
Deadly Girl's Lascivious Nature

When Irene, a pure senior high school student of the third grade, was about to turn 18. There were inexplicable wounds on her body, which violated the law of "not bleeding in public". Just as the noble young man of Blood Clan, Hosen, trapped Irene and couldn't help revealing his vampire fangs, the young man's uncle, the leader of Blood Clan, the handsome, calm and mysterious Howard, saved Irene. And he also sensed the smell of her blood. It was the extremely dangerous and crazy succubus blood. Decades ago, the extinction of the succubus had something to do with the fight for power of the Blood Clan. With a sense of guilt, Howard didn't refuse Irene's approach and helped her to complete the succubus's coming-of-age ceremony. After the first night, the wounds on the body of the little succubus were completely healed, and part of Howard's power was absorbed by her... Since then, Irene, who was ignorant of the world, had awakened her instinct as a succubus... In order to satisfy Irene, who was a succubus, Howard had made great efforts to explore innovations and improve himself... (The third grade of high school was the last grade of high school. The first night was in the early morning of the eighteen-year-old birthday, and she was an adult.)

Daoist6e1yG7 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 Being Sucked by Hosen

There was a strange rule in this world: "Bleeding in public is impolite."

If the bleeding person was serious, he would violate the law.

Irene checked the cubicle door of the bathroom again.

Then she squatted in the corner of the cubicle and slowly lifted up her long sleeve. There was a band-aid on the inner side of her right arm. It was soaked in bright red blood and the original color could not be seen.

The two sides of the wound, which were not covered by the band-aid, extended a long wound.

The blood ran over Irene's delicate and white arm. It was shocking.

Irene's forehead began to sweat.

She was scared.

If she was found unable to stop the blood, she would never be able to stay in this school anymore.

But the inexplicable wound was only an inch yesterday.


Her phone vibrated. Irene's heart skipped a beat.

She took out her phone in a hurry.

It was a message from Joyce.

"Joyce: Irene, where have you gone? Because of the sudden snow, the outdoor sports activities end ahead of time. The teacher asks us to go back to the classroom. Don't tell me that you have hidden in the classroom?"

Irene nervously held her phone and replied, "Joyce, you go back first. I'll be back then."

She quickly drew a few pieces of tissue, wiped the blood on the inner side of her arm, and pressed hard on the wound, trying to stop bleeding.

Seeing the blood on the ground, Irene squatted down to wipe it.

As soon as she threw the tissue into the toilet.

The blood came out of her arm again. A bloodstain ran out like an insect dragging a broken body. It was horrible.

Irene felt helpless.

Why was that?

She had been in good health since she had been a child, and had never bothered Aunt Ida to take her to the hospital.

Why couldn't the wound on the inner side of her arm stop bleeding?

The phone vibrated again.

In a panic, Irene took a lot of tissues and put them on the inner side of her arm.

She pulled down her long sleeve, and the blood could not soak out for the time being.

Irene took a deep breath.

She pushed the door open and went out.

Maybe she could go to the infirmary. But there was no rule that the Blood Clan couldn't be a doctor.

If Irene's wound caused the infirmary doctor to reveal Blood Clan fangs, it would be a serious violation of the law. Would she be caught?

Irene stopped in the corridor.

Should she call Aunt Ida to pick her up?

But her aunt had paid too much for her to go to this noble school.

"What smell?"

A clear male voice interrupted Irene's thoughts. The voice sounded familiar.

Irene shrank to the corner, trying to lower her sense of existence.

"Oh, my God. Do you smell it? It's incredible. So sweet... It's more tempting than the purest food..."

Irene had already seen the person coming towards her.

It was Hosen, the white moonlight in Joyce and countless school girls.

He was playing basketball skillfully with his index finger.

When he saw Irene, the strength of his fingertips seemed to have changed. The basketball ran out of the established spinning track and fell to the feet of Irene.

"Well, sometimes the basketball won't listen to you, Hosen..." A classmate who came with Hosen smiled and said, "You don't have to be so serious. I'll help you pick up the ball..."

"Don't move." Hosen stopped that classmate.

What did he mean? Did he want Irene to pick up the ball?

But if she moved her arm a little more, blood would soak out. What the hell was this luck.

"Do you smell it?" Hosen asked in a panting voice. His clear eyes seemed to be bloodshot.

Irene suspected that she had a hallucination. It seemed that the arrogant look on Hosen's face had changed?

At least his gaze at Irene became more focused and fierce like a hunter lurked in the dark and stared at his prey?

Irene's neck was drenched with fine sweat. As if it had been in the mouth of a predator.

"What do you smell?" Hosen's classmate sniffed, "No, is the food in the canteen burnt?"

"Idiot." Hosen narrowed his eyes and stared at Irene, "It's the smell of blood."

Irene's heart thumped wildly.

"Oh, really? Someone is bleeding?" The classmate looked around and stared at Irene with a strange look, "Isn't the government giving out free special sanitary supplies? Bleeding is not impolite."

