
Thanks For Choosing

From Danny Starlings to readers:

It's a privilege to finally release this book. This book is actually one of my best since I originally started writing it in Junior High School.

Fortunately there are some principles adhered to whiles writing this book to avoid some misconceptions.  But if you think otherwise,  then you can choose not to read it.

Every chapter will be dedicated to a friend or a reader and will commence with a theme song for the chapter. All the characters are fictitious but the setting  is  mainly Ghana, Africa.

Nelson's  is a book that centres on sacrifices, a generous amount of thriller and  love.

Trust me when I say you're gonna love it.

So never forget to vote for each chapter.

I would love to show you the pictures of each character but that will ruin the fun of imagining them,because honestly, I also do not know exactly how they look like, just let your imagination take you to them.

And please, do not copy my plot for your own story.  If you need one though, you can  email me harperambrah@gmail.com.

Toodles and please vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️