
Deadly Dimensions

Chapter 1

Before time had a name....

A tome imbued with the power to manipulate time and space was crafted. It possessed the ability to transport individuals to alternate dimensions, hitherto unknown to them. The book's true nature remained shrouded in mystery, and none could predict the consequences of its use. Nations across the globe coveted the book, believing it to be an easy acquisition. However, their attempts were in vain, as they were all unwittingly drawn into the book's pages, and transported through time and space, until they met their inevitable fate. The possession of the book by Egypt had not gone unnoticed by their neighbouring North African nations. As a result, numerous disputes and conflicts arose, leading to a series of arduous wars between Egypt and countries such as Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. The clashes persisted for many years, causing profound exhaustion among the Egyptians who were in charge of safeguarding the book. The incessant unrest and turmoil were far beyond their ability to bear. Eventually, the Europeans discovered the existence of the book and, driven by their insatiable desires, unleashed war on Egypt. The Egyptians faced a fatal decision - they could no longer allow the book, a source of endless conflict, to remain in their possession. The only solution was to seal it away forever, through the employment of the meticulously crafted sealing technique ritual which required the incorporation of the three gems. 

With the successful completion of the intricate sealing technique ritual, the Egyptians secured their legendary book of time within the confines of their most guarded and sacred library. They knew that this precious possession had to be safeguarded with their lives, even if that meant leaving Egypt behind to protect it. However, their mission to protect the book was not as simple as they had hoped. A gruesome war broke out when France, England, Germany, and Italy launched a violent attack on Egypt. Despite Egypt's disadvantage in numbers, they refused to give up and fought relentlessly. The battle raged on for years, leaving many to flee for their lives. Despite the odds, Egypt emerged victorious, but the cost was severe. The war left only a handful of surviving soldiers, all of them men. Egypt's triumph was bittersweet and came with a double-sided loss – the loss of countless lives and the absence of women among the surviving populace. 

Egypt's courageous soldiers saved their legendary book of time but had paid a heavy price for it. The war had a profound impact on the country, leaving it with a depleted population and a shattered economy. The surviving soldiers were hailed as heroes, but their victory was overshadowed by the loss of so many lives. 

Chapter 2

The present

Egypt, a country with a rich history, has been through many wars and conflicts. However, after enduring the ravages of war, the country finally found solace in peace. The country breathed a collective sigh of relief as order was restored. Thousands of peaceful years passed with civilizations emerging then falling. In this exact moment, the warm sun beat down on the backs of twin brothers Adam and Ibrahim as they eagerly trudged through the dry, sandy streets of ancient Egypt, their eyes scanning the crumbling ruins for any signs of treasure. Despite the oppressive heat, their excitement kept them going, their hearts racing with the thrill of the hunt. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the brothers stumbled upon what seemed like an insignificant chamber, buried deep beneath the shifting sands. But as they stepped inside, a sense of unease settled upon them. The air was thick and heavy, and the musty scent of decay hung in the air. Slowly, they made their way through the chamber, their footsteps echoing eerily off the walls. And then they saw it - an ancient glowing book, unlike anything they'd ever seen before. It glinted in the dim light, a priceless treasure that would make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.

As Ibrahim took the ancient glowing book, a sudden movement caught his eye. Something shifted in the shadows, a whisper of movement that sent chills down his spine. And then, all at once, the walls of the chamber shook and groaned, as if angry at the intrusion. Trembling with fear, the brothers stumbled backwards, only to find the entrance blocked by a wall of sand and stone. Trapped, they frantically searched for a way out, their hearts pounding with the realization that they may never leave this ancient tomb alive. As they clawed at the walls, they couldn't help but wonder - had their greed been their downfall? Would they pay the ultimate price for their quest for treasure? The brothers' minds raced with thoughts of the ancient curse that was said to befall anyone who disturbed the resting place of the pharaohs. They had heard stories of mummies coming back to life to seek revenge on those who had disturbed their tombs. But they had never believed in such tales, dismissing them as mere superstition. Now, as they stood trapped in the tomb, they couldn't help but wonder if the curse was real after all. Would they be the next victims of the curse of the pharaohs? Only time would tell.​

