

world, the first part of "Safe Haven" focuses on the first few days of a viral outbreak which changes the infected into mindless zombies. Explore the changes to society at the start of the pandemic. Board your house, gather supplies, meet over a dozen other characters, and survive encounters with the living dead and even other survivors. Scavenge numerous locations, craft items, and use a variety of skills to survive the many challenges of the apocalypse.

KIZ · Action
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10 Chs


You creep along the floor and crouch beside the furry body of the squirrel. Tiny lacerations mark its face and front legs, with jagged slivers of glass poking from the wounds. An earthen smell scents the air, mixing with the aroma of the vegetable soup still cooking on the stove. A mixture of thick dirt and blood covers its paws like moccasins. You see no other marks on the creature. From the height of the window and the distance the squirrel fell, you deduce the critter jumped from the porch through the window at great speed.

After looking over the squirrel and window, you…