
Chapter Fifteen

"Mam can I help you?" Said a big built looking man with an eyebrow raised. He has the earpiece cord by his ears. I'm sure his part of security here but why so serious.

I clear my throat and say "yeah, I have an interview today but I don't know where to go!"

"Name Mam?" He says while looking at his iPad.

"Elizabeth Stryder. I have an interview with Mr Kingston."

He nods his head and signal to enter through the glass doors to which he opened with a slide of a card in a machine. Ain't they high tech.

"Thank you"

■Just this morning ■

Just like yesterday I woke up to a beautiful morning but this time to an alarm. It's currently 7:00am and I have 3 hours to get ready before the interview.

Yesterday after the walk at the park I had called Dave to ask his if he could take me to my interview, and he said he will pick me up at about 9:15 cause it's in the middle of town.

I get out from bed and do my normal routine in the bathroom. After feeling fully refreshed I get out and change into a woman business suit. It's fully black but it's professional to my eyes.

I straightened my hair and put it up in a ponytail with little locks hanging at the side. My make up is minimum just how I like it.

I ate some left over pizza from last night which I reheated in the microwave. Skyler is feeling anxious about today. I can feel her pacing up and down. She knows today will be a new start for us and a bigger step.

Dave called and said he is waiting to which I run down the stairs and get into the car.

I did not take any documents cause Mr Kingston already has them Mr Sean said.

The drive lasted about 30 minutes because the traffic. "We are here Lizzy" Dave said. I told him he has to call me Lizzy from now on since we are friends.

He pulled up to a parking lot full of cars. He drops me off at the entrance. I said thanks and paid Dave then I began to get out.

Will strong out of the car my head went up looking at the tall sky scraper with a huge sign saying 'KINGSTON INDUSTRIES'.

I just looked at the building full of glass but you cannot see through, and I am already intimidated by the look of it.

I have this strange feeling that if I go inside everything will change. I just shrug it off cause it might be me being anxious.

■Current moment■

As I step pass the glass doors my mind is beginning to wonder of how things will go. Will I get it? Or not?

"Well we just have to find out do we?"

"Yeah but please don't distract me okay. Stay quiet for now." Because I cannot concentrate on two things at a time.

"Okay no problemo." I roll my eyes at her comment trying to be funny.

I look around and everything looks top-notch. The furniture is all mostly white actually everything is white compared to my Gothic room.

I spot the reception area and I walk over to the main desk. Behind is a beautiful lady that looks maybe in her early 30s behind the desk. She sees me and smile. I wonder if she's faking it, I think to myself.

"Good morning mam. My name is Jane how may I help you today?"

"Hi" I gave her a simple wave like gesture.

"My name is Elizabeth Stryder and I'm here for a 10am interview with Mr Kingston." I check my watch and it says 09:53am, just on time. Imagining wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Yes, Mr Kingston told me to direct you straight to him. He has been waiting for you." She eyes me up and down then looks me in the eyes and says "I wonder why, but anyways be careful Mr Kingston is not a person to piss of." She leans over the desk and whispered me. I nod frantically. How scary can this man be?

"Alright then, please head to your left and straight down is the elevator, press the button for 9th floor okay dear and good luck."

"Thank you" I said with a smile and go to where she told me to. I see a couple of men looking at me with a smirk and ladies just giving me the eye.

I step into the elevator with a few people and when I press the 9th floor, they all sucked in a breath and looked at each other as if they know something that I did not.

Once we reach the 9th level I got off and walk toward's the door right at the end that say Mr Kingston. While walking pass I saw another door but that's probably another person's office.

I stand in front of the door and let out a shaky breath. Before I could even knock I heard a voice.

"Come in" he said in such a dark, grumble and deadly way but still in a muscular and can send you over the edge. I shake my head and open the door.

I peep in and just when I open the door I see familiar gray eyes baring into my soul to whom I've come to hate.

I look at him and I'm sure shocked is written all over my face. I'm standing still as if I am a statue, I cannot move nor can I speak.

'WHY????? 'I begin to cry inside while screaming and thrashing at him.

I hear someone clear their throat and I quickly clear my head by shaking it and look again at him.

I still stare at him with wide eyes that is beginning to be filled with rage.

"Miss Stryder I presume, please come in and have a seat." I look at him as if he is dumb or something but just nod and walk towards the desk that has two chairs.

Ohhhhh the way I want to slap him right now.

I sit down right across from him, and he is still just staring at me like he is deep in thought. I continue to fiddle with my fingers looking anywhere but him.