Amidst an aura of despair, Ibrahim reached out for an axe that he had kept carefully for times of dire need, hoping that it would be enough to change the course of their fate. With sweat dripping down his forehead, he and his companion, Adam, valiantly began their assault on the wall, determined to breakthrough. However, even with every ounce of strength that they could muster, their failure seemed inevitable. Despite their hours-long relentless efforts, the wall remained seemingly unbreakable, with only a handful of scratches to show for their hard work and perseverance. But just as Ibrahim was about to lose all hope, Adam's eyes lit up as he remembered that he had brought along the book which might hold the key to their rescue. As Ibrahim continued to strike the wall with all the might that he could muster, Adam flicked through the dusty pages, scanning every word with the hope of finding the elusive solution they sought.​

Ibrahim's muscles ached and his breath came in ragged gasps, but he refused to give up. He knew that their survival depended on their ability to break through the wall and escape the confines of their prison.As the sun beat down upon them, the air grew hotter and more oppressive, threatening to suffocate them. Adam, too, was beginning to tire, his movements slowing as his strength waned. Ibrahim could see the despair in his eyes, could feel it in the set of his shoulders. But he refused to give in to it. He knew that they had to keep going, no matter what. And so they pressed on, their blows growing weaker and more hesitant as the minutes ticked by. The wall seemed to mock them, its stones unyielding and unrelenting. Ibrahim's grip on the axe handle grew slick with sweat, his hands trembling with exhaustion. But still he swung the axe, determined to find a way through.

But it was in vain. The wall was too strong, too thick, too solid. No matter how hard he hit, no matter how many times he tried, he could not make a dent in it. He felt a sharp pain in his arm, then another in his chest. He looked down, and saw blood dripping from his wounds. Their spirits were broken my there extreme greed. The axe had shattered, its blade embedded in his flesh. He dropped the axe, and fell to his knees. He looked at Adam, who was lying on the ground, motionless. He had given up, his life drained away by the heat and the exertion. Ibrahim felt a tear roll down his cheek, then another. He had failed. He had lost his friend, his brother, his only hope. He had no way out. He was trapped. He was doomed. He closed his eyes and waited for death to claim him. He never wanted to say this but the wall won.​

Adam awoke to the sight of an ancient book lying beside him. He had spent the entire night poring over its pages, trying to unravel its secrets. The book was a rare and precious artifact, containing the legends and lore of the multiverse. It had been passed down through generations of young Egyptians, who had sworn to protect it from evil forces. Adam felt a special connection to the book, as if it was calling to him, guiding him to his destiny. He opened the book and studied its symbols and diagrams, hoping to find a clue to his escape.

As he delved deeper into the book, Adam came across a startling revelation. He discovered that the only way to escape their prison and save their world was to collect the 12 time stones that were scattered throughout reality. The time stones were ancient relics that could manipulate time and space, opening portals to different dimensions and timelines. They were also the key to unlocking the full potential of the book, which could reveal the secrets of the multiverse and its infinite possibilities.

Adam's heart raced as he realized the gravity of his mission. He knew that the task ahead of him was daunting, but he was determined to succeed. 

Adam realized that he and his brother had a mission, a purpose, a destiny. They had to find the time stones, before it was too late.​

He woke his brother up and told him everything. Ibrahim was skeptical at first, but he soon saw the conviction and excitement in Adam's eyes. He agreed to join him in his quest, knowing that it was their only chance to escape and to make a difference. They gathered their belongings and prepared to leave. They knew that their journey would not be easy, that they would face many dangers and challenges along the way. But they also knew that they had each other, and that they had a cause worth fighting for. If they failed, time and every alternate dimension would be destroyed. The fate of their universe and every other universe was in grave peril.

Their following adventures were going to take them across the megaverse, a vast and diverse collection of realities that spanned the cosmos. They would encounter amazing worlds and creatures, friendly allies and fierce enemies, incredible wonders and horrors. They would learn more about themselves and their origins, their powers and their responsibilities, their dreams and their fears. They would grow as individuals and as brothers, as heroes and as legends. They would become the guardians of the multiverse, the protectors of the book, the seekers of the time stones. 

Just for your information, i tried hard on this and a proper Volume 1 is gonna be made by me soon in about 10 days maximum. If not I'll tell u the reason but I guess I come read again in 9 days or so.​

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Creation is hard, cheer me up! Pls vote for more chapters

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