
Aethons Industry

Dragon's Crown Bar.

Tap… tap tap… tap Trish knocked on a steel door along a quiet alleyway and waited until a huge man stepped out. Ellison stepped in front of Trishelle in a protective stance. Trishelle placed her hand on Ellison's shoulder to signal for him to relax.

"Drogon." Trishelle acknowledged the man, took out a ruby and showed it to him.

"My lady" Drogon allowed them to pass before shutting the door closed.

To Ellison's surprise, they were in a beautiful nightclub filled with many people. He followed Trish to the bar where they sat and got drinks. He gawked at her as she took a swig at her alcohol. After her third swig, he saw her shoulders relaxed. The tension he saw during the day slowly evaded her body.

Before Ellison knew what was happening a woman pulled him off his seat and hugged him from behind. To his surprise, Trishelle did not move nor say anything. Ellison tried to struggle out of the hug but Trishelle calmed him down.

"Relax Elli or she'll make you relax, trust me." She chuckled.

He was so confused and looked between Trishelle and the woman who wore a black and silver latex bodysuit, smiling at each other.

After their laughter died they looked at each other in understanding, "Succubus." Trishelle acknowledged the woman. "Come, my friend, we have much to discuss."

The woman acknowledged them both before walking away from them. Trishelle took one last drink before following the woman along with Ellison.

The three of them sat together in a private room. "Ellison Kyle," Trishelle then turned back to Ellison, "This is Kristen Yong." Trishelle introduced them both.

Kristen raised her hand and waved three fingers in the air, out of nowhere someone brought drinks and finger food to their table. Then three young slender beautiful women came in and surrounded Ellison with their hands roaming his body making him feel rather uncomfortable.

"Handsome, are you tired? Do you need a massage? I'm very good at it." One of the girls winked at Ellison.

Trishelle kicked the table across towards Kristen with a deadly stare. Kristen stopped the table from tipping over with her foot and wickedly grinned at Trishelle. She then waved for the females to leave the room. Only when there was only the three of them did they began to speak.

Kristen dropped a newspaper onto the table in front of her, "So I'm guessing that you're ready?"

Trishelle nodded her head in answer.

"There's no going back after this, Trish. If you're in, you're in. No take-backs."

Trishelle glanced at Kristen coldly, daring her to deny her.

With a sigh, Kristen stood up and went to the wall that held a red telephone and picked up the receiver. "Get me a contract for Aethons." Within a minute Kristen was holding a contract of Aethons Industry.

When Ellison saw the contract and remembered, "Ah!"

Hearing his exclaim, both Trishelle and Kristen looked at Ellison in confusion.

Ellison took out a stack of papers and handed the documents to Trishelle. "Take it."

Kristen snatched the documents immediately and scanned it. "Oh my.. You are giving Trish a hospital? What is this? A betrothal?" She smirked and passed the contract to Trishelle.

Hearing Kristen, Ellison blushed.

Trishelle stared at the documents in her hand then locked eyes in surprise with Elli, recognition of what he meant flashed through her eyes, "Are you sure?" Trishelle asked.

"It was always yours," Ellison said with utmost pride which gave him a smile from his beloved.

Trishelle thought for a minute then had a brilliant idea, "Kristy." Before Trishelle could finish her thought, Kristen knew what she wanted to say.

"I see…" Kristen nodded, "Mr. Kyle, the only reason you're here is because I trust Wayne. You, on the other hand, need to earn my trust. Is there something about Trinity that I need to know about? Do not think about misleading me or you won't leave this room alive. So tell me what is so special about Trinity?" Kristen fondled the stack of papers in front of her.

Ellison was in shock for a moment until he saw Trishelle looking at Kristen and ignoring him. "It's something I can't explain but rather you see to understand. I've been doing research on increasing human brain activity-"

Kristen raised a hand signaling Ellison to stop talking. She pressed something on the armrest of her seat and spoke,"Well I guess we need to redo the contract."

The new contract was made and brought to the table. Kristen and Trishelle read and signed it and then gave it to Ellison to read. His expression was full of surprise after he read what it said.

Aethons Industry covered both Imperial Dynasty and Trinity Hospital. Full security and funding for both companies.

Ellison was confused, "Aethons Industry?"

Kristen relaxed into the sofa as Trishelle explained to Ellison. "Aethons is owned by Kristen. It's a security firm and top-ranking business industry many have tried to get their hands on it because it's the best. However, no one knows who owns Aethons except for us."

Ellison was speechless for a moment. "How do you know each other?" Both women chuckled at his question.

"It was when I was in the states." Trishelle started explaining. "I was alone with no one, trying to finish my masters and establish my networking. It was then that I met Kristy."

"Heh! What networking? Some guy was trying to hit on her! But don't worry, I helped her scare him off." Kristen smirked.

Hearing that, Ellison frowned and turned to look at Trishelle.

Trishelle rolled her eyes. "I had it under control."

Kristen chuckled and raised her glass, "Enough about that. Here's to our collaboration."

For the rest of the night, the trio chatted and drank.

"Ring…" Trishelle's phone started vibrating. "Sorry, I have to take a call." She took a glance at her phone and excused herself from the room.

Ellison was slightly drunk from the alcohol. Sitting across from him, the corners of Succubus' lips curved upwards. She slowly moved towards Ellison and sat beside him. Kristen waited patiently until there were footsteps heard from the door. Succubus placed her arms around Ellison's waist and lean on his shoulder.

"Elli, hug me. I'm cold." Succubus said softly.

Ellison placed his arms around Kristen in a daze, "Trish, are you okay?"

At that moment, Trishelle returned from her call and pushed the door open, only to find Kristen in the arms of Ellison.

Daggers shot out from Trishelle's eyes onto Kristen. She quickly walked over and separated them. "Elli, let's go."

Kristen chuckled and asked, "Leaving so soon? Why don't you stay longer, Elli?" She batted her eyelashes at Ellison.

Before Ellison could reply, Trishelle stood in between them. "You need to work tomorrow, Elli. Let's go." Trishelle pushed Ellison out the door, turn and gave Kristen a hard stare.

"Boo...party pooper," Kristen whined.

Before Ellison walked out the door, he turned around abruptly. "Ms. Kristen."

"Kristy is fine, my dear."

"Yes, Kristy. Please come over to Trinity Hospital tomorrow. I would like to show you and Trishelle around." Ellison turned towards Trishelle after he finished his sentence.

Trishelle nodded before pushing Ellison away from Kristen and left.