
Dead-weight With a Future

Having been reincarnated in another world where humans are extinct and hated, a young man was brought there by a goddess as a gambling chip for her to win with. Having been brought here where death is a likely outcome and with little information on the world he is now in, he must learn the gimmicks of this fantastical world, survive, and cause an incredible impact in the new world.

Tyler_Hills · Fantasy
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5 Chs

An Expedition in the New World

After coming to his senses and having grasped the situation properly, the young man chose to explore his newfound environment. However throughout his adventures, whether he knew it or not, he was slightly shivering the whole time. Having heard that he was picked by a goddess of death and being in this new world that had things he wasn't used to along with preferring to be inside his home, it's safe to say that he's outside his comfort zone. Walking around, the young man didn't discover anything that truly felt like it had this fantasy feeling he was truly looking for. Animals that were similar to the animals found in his old world, such as chickens, capybaras, otters that looked like they were twice as large as they used to be, and many more were plentiful. Of course, seeing these animals out in the wild was really cool to him, but that doesn't excuse the feeling of betrayal that he had when roaming. Choosing to pass the time while walking, he chose to go through what he had on him.

"Okay let's see... We got a red and black plaid sweater, which I should probably take off or else I might get a bit too warm, some black sweats, and a white t-shirt. Not the worst clothing for nighttime but pretty rough for the day in a..." He looked around, not truly sure what the area he was in should be called, a forest didn't feel like the words he wanted to use, so he either thought of it as a jungle or a rainforest. Not wanting to confuse himself about what he would call this area, he just chose to call it a rainforest without rain at the moment and went on with his travels.

"Anyway, in my left pocket, we've got... some of the paper that is on the outside of the straw, some coins, and some more garbage. Man, I can't wait to fight a goblin with some coins and garbage! Why don't I have anything in this pocket!... Well, at least my right pocket oughta have what I want... There we go."

After saying 'there we go' as smugly as he could to try and humor himself, in his right pocket he found his phone with a portable charger and the cable needed to charge it. With this, he could not only kill time watching some anime he downloaded, play games he has on his phone to stimulate his thumbs and has dozens of books downloaded as well consisting of light novels, manga, and some encyclopedias filled with knowledge that he might need. After seeing his phone, he sighed in relief, put it away, and started preparing for the test that he wanted to do.

"Alright then, let's try this magic stuff."

- Okay first thing's first, what would be the best way to get magic to activate? I have some ideas, but I'm not fully sure as to how to do them the way I'm thinking. Alright, let's try the first idea and think of magic as a steam engine to create a basic spell, if that's the case, I oughta picture 'fireball', it's probably the easiest to think of. Maybe.

With that the young man stood still and inside of his mind, pictured the magic inside of him like a steam engine, having the mana funnel through him, creating 'steam' which would be transformed into a spell. This idea was thought up by someone from a story he had read, but now, thanks to them, it would be able to help him in this world. Holding his hand out in front of him, he shouted,

"Okay, here goes. Fireball!"

He shouted the spell with a lot of enthusiasm, preparing himself to see and use magic, but nothing happened.

- Okay, the odds of the first one working are low, but let's go with something else then, incantation. Incantation is common in many forms of media involving magic, so this one oughta work, hopefully. Maybe.

"Okay here goes."

Once again, preparing himself to see and use magic, he started incanting calmly,

"Oh wondrous element of fire, allow this feeble follower to use a fraction of your power to lay waste to that which stands in front of me. Fireball!"

But nothing happened.

- Okay, that's actually very fair, y'know? Even if incantation is a possibility, I wouldn't actually know what the word would be in this world. This is fine. Probably. Maybe.

And with this, the young man's final tactic that he could think of was about to be used.

- Alright, last thing I can think of, incantationless magic. For this one, I don't think fire would be the best choice since I don't think I completely understand the science behind fire, so in that case, I should probably summon water. With this, scientifically speaking, water at its most basic and pure form is a molecular combination of 1 oxygen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms. I don't want to think about the shape too much when creating the spell so I oughta use a ball shape again, with this, I should be able to create a 'waterball'.

Having already thought up the size and speed of the spell, he held his hand out and he shouted with enthusiasm,


But something happened this time, this time, he felt very crushed, in terms of magic, nothing happened.

Having tried all his main ideas, his morale sunk and he didn't really feel like doing anything anymore. Of course, he knew he couldn't stop, he had to keep exploring the world and try and find a city or village so that he could minimize the odds of him dying either from some animal, a monster or because of some poisonous food that he wouldn't know is poisonous. But the enthusiasm he had was no longer present like it once was.

Moving along, he still saw animals that were present in his old world, he still saw trees that were ridiculously tall, bushes, shrubs, etc. However, the rainforest he was in did have some variations here and there. The young man had seen some small rivers and other things nature can provide, but along his path, the only things of note that he had seen were pure blue waterfalls that felt like they were endlessly falling, however, they would eventually lead into larger rivers, even if he couldn't really see the larger rivers at the bottom. Everything after that wasn't really important.

After walking for a long time, he finally shouted,

"..., WHERE THE HELL IS THE FANTASY AND FUN!!! It's the end of the first day and all I've seen were animals from my old world and some really neat sights every now and then, but other than that, I've been walking for hours and I haven't seen anything cool and fantasy at all!"

