
How dare you make a havoc?

Checking his vitals from the tablet, Ellison got more excited. "Continue increasing the dosage and give him a full examination tomorrow." He instructed the researcher.

"Yes." The researcher said and took the tablet from Ellison.

The moment the researcher took the tablet, the test subject started shaking fiercely. This shocked the researcher that he almost dropped the tablet. Test subject AF0219 shook more violently and was foaming at his mouth. His heartbeat was erratic and had a scorching temperature.

The researcher quickly started pressing a few buttons on the tablet, "I'm stopping the drug and giving him the counter-reaction drug. You two, hold him down!" He instructed two other researchers to hold the test subject down.

However the moment he stopped injecting the drug to the test subject, he stopped moving. The tablet indicated that AF0219 wasn't showing signs of a heartbeat.

Ellison approached the examination table in curiosity. Just as Ellison reached out his hand to check for a pulse, the subject woke up with a jolt and tightly grasped the doctor's wrist.

Kristen's instincts immediately kicked in as she pulled Trishelle behind her. Her top priority was to protect her friend. After ensuring Trishelle's safety, Kristen began to take countermeasures against the aggravated test subject. She quickly scanned through the room looking for a viable weapon to use.

"Sedate him!" Ellison screamed out in pain, however, his eyes reflected amazement. "I want him alive!"

Kristen spotted a syringe from the equipment table and quickly used it to stab the subject's back with lightning speed. The male subject's attention diverted to Kristen causing him to loosen his grip on Ellison's wrist. Seeing the opportunity to save her best friend, Trishelle quickly pulled Ellison to her side.

Test subject AF0219 attempted to inflict harm onto Kristen, however, she was faster and had another syringe in her hand which she stabbed against his arm.

The sedative in the syringes slowed down AF0219 however it didn't stop him. Kristen rounded a table filled with chemicals getting distance between her and her Attacker. Kristen analyzed her surroundings looking for a way to either kill this huge muscled enhanced human or knock him out asap.

AF0219 focused on Kristen not bothering with anyone else in the room. Trishelle came up from behind him with a syringe that had horse sedatives and stuck it in his neck. The tests subject grabbed her by her neck and lifted her off the floor however he was instantly knocked out by a flying fist from Kristen.

The huge guy fell to the floor with Kristen on top of his huge body.

The researchers quickly went over to move the subject off the ground and placed him on the examination table.

Ellison was angered by seeing Trishelle dangle from the test subject's hands and decided to end his life. No one treats his woman like that and survives. No one.

Ellison went to the equipment table and took a scalpel. Shaking with anger, Ellison stabbed AF02190's abdomen with the scalpel. "How dare you! How dare you make havoc in my lab and harm my best friend?! You are just a little lab rat!"

Ellison suddenly stopped stabbing the test subject, pulled out the scalpel from the body and started to grin. His eyes had a cold glint, "Haha… hahahahaha!" He burst into a wicked laugher.

This made all the researchers in the room to leave in a panic. No one wants to be near the doctor when he is in that state. There was once he had almost killed a researcher for staring at him laughing.

Watching Ellison transition from anger into craziness made Kristen's eyes shine with amazement. "He is like us." She thought.

Trishelle stepped forward and placed her hand on Ellison's shoulder. "Elli." She called out to him.

Hearing Trishelle calling him, Ellison snapped back into reality and calmed down. He turned towards his best friend, "Trish, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Trishelle assured Ellison.

Ellison called out to one of the researchers, "Terrence, come and get rid of this piece of trash!"

Kristen stopped Ellison from destroying his work. "Ellison! His eyes looked as though he had lost his memories and it looked as though he was defending himself. Could this be a side effect?"

Ellison studied her for a moment then looked at AF0219. "I see… maybe, just maybe the chemicals enhanced the molecular brain cells whilst erasing part of their memories."

"I need to run some tests to see if you're observations are true." Ellison looked at both females with excitement and regret.

"We'll let ourselves out." Trishelle began to say but Ellison wouldn't allow it. He insisted that he walked them out.

Ellison escorted the ladies out of the lab until the entrance of the hospital. "I'm really sorry, Trish. I put you in danger." Ellison apologized again.

"Don't worry about it, Elli. Go back to work." Trishelle comforted Ellison.

After the women left Ellison was lost in thought heading back to do his tests whilst not noticing April.

April had been following the trio the entire morning. When she saw that Ellison was bringing them to his private office, she was livid. "What right do they have to enter his private office! That should be only exclusive for me and Elli." April thought in anguish.

After waiting for an hour, April could not wait anymore and wanted to leave when the door of the office opened. April quickly hid and saw the trio leaving the office. She wanted to go back to work after she saw the two ladies leave the building but when she saw Ellison walk back towards his office, she followed Ellison. By the time she peeked into the office, Ellison was nowhere in sight.