

In the year 20XX,

Amidst the bustling and lively atmosphere in the Imperial city, a group of people gathered in an abandoned warehouse by the docks.

"Tell me. If you can't pay your debt, how do you intend to repay me?" A cold voice echoed from the shadows.

In the middle of the empty building, a man was tied up to the chair. Cuts and bruises tattered his body and blood flowed from his beaten up face. Torture and abuse clearly reflected in his physical state. The man tried to hold onto the little consciousness he had left.

"I won't give you anything, you slut!" the man cursed back.

Succubus stepped forward with a knife in hand as the person in the shadows signalled her. "Why do you guys always choose the hard way?" she sighed in a mocking way. Seeing as how the man showed no further resistance, Succubus showed no interest in torturing the other any longer. "Elli, it's up to you now. You can do whatever you want; I'm not interested in him anymore."

Elli looked behind him asking for confirmation from their leader. "I can have him?" After gaining approval from the boss, an evil grin reflected on his face. "I've been finding another volunteer for my experiments." Elli approached the shackled man on the chair with a syringe at hand.

Panic took over the tortured man's mind as he saw Elli inching closer to him with a needle. "Wh-what are you doing?!" He attempted to free himself but his weakened body was unable to do anything. "Don't come here… Don't come near me! NO!" the man hollered in pain and fright as he was injected.

The screams of the man echoed from the abandoned warehouse, making the surrounding area cold and eerie.

4 Years Ago,

"Elli, I'm going to America for the next two years." She sadly informed her best friend, Ellison of her departure.

"What?! Why? Don't go! I'll support you!" Ellison pleaded with Trishelle, his saviour, his best friend and the one he loves, pulling on her arm.

Trishelle smiled and pulled Ellison towards her and hugged him, "Don't worry. I will be back." With that, she turned and walked towards the plane.

If it was not for Clear Sky, I would have been at the top. Just you wait, Cielo, I swear I will destroy you!

A change happened in Trishelle that day, the day she lost almost everything. She became a deadly demoness with a revenge plot.

Watching his best friend walking away, broken and in pain. It drove Ellison crazy, to the point that he focused all his energy in building an empire his own way, patiently waiting for his beloved to return.