
Meeting Mate

iovanni's Pov

Making my way to my parent I could see that my parents was talking to one alphas from the neighboring packs so I made my way over to my mother she must be worried to deadth.

"Hi mom". Is all I said to her.

When she hears my voice, she immediately turned around and abruptly threw herself at me and pulled me into one of her hugs and spoke.

"Oh, Gio you finally awake you got me scared when you suddenly fainted oh my baby don't even scare me like that ever again ". she said with a shaky tone of voice as if she was going to cry right here.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me". I said as my face became a little red for the embarrassment.

"Hahaha boy you really scared your mother and now that she is hugging you your embarrassed you need you get over your shyness". my father said while laughing at my embarrassed state.

As my mom released me the alpha whom my parents were talking to came up and asked,

"Is this your second son Alpha Jacob"? he asked as he extended his hand to me to shake.

"Ah yes this is my second son Giovanni", my dad pauses and then introduced me to him "Giovanni this is my good friend Alpha Blake he's the Alpha of the Crescent Rose Moon Pack". my dad said and all I did was nodded in acknowledgment.

After the introduction my mom was the first to speak.

"Gio why don't you go mingle little you're already missed the first half of the ball go mingle a little bit so you could possible make so friends or even find your mate". my mother said when looking at me with love in the eyes.

"Ok I'll go and mingle a little as you wish". is all I said before making myself into the crowd.

As I made way throw the crowd someone tugged on my suit to get my attention.

I turned around to see who it was I saw a beautiful girl cladded in a yellow body hugged dress looking up at me and before I could say something she spoke first.

"Amm mm may I have this dance please"? She asks as her face got a little red from her shyness.

It must have taken her a lot of courage to asks me to dance with her. Looking at her up and down again she looks way better than half of the she-wolves here she is not dressed like a hoe or slut showing little to imagination she's well-dressed hiding all the important parts of her body but only her curves show. While starting at her I started to smell the nervousness radiating off as if my silence was getting her nervous deciding on it, I decided to dance with her.

"Yes". is all I said after extending my hand to her which she gracefully took, and I guided her to the dance.

When we got to the dance floor, she turns to face me and place her hand on my shoulder, and I placed a hand on her lower back, and we started to dance to the music.

When the music stops, we both went our separate ways after exchanging names. After I got off the dance floor my lycan whom I pushed at the back of my mind became more agitated than he was when we first got down to the ball room. The reason I push him to the back of my mind is because he's been lying to for my whole life, and I thought I could've trusted him turns out he's just like my parents hiding things from me.

This is the reason I'm mad at him for but I'm not that petty, so I'll forgive him once he tells me everything, but this restlessness is affecting me to.

'Would you calm down a little your restlessness and agitation if affecting me too you know'. I told him while sounding irritated.

'Can't help ok I just feel that something good is going to happen to today ok'. He said while still pacing around.

'What do you mean'? I asked him try to find out what's making him so irritated and restless.

'How am I supposed to know I just have a feeling'. He said with a matter-of-fact tone and that he retracted to the back of my mind.

'Oh, by the way before I forget don't tell anyone that I could talk to you hear because this could bring you trouble'. And the that he blocks the link between us and return to the back of my mind to rest without waiting for my reply.

As I stop talking to my lycan a faint of red wine and vodka with a little of pepper mint scent assault my nose and following the scent I saw a female cladded in all black running cross the ball room and it's as if she felt eyes on her she stopped and looked my way, and we made eye contact.

As soon as we made eye contact my lycan said the word I've been waiting to hear since I was 17 years.


That one word was my confirmation that that beauty staring back at me was my mate. As I was still processing the fact that my mate was a few meters away from me and thinking she would run to me she ran the other direction.

And me still standing there like a dummy blinked a couple of times to confirm what's I was see was really and not an illusion.

This can't be happening my mate ran away for me. I thought while in my own thoughts my lycan spoke with much needed agencies.

'Mate. Go get mate what you are standing there for'. said snapping me out of my thoughts.

'How do I find her'? I ask him.

'Following her scent use your nose boy your nose'. He said irrationally that I asked an obvious question that I knows the answer to.

Use my nose to catch her scent was the hardest thing I have ever done not to mention how scarcely her scent lingered amongst the crowd.

I had reached a little away from the ladies' washroom because that's where he scent ended by why I should be able to take up her scent even if she hid her scent because we are mates.

'It not that you can't but it that she good at hiding her scent and we're in a place with what could be like millions of lycans so it hard to find her if she hides her scent'. Adam said as he explained why I can't find her.

'What you said is reasonable but if we are mates shouldn't she feel the mate bond and the need to be close so why did she run'? I asked can't quite understand why she would run.

'I don't know but one thing is for sure her lycan is seal but not fully and is protecting so I can't reach her throw the link us lycan have with the lycan form'. He said before continuing.

'So, we'll have to use the hard way to find her'. He said before retracting at the back of mind.

As I was about to try and look for her the lights in the ball room dimed and the whole ballroom was semi dark, but I know what time it was it was time for the second dance to begin.

Everyone gathered one the dance floor as the music started to be played as I was near to the ladies' washroom, I was a little distance for the floor, and it was just then. I saw her in on the dance floor moving around while looking at me with half of her mask of her face.

