
Chapter 1 Dark as Night


as i open up the door to test subject-1's room i feel a cold chill as i open it i see the darkness creep out of the room like a monster from under the bed i see subject 1 and i call in the other scientists.

~end pov~

(Subject 1)Maסmu$

Im hiding under a large and strange object(bed) when a lot of whitecoats come storming into where I am I glare at them they slowly walk twords me and flip over the large object i am under to reveal a room as dark as night too me when they go to restrain me I fight them off then they call in bigger guys they tackle me and inject a drug into me witch made me asleep but awake they bring me out of the room and as we are walking in a hall i see a little girl with a sticker an her that says*subject 2 L33f*

~end pov~


i see a subject and smile at her and i walk out off my cage and head to my bosses office to talk to him "hii boss who is the new subject dont tell me your going to replace meee~"

boss-"i would never replace you she is test subject Maסmu$."

L33f¥- "oh ok boss im going to go get neko~"

~end pov~


when they finally get me into a room im pushes onto a table and when that happens i get my sences back and fight they then rool me to my stoumch and put a tatoo on my neck after that I pass out when i wake up again i dont rember anything then a strange boy comes in with a girl about my age but alittle shorter than my and she has kitty ears they are stareing at me then the kitty girl jumps and turns into a cat and lands in my lap i give no reaction.

~end pov~


i turn into a cat and jump into her lap i feel a strange connection to her i perr as i jump off her lap and onto nekos shoulder

~end pov~