
You Made My Kid Clean the Toilets?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon seeing that, Nancy tried to wake Kathleen up. "Kathy, wake up! Ms. Jennings is here!"

Kathleen was very sleepy and shifted into a new pose and continued sleeping.

Nancy's face went white. "This is bad!"

Tina walked up to Kathleen, her expression tensed up, her red lips tightly pursed. She raised her book in the air and knocked Kathleen on her head. "Student, wake up!"

Kathleen sat up abruptly as she felt the pain in her head. When she lifted her eyes and saw Tina, she said, slightly impatiently, "What?"

Tina was boiling with rage as she saw how rude Kathleen was acting. "How dare you speak to me like that when you fell asleep in my class?"

Kathleen kept her head low and did not answer. She was so tired that all she wanted was to sleep.

Tina wore a grim expression on her face as she pointed at Kathleen and said harshly, "Since you don't want to learn, go clean the toilets!"