Hosen took a step towards Irene.

Irene instinctively retreated. But there was no way back. There was a wall behind her.

"Classmate, what's your name?" Hosen asked. He squinted his eyes and said unkindly.


Hosen and Irene were classmates. And she had just won the first prize in the comprehensive art award and painting competition of the whole school, giving a speech in front of the whole school.

Did he ask her name?

Was he an idiot?

He was indeed an idiot just because he was a relative of the legendary chairman of this noble school.

"She's Irene, the school belle! Hosen, you only know playing basketball. You're really used to being surrounded by girls..." The one next to him smiled, "All right. Your sister is also very beautiful..."


Hosen's tongue danced nimbly in his mouth as if the pronunciation of Irene's name was some kind of rare music.

A hint of obsession gradually appeared in his bloodshot eyes, which made Irene feel scared.

"Do you smell it? Irene, the smell of blood... No, it's not ordinary blood... It's sweeter, more vigorous, more flexible, and more tempting than the human blood in the latest experiment..."

Hosen swallowed.

He continued to approach Irene.

Step by step.

"No, I don't smell it. The teacher asks to go back to the classroom." Irene said quickly.


Hosen chuckled.

Clearly had a sunny and handsome face, but now he was like a demon that was ready to pounce on its prey, making Irene feel creepy.

Hosen was less than a step away from Irene. He tilted his head and squinted at Irene's right arm. "Irene, how could you not smell it? Clearly is, damn sweet..."

Irene didn't dare to move.

Was Hosen Blood Clan?

The first rule of human beings when meeting Blood Clan: don't take the initiative to attack.

The first rule of Blood Clan meeting human beings: don't transform human beings.

"What are you doing, Hosen? Are you performing a play on the spur of the moment? Or are you interested in Irene?" The classmate asked in a trembling voice. He probably suddenly realized that his good friend was Blood Clan.

Hosen made a sudden move.

Irene felt a pain in her arm as if her arm was firmly imprisoned by a steel claw, and she was stiff from arms to the body, unable to move.

"It's so impolite, Irene." Hosen's eyes were bloodshot, "How dare you seduce me at school..."

Hosen's facial muscles suddenly tightened. He opened his mouth slightly, revealing a pair of symbolic vampire fangs, which were snow-white and sharp.

It was over.

Irene thought sadly.

She had to go to jail.

"My arm is indeed bleeding. I have been trying to stop the bleeding, but it has no effect..."

Irene's voice trembled and she was about to cry.

However, Hosen didn't loosen his grip on her and stood in front of her with great pressure. It was like a dark cloud pressing over the entire school, making Irene unable to breathe.

Her sleeve was scratched by his sharp nails.

Those bloody tissues dropped.

The bloodstains were completely exposed. They climbed on the inner side of her white and tender arms, like the manjusawa in hell, Coquettish and beautiful.

The wound seemed to be longer than before in the bathroom.

"Blood..." His voice sounded thirsty and hoarse.

Hosen's face changed dramatically.

Flames burst out from his scarlet eyes.

He suddenly leaned over and licked the tender skin in Irene's arm. He tossed and turned, but he still wanted more.

The skin on the inner side of her arm was very sensitive. It was repeatedly licked by his soft tongue. It was wet, hot, and soft.

Irene finally burst into tears.

"Please... please use a straw."

Irene was afraid that after he licked the blood, would he use his fangs to poke holes in her body?

But that would make her affect the vampire gene.

The limp and numb feeling suddenly became more intense. A current rushed into Irene's body from the inner side of her arm and ignited a bunch of primitive flames.

Hosen was sucking Irene's arm.

His hand that was grabbing Irene's arm also moved, stroking, stroking

Irene felt desperate.

But in despair, inexplicably, she felt an unprecedented excitement. This excitement seemed to have greater potential to be developed.

She had a desire to groan.

However, Irene tried her best to suppress her feelings. She faintly felt a little ashamed of groaning.


A low and magnetic voice was cold and serious, like thunder striking over Irene's head.

Hosen stopped.

His face turned pale. He trembled as if he was frightened by something terrible.

"What are you doing?"

The magnetic voice had an irresistible majesty as if the owner of the voice was a leader who had been in power for a long time, making people want to submit.

Irene looked up, passing by the head of Hosen who was lowering his head on her hand.

Outside the corridor, the sky and earth were floating with the snow that Irene had ignored for a long time.

A tall and straight man with thick dark animal fur stood in the snow. It was like a sculpture of a God.

The snowflakes fell gently on the man's shoulder. Like the sky elves, which were attracted by him, couldn't help but surround him.

Irene could understand the snowflakes falling on his body because this was the most handsome face she had ever seen.

His deep and mysterious blue eyes and sexy lips which would whisper to his lover's ears about his secret, both of them perfectly showed the master's dignity and indifference on his perfect face.

"Uncle Howard." Irene heard Hosen call him uncle...