
Chapter 94 Fish food

POV Nightfury

[Titles gained]


- You like to show off your power to the masses, friends, or foes, especially the ladder.

• True Duelist

- The heart of the cards is with you every time you duel.

I sat in an auditorium with many others around me at the moment the Fantastic Four minus Reed behind me Spiderman and Black cat to my left White tiger and others to my right, and the agents of S.H.E.I.L.D in front of me minus Coulson.

Johnny: "So can you summon hot girls anytime you want- *Smack*" Johnny began to say only to get a smack to the head by Susan storm.

Susan: "Johnny seriously?" she said Johnny held up his hands 'I guess I'll throw him a bone,' I thought.

"I could but I don't need to because unlike you I'm in a relationship," I said not even looking back at the human touch though I heard the Thing laugh out loud from the comment.

Spiderman: "So how does the arm thing work hard light projection," he guessed and I shook my head.

"It's called a duel disc and even if I told you how it worked you wouldn't believe me," I said getting a few looks from the scientists around me.

White tiger: "It's magic right," she said and for a long moment I was silent, unlike Fitz and Simmons who *sighed* both looked tired.

Ben: "Magic your joking," he said