The end of the first day here was approaching and the young man, having lost his composure for a second, regained his composure and started setting up a small camp. He decided to grab a lot of the taller leaves that could be found on the ground, ripped them out and started walking towards 2 trees that were close together, and laid down the leaves onto the ground. Heading towards a low, but long enough, hanging branch he could reach, he then ripped it off the tree, and laid the large branch next to the leaves. After that and thinking about the camp he wanted to create, he walked around for a little bit and found some of the incredibly long slender plants that were around the same height he was that he planned to use as rope to tie the branch to the trees. Having a bit of difficulty pulling some of them out of the ground, since they were surprisingly strong, he started pulling them at the roots with all of his strength, and then the plants came out of the ground, ready to be used for his campsite. Upon returning, he grabbed the branch he ripped off some other tree and tied it to the branches of the trees that were next to each other. Realizing his plan for a campsite required another branch, he left his area to find another branch of a similar size to the first one. After finding one and returning to the campsite, he tied it to the same branches, a bit more spaced out, and then tied together some of the large leaf plants he had in order to create a roof for him to use. With this, he had a roof for the night so that rain wouldn't affect him as much, but just for more safety, he went around and created a small moat which had a line he had created so that rainwater would be sent to a nearby river where it wouldn't disturb him.

"Okay then, I guess that's day 1, a little tiny small bit uneventful, but tomorrow will probably be better, right? Yeah, surely. Tomorrow I will probably, for sure see something fantasy tomorrow. For sure."

With that, day 1 of his time in another world had ended.

Starting day 2, the young man woke up, and after a second of grogginess, started collecting his thoughts.

- Alright, day 2. The plan for today is to try and understand the world a little more today, I guess and find something that can be defined as fantasy. Well, whatever, that's a problem for me in 5 minutes. Realistically, I should be taking a break. I didn't do anything similar to this in my old world, so I should just let myself get back to bed and-.

Upon shifting around in bed trying to get comfortable, when his head shifted to the right of where he was laying, the face he saw was large and grotesque, likely belonging to something huge with its skin color being a disgusting shade of a yellow-green mixture and its eyes being pitch black, seemingly having no pupils or iris. On the top of its head were some horns that protruded out at weird angles with a snout that was similar to a pig's, drool leaking out of its mouth which demonstrated its large, nasty, and unkempt teeth. The thing he saw was staring him in the eyes, staying still for a second.


Immediately upon realizing what was going on, the young man ran away in the opposite direction, bobbing and weaving through the trees to try and create some difficulty for the monster to follow. However, after seeing its meal trying to run away, it howled out a roar, causing the young man to flinch momentarily, and looking back for a second, the young man saw the monster rushing at him, going through the gaps between the trees to try and get to him. Seeing this, the young man immediately started running again through the trees, and even if he tripped slightly, causing pain to his ankles and legs, he kept running and weaving through trees. Despite its size in comparison to the young man, the monster was able to keep up with him in terms of speed, however, due to the trees being in the way, the monster was slowly losing him.

"Holy crap, why the hell is this ogre so scar-!"

Seeing this, the ogre howled once again, this one, however, seemed much more fierce compared to the first one. Once again flinching momentarily, though for a bit less time this time, looked back at the ogre and saw what could only be described as something monstrous. The ogre bent down, grabbed the base of the tree, and started pulling as hard as it could. After a small moment, the tree was starting to be lifted out of the ground, in which the ogre continued to pull. When the tree was lifted out of the ground, the ogre put it on its shoulder, like how you would hold a baseball bat, and started swinging at the trees with unimaginable strength. Due to the monstrous strength the ogre had, every time the ogre swung the tree, every tree that he hit would fall over, allowing for the ogre to have a path to the young man. Of course, the young man started running the instant the tree was almost pulled out of the ground, however, due to his ankle and leg injuries, he couldn't run as fast as he wanted. Every time a tree fell over, the young man would lose his footing and be a bit unsteady but would keep going for as long as he could, however, he did see that the ogre was catching up to him, so little by little, hope left him.

After the ogre was in a distance that it would have been able to grab him, the ogre threw the tree as hard as it could on the ground next to itself, causing the young man to fall due to the rumbling from the ground caused by the tree the ogre threw. After falling, the ogre immediately grabbed the young man in his right hand, using his strength to keep him in its hand. Even though the young man struggled with all the effort he could muster, he had no chance of escaping the ogre's hand. He was going to die.

- Am I really going to die to an ogre? But why me? What did I do wrong? Why do I have to die again?

"Oh don't worry, I found the ogre!"

Upon hearing those words, a young woman who exuded beauty with crimson, smooth hair that was partly tied in a pony that was likely more for fashion on the right side of her head. The young man couldn't see her face or other smaller details about her other than her figure, however, he was confused why she was there. But he did take a guess.

- 'I found the ogre', that's what she said, so she might be something similar to an adventurer, but I don't know what she even plans to do against this thing. Either way, I'm probably going to die since this thing seems ridiculously strong. Oh well, if I have to die, I hope it's quick.

After having those thoughts, the young man could barely keep up with her movements, however, he did see her land on a part of a tree having unsheathed her sword, and she used her own strength to jump off the tree, blowing away the part of the tree she had jumped off of. With one swift move, the woman had quickly slashed at the ogre, causing a large wound in the back of its neck, killing it instantly.

When the ogre died, it slowly fell down with the young man still in its hand, causing the young man to panic as he fell. However, thanks to the ogre's death, its strength was no longer as big of an issue and he was able to break out after trying his hardest to do so, jumping out of its hand right before he would be crushed under the ogre's hand due to the combination of the ogre's hand's weight and gravity.

Hearing the screaming of the young man caused by panic, the woman put her attention towards the scream and went over to him, looking down at him, and asked him,

"Who are you?"