
Deadly Girl's Lascivious Nature

When Irene, a pure senior high school student of the third grade, was about to turn 18. There were inexplicable wounds on her body, which violated the law of "not bleeding in public". Just as the noble young man of Blood Clan, Hosen, trapped Irene and couldn't help revealing his vampire fangs, the young man's uncle, the leader of Blood Clan, the handsome, calm and mysterious Howard, saved Irene. And he also sensed the smell of her blood. It was the extremely dangerous and crazy succubus blood. Decades ago, the extinction of the succubus had something to do with the fight for power of the Blood Clan. With a sense of guilt, Howard didn't refuse Irene's approach and helped her to complete the succubus's coming-of-age ceremony. After the first night, the wounds on the body of the little succubus were completely healed, and part of Howard's power was absorbed by her... Since then, Irene, who was ignorant of the world, had awakened her instinct as a succubus... In order to satisfy Irene, who was a succubus, Howard had made great efforts to explore innovations and improve himself... (The third grade of high school was the last grade of high school. The first night was in the early morning of the eighteen-year-old birthday, and she was an adult.)

Daoist6e1yG7 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 They All Reacted

Before Hosen could take back his fangs, his hands were still holding Irene like steel.

Irene frowned at the sight of Howard.

He shifted his gaze to look at Hosen's classmate, who was standing there in a daze.

Immediately, someone came out from behind Howard, asked the classmate to leave, and took the basketball on the ground.

All of a sudden, she felt as if the spot had been cleared. The air became quiet.

"Show your fangs in public, even the lowest-level wild vampire disdains to do so. Hosen, you really disappoint me," said Howard coldly.

Hosen still lowered his head, as if it was a difficult action for him to pull it out of Irene's arm.

It seemed that it took him a lot of effort to squeeze out a sentence from his teeth, "Luring Blood Clan to reveal their fangs, this human should be sentenced, right?"

"Bring Hosen here," ordered Howard.

But no one came forward.

Irene was surprised to find that the eyes of several men in black standing behind Howard were bloodshot. Just like when Hosen was close to her.

"Justin," called Howard.

No one answered.

He looked back.

Howard took a deep breath. His thick animal fur coat moved.

"Everyone, wake up!" ordered Howard. There seemed to be a power of thunder in his tone, which was ruthless and dignified that Irene had never heard.

The eyes of the men in black turned normal.

"Yes, sir!" they bowed to Howard.

Howard frowned.

He walked quickly towards Irene and Hosen.

His handsome face was getting closer and closer.

Irene's heart beat faster inexplicably.

Hosen called him Uncle Howard. If Hosen was Blood Clan, would he also be Blood Clan...

When Irene was still lost in various fancies and conjectures, Howard had stretched out his long arm and pulled Hosen hard.

"Uncle Howard, let me go! It's this human who breaks the law. It's this human!"

"Shut up!"

Howard's eyes were cold. Like carrying a disobedient rabbit, he threw Hosen directly to the place where he stood before.

"Everyone, take Hosen home," ordered Howard.

"Leave the car to me." He added.

"Yes!" The four or five men in black answered in unison.

They helped up Hosen, who was still struggling. He ferociously revealed his fangs in the direction of Irene as a threat, but the men in black had already controlled him, and the group of people gradually left the school.

Howard stood in the snow with his back to Irene.

After Hosen was out of sight.

He turned around.

For the first time, Howard's dark blue eyes fell on Irene, with curiosity and inquiry.

He took two steps forward.

As soon as she walked into the corridor, Irene subconsciously shrank her neck.

Howard immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry. My nephew scares you... Madam?"

"My name is Irene." Irene replied.

She lowered her head and asked, "Are you going to call the police? Are you going to snitch on me? Mr. Howard."

Without any expression on his face, Howard said indifferently, "It depends on the reason why Miss Irene is bleeding in public."

Irene held her right arm with her left hand, in a vain attempt to cover the wound that was still bleeding.

"I can't stop it," Irene said in a low voice.

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Irene's blood condensation mechanism?" Howard asked.

"Blood condensation mechanism?" Irene frowned. She felt that this was a biological phrase, but after carefully recalling the content of the course, she couldn't find any relevant explanation.

She had to ask awkwardly, "What does the blood condensation mechanism mean? Mr. Howard."

Howard seemed to be stunned.

A look of discovery flashed through his eyes.

Well, didn't he know that Irene was an "ignorant" high school student?

Irene laughed at herself in her heart.

Howard looked like only 25 or 26, but he actually had a nephew of 17 or 18 years old of Blood Clan. Irene still wanted to respond to him with the expression of discovering a new continent.

"Blood condensation... I mean, when your body is damaged, how is your hemostatic function normally? Miss Irene." Howard said politely.

Irene pursed her lips.

As far as she could remember, she had never been hurt.

According to Aunt Ida, Irene had been vaccinated against vampires when she was born. It was probably the only time that she had been hurt by the outside world—a needle pierced her arm if that counts.

The wound on the inner side of her right arm was not injured, but a sudden crack.

"Miss Irene?" Howard called her again. When he called her, Irene felt a strange warm feeling all over her body, as if the breath of Howard had been transmitted to Irene.

"Can I come forward? I hope you can accept my handkerchief to temporarily wrap your wound." Howard said.

Irene tightened her lips.

She nodded.

Of course, she had to agree.

Otherwise, it would be illegal. Wasn't it?

Howard walked towards Irene.

He was wearing a pair of high-quality leather boots. Stepping on the thick cotton snow, the sound was muffled and pleasant, like an ancient oriental instrument with good texture.

"Miss Irene, please allow me to help you." Howard, who was approaching, looked more handsome.

But she frowned more tightly.

His deep blue eyes seemed to be suppressing some kind of violent surging emotions.

"Thank you." Irene stretched out her arm.

Howard's breathing became a little chaotic.

Did he also have any reaction to blood? Wasn't he a human being?

Irene thought in fear. Suddenly, a cold and stinging current flashed through Irene's nerves, and her scalp began to tingle.

She looked down. It was Howard's fingertips that accidentally swept over the surface of Irene's skin.

Irene took a deep breath.

Howard was tying his white handkerchief to Irene with his slender and fair fingers.

His devout expression was like a medieval oil painting, intensive ink, and color, free and unrestrained, drawing the most serious theme of the sect.

"Are you okay, Miss Irene?" Howard asked in a low and magnetic voice. At such a close distance, there was a kind of alluring magic power.

"Is this question mean?" Irene pursed her lips and looked down at the handkerchief that had already been dyed red.

It was scarlet and flamboyant. But it was shameful.

Howard also pursed his lips.

"Miss Irene, I'm Hosen's uncle and a director of this school. If you believe me, can I take you to the hospital?" said Howard.

"Hospital?" Irene swallowed.

Would she meet Blood Clan again on the way to the hospital?

Would Aunt Ida know about it? What would she say?

Would the hospital send Irene to prison? Could she continue to finish her study?

"Maybe your blood condensation mechanism... I mean that your hemostatic function is not good and you need medical assistance." Howard said.

"There is a medical room in this school," said Irene, frowning subconsciously.

"The medical room won't have all the inspection equipment." Howard seemed to be looking at Irene. "Or, would you like to go to my house?"

"What do you say, Mr. Howard?" Irene raised her head in surprise. She thought that she didn't hear it clearly.