file and page, my stomach decides to start making noises to remind me that I needed food.

Just 5 minutes more. 5 minutes of waiting to get out of this office. I've been here for hours and I never even go toilet, scared that he will catch me.

I've been working for hours now and I just need this break NOW!!!

I groan and drop my head down onto the desk full of files that I'm ready to throw away. I just love the first day for work, note the sarcasm and the fake smile.

I got worried at first that Mr Jerk would call me anytime to maybe fetch him coffee or pick up his pen off the floor, but he never did call me once, and I am so thankful for that because I think I would have blown out on him.

2 more minutes finally!!!

I begin to wake up from the chair can I say awww in a hurtful way...my body hurts. I stretch and let out a small moan filled with cracks of bones.

This reminds me of school when you have to sit through hours during an exams and you cannot leave the classroom, the chair is so uncomfortable and sometimes the table is unsteady. It's such a relief when you actually finished the paper and the bell rings to leave. Am I right?

I grab my purse and walk out the office door not before locking it. Because there are important documents in there, and so I don't want to be responsible for them going missing or anything happening to them.

During these few hours I actually learned a lot about this main branch and those it's connected to.

It's actually amazing what this industry does even though the boss is a jerk, maybe he cares about his company because of the records I went over that showed the profits and partnerships he made.

I turn back and see Mr Kingston door is still closed. Maybe his there or maybe not. I think I should let him know I'm going on a break.

I know I just called him by his surname and not jerk is because he does not seem that bad now. I should give him a chance. Maybe his that mysterious bad boy you get in high school that breaks all the rules but still pass.

I walk towards his door and I'm just about to knock when he open the door himself and boy does he look angry.

Mr Kingston just stares at me with an angry look. I gulp with all my bones shivering scared. He is holding the door open as if gesturing for me to enter.

'Wait how did he know I was about to come to his office?'

'Uh maybe because he heard you'

I try to convince myself because it is strange as if he expected me to come.

I look inside as if there are any traps waiting to go off if I step in. I walk inside and go towards the center of the office not knowing where to go, whether the couch or desk.

I could feel his eyes burn into my whole demeanor. He begins to near me and the way he walks makes it look like his not going to stop anytime soon.

'His getting too close. Escape now!!!'

I walk away, further backwards towards the desk to which he follows my steps. I carry on walking back until my back hits the desk to which I look back and quickly look front to see him already standing in front of me.

He looks like a hunter which make me his prey. He still has this angry look but I really don't know why his eyes are expressing a different emotion, sadness.

'Hug him now!' Skyler my wolf suddenly say out of nowhere. Wait what hug him?

'Do it now please. He needs us.' She sounds almost desperate to do so. I really do trust sky but I'm not sure about this.

'Now before we get hurt."

That made realization hit me. He is angry and he could do anything to me. He can hurt me just like others did. So I did what Sky said and I hugged him.

Since he was just standing in front of me and not leaning in, it gave me a clear move to hug him. So I stood on my tippy toes and reached for him.

My hands went around his neck and I almost pressed myself against him. I could feel him stiffen and his heavy breathing cooling down. He started to let loose into the hug and accept it by hugging back.

His arms went around my waist pulling me closer and my head was resting on his shoulder which gave him access to my neck.

He leaned his head onto my neck and began to inhale my scent as if it was calming him down.

All this reminds me of what my own mate is supposed to do to me. All this love and closeness I never really received. A hug from the mate that rejected me was like once in a blood moon.

Even though this hug is inappropriate, I feel so safe in his arms as if nothing can harm me anymore. I feel completely at ease also as if I could sleep in his arms but lighting struck and I remembered who he is. My boss!

I quickly try struggling to get out of his arms by moving around uncomfortably.

He must have realized because he also let go and stepped back away from me. I let out a breath I did not even know I was holding.

I look at my shoes that all off a sudden looks so interesting. I can feel my cheeks burn up because he is looking at me like studying my reaction.

But all of a sudden the most embarrassing thing happened. I wish I could jump into a black hole or something just eat me up, so I won't have to face what's going to happen next. Can you guess what it was???


It was my fucking stomach. It just had to make sounds now. Why? Why? I'm freaking out right now. I want to scream.

I look at him and smile showing my adorable purly whites and holding my tummy.

His lips pull up in a smirk and a small chuckle comes from him.

"I'm starving sir. May I leave for break?" His face looked as if he was comprehending what I just said.

"You may leave. Go straight down to Jane, and she will show you the lunch room."

With that said I ran for the door in blitz seconds and laughter as background music. I could feel my checks get hot. I went straight for the elevator and down to Jane just like he said.

"Hi Jane." I say once I've reached the reception desk and call on Jane to get her attention. After the whole situation with Mr Kingston, I could really use some food right now.

"Hey Elizabeth right, so how's the first day?"

"I would love to answer that over lunch please. Join me for lunch?"

"Okay just give me a couple of seconds and I'll be there." I nod and smile at her showing my appreciation.


"Thanks for joining me for lunch Jane."

"Its nothing plus I was getting hungry myself."

Jane and I are currently sitting in the cafeteria. I'm had a chicken and mayo sandwich and Jane is having a salad.

"So how's the first day?" Jane asks me again. Okay let's see, I have so many files to work on, oh and I also hugged the boss in a not so professional way and embarrassed myself.

"It's okay so far. Really got at it on the first day. Mr Kingston does not like to waste time. But I'm amazed at how much I learned about this industry in just a few hours."

"Yeah we are always at work non-stop so good luck."

"How long have you worked here?"

"About 6 years now. It's great to work here. The Kingston's are great bosses."

"Wow that's a long time."

"Yeah and I've met my husband during that time, so I'm happy to be here."

I smile once she says husband.

"Your married? To whom? Have I met Him?" I say fast, well that's me inquisitive Lizzy. I could just slap myself right now.

"Slow down Lizzy, his name is Eliot and no you have not met him yet cause his gone on a business trip to London."

"Ohhhh so any kids?"

"Non yet, we have only been married for 3 years, so we are trying."

Shit how do I reply to that huh...

"Don't worry it will happen soon." Putting some hope to make it feel right. But she is really a nice person so there is no doubt that soon she will have a baby.

"We should hang out sometimes."

"That would be fun, but can a 28-year-old keep up with a 19-year-old?" Raising an eyebrow.

"Wait and see what I have planned then. This 28 year old can move her body. Check Friday night busy on your calendar because us girls are about to hit the city."

"Hahaha can't wait." I laugh.

We carried on talking until we finished eating and waited for our break to end at 2pm.

I said bye to Jane and went back up to the office and Mr Kingston was not there which was surprising, so I went to my office to continue the work.

When I neared my desk I saw a note.


Miss Stryder

Have all these files ready by 5pm. I will be back by then to check the reports.

Mr Kingston


Why that little devil. How am I going to finish this in so little time.

I quickly go and sit in my chair and grab a file and start working on a file fast.

I inhale deeply and exhale trying to focus on anything but that hug.