
Who do you think you are?

The next day Trishelle informed Ellison that Yugi would be joining the hospital as his bodyguard. Yugi was quiet but as sharp as Kristy and herself.

When April got to the hospital that day she noticed a guy standing at Ellison's private office door. "Good morning. Are you lost or looking for someone?" But all she got in response was a cold look from the guy.

In the next moment Ellison came out of his office, and was about to go into surgery with a patient. Yumi followed silently behind Ellison however April tried to stop him.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going?" April stood in front of Yugi and blocked his way.

Ellison stopped and turned to April, realizing that she didn't know who the boy was. "This is Yumi my bodyguard, don't be bothered by him." With that, Ellison turned and went to the ER with Yugi not too far behind.

April tried all day to get closer to Ellison but Yugi was always in the way. She became frustrated and was a little intimidated by his cold aura.

April have had enough of the shadow that was following Ellison. She saw that Ellison was about to enter his office and quickly interjected between the two guys. "I need to speak with Dr. Ellison privately." April gave a faint smile, slammed the door at Yugi's face and locked it.

Ellison looked at April curiously after hearing she needed to talk to him. Being looked at intensely by Ellison, April blushed and said softy. "Ellison. You must be tired. Let me massage your shoulders for you."

Ellison raised an eyebrow, "April. Are you okay? Is there something wrong? Did the testing not go well today?"

Hearing Ellison show concern for her made April ecstatic. She walked to Ellison's side and hooked her hands around his arm, "Nothing is wrong. I'm just worried you are too tired."

"Knock knock." Yugi was still outside the door and was trying to enter.

"Wait a minute. I'm still talking to Ellison." April hissed at the door to stop Yugi from interrupting. She then turned to Ellison and whined, "Ellison, why do you suddenly have a bodyguard? It makes it so hard to be alone with you."

Ellison removed his arm from April's grip and explained, "That's because I signed an agreement with Aethons Industry."

April wanted to ask more but was interrupted by more knocking on the door.

"Wait a mi-"


April was about to stall for more time but Yugi kicked the door opened. This shocked and frightened April. She wanted to scold the guy but could not utter a single word when she saw his cold gaze.

Yugi walked up to April and said expressionlessly, "Leave." He was specifically ordered by Kristen to not leave Ellison alone with that girl for more than five minutes.

Being ordered to leave made April enraged, she started shouting at Yugi. "Who do you think you are?! You are just a bodyguard! I am Ellison's assistant. What right do you have to chase me out?"

Yugi, who couldn't be bothered with April, and did not want to argue with her, stared at her silently.

Seeing no response from Yugi made April more exasperated. She stared right back at him, challenging him. Ellison was at a lost at what to do when both his assistant and bodyguard refused to back down.

When Ellison was about to intervene, his phone rang, breaking the silence. "April, Yugi. Both of you wait outside. I need to take a call."

Reluctantly, both walked out of the room. Ellison received a call from Trishelle telling him about the business party next weekend and that she would be holding a press conference tomorrow to announce the merger of Imperial Dynasty, Trinity Hospital and Aethons Industry.

That night, the internet exploded with news about Imperial Dynasty having a press conference to quell the rumors. Trishelle had posted on Imperial Dynasty LinkedIn page that the company will hold a press conference at Sun Plaza Hotel, 9am.

The next day

A sports car stopped at Sun Plaza Hotel's entrance with a group of black cars following it. A pair of long legs exited the sports car followed by a man and a lady. Trishelle walked slowly into the building. The reporters immediately swamped Trishelle the moment she stepped into the conference room. Kristen and a group of bodyguards walked in at the same moment when a few of Aethons bodyguards who weren't in uniform surrounded both Trishelle and Ellison.

"Miss Wayne! Miss Wayne! Over here! Miss Wayne!" Reports from every state gathered to get the first scoop of the inevitable. All the reporters started taking photos with huge flashes everywhere. There's two ways this conference could go but either way there was a story to catch and they would be the first to tell it.

"Please everyone. Please take a seat first. We will answer your questions one by one" A lady in a black suit gestured to the reporters while shielding Trishelle.

Seeing the woman that was in front, shocked some of the reporters. "Isn't that Pandahlia? One of the best PR personnel in the country?"

"No way! Imperial Dynasty managed to hire her?" Another reporter exclaimed.

After directing Trishelle and her entourage to their seats, Pandahlia took the microphone and addressed the crowd. "Thank you all for coming. Today, as you all know, we will be addressing the rumors that had appeared on the internet about Imperial Dynasty recently. Please feel free to ask questions. However, due to the overwhelming number of reporters, I would like to request you to keep the questions to a minimal. You may begin." Pandahlia waved to the first reporter sitting on the right side of the room.