This time I didn't think twice about going after her because her scent was completely faded. As I use my speed to get to her, she did the same while quickly running to disappear into the crowd and reappear to the other side of the crowd dancing with a male, but she makes sure she stays where I can see her but not touch her.

My blood was boiling at this point see another male's hands on her. I wanted to rip that male's hands off but I keep focus on the task at hand.

As the music took up the tempo a little the male spins her and I took it as my chance to get her but as I was almost close to reach her, she disappears into to the crowd again.

She was definitely faster than me it like she is playing a game of catch and my lycan doesn't not even bother to help me he just watches me catch my ass.

I searched the crowd for five minutes until I felt a pair of eyes watching me from above and she was watching me from above but this time her mask changed she now wearing a mask that covers half of her face.

I wasted no time in getting up to where she was as she followed my every move until I reached the top of the staircase, she took off again. Now I was a hundred percent sure she was faster than me and she was just wants to play a game of catch.

'Why aren't you helping me don't you want your mate to'. Asked my lycan while try to catch up to her but was meet with silence.

'Fine just stay silent then'. I said irritated by the fact he won't help.

'Boy what's the problem can't you see she just playing with you'. He said finally answered me.

'f I really help you my aura would leak out of you, and you would be in trouble because I'm sure one of console members. Haven't you realized that your father keeps you away from the console '. He said to remind me about the warnings my father gave me whenever a console member visits the pack.

'Now stop bothering me and look for mate'. He said and with that he once again go to the back of my mind and close the link between us.

Just as I stop talking to my lycan someone grabbed me by the color and slammed me against the wall nearby.

Just as I was about to break that person neck for slamming against the wall the person spoke first.

"Why are you following me ". A female voice said but that voice was like music to my ears.

I fact I'd long known it was a female, but I wouldn't have shown mercy to any female for slamming me against a wall, but I was caught off guard by the slam and the voice but most of all the fact that that she has this much strength.

Anatasia's Pov

After a long game of what seems like follow the leader, I got fed up with it and directly confronted Giovanni.

The moment I felt someone watching me I knew it be Giovanni, but I just had to confirm it because the scent was different. The scent still smelt like dark chocolate, but it had a manly musky to it.

The minute turn around I was met with same forest green colored eyes that I ran away from twenty-two years ago. Although I was wearing a blue contact in my left eye, I felt like he was staring at me, and he could see the color of my eyes as I did his. I stood the for what felt like hours but in reality, it was just five minutes and then I took off running to the washroom hoping to lose Giovanni on the way.

Ten minutes later I came out of the washroom but saw Giovanni standing a few minutes later but thank the goddess that the lights in the ballroom was dimed because it made it easier for me to slipped into the crowd.

Since he wanted to follow me, I decided to humor for while hoping he'll just give up soon, but I was wrong he continued to follow me no matter how far I run so I decided to confront him although I knew why he was following me like a lost puppy.

After slamming him against the wall and I asked him why he is following me he just stared at me like I was a piece of painting.

Suddenly I started feeling like jumping his bones and the sparks that I felt was not helping one better thank the goddess I concealed my identity pretty well by hiding my aura and scent otherwise if I were to run, he'd definitely find me.

So lost in the feelings of the sparks were ever we touched he took I as an opportunity to turn us around where I was caged between him and the wall and then he smirked at me and spoke.

"My, my, my, my, my so impatient to rip off my clothes that you grabbed my color without even introducing yourself." He said with a smudged look on his face.

"What no that's.....that's not w... why I grabbed your color". I tried or strutted out while my face was going from normal to red. Damn it why does he has this effect on my body and mind.

"Now, now there not need to be shy we are mates after all it perfectly fine it you desire to see the goods". He said while teasing me.

"Which one did your eyes me try to strip you"? I asked flushed at how close he is. I may be 154 years old, but I was still a virgin, and my body feels strangely hot everywhere we touched.

"Both". He replied shamelessly as he puts, he right leg between my legs to keep them open.

"W....what are you doing "? I asked him as I struggle to get his hands to loosen. Why am I so weak in his hands I basically became a helpless puppy in his hands.

While I was struggling to get out of his grip he raised his leg a little higher so must so that it reached my pussy and while struggling I accidentally rubbed against is knee which causes me to moan.


Modified by the sound that just came out of my mouth I bite my lip to prevent any lewd sounds form come out my mouth look at his who was smiling at my prediction and the was this animalistic look in his eyes that stared directly into my eyes and before I knew it his lips were on mine.

"Humm mph". Only mophal noises could be heard as I try to speak and push him away.

Restraining my hands above my head he deepens the kiss while try to enter my mouth with his traitorous tongue of him. I denied him and this seemed to not have hindered him but to spur his on to bite me lip.

"Ahhhhhh". I moaned in pain as he bit my lip and slide his tongue inside my mouth.

At this point I gave on all thoughts of struggling and relaxed into the kiss as we both fought for dominances. I didn't know what I was going so he won and dominated my mouth without any trouble as the explore every space and clevis of my mouth any then pulled away to give me space to breathe and at the same time let's go of my hands.

Taking a few moments to mustard some strength I pushed him away and made a run for it leaving the shunned Giovanni there look in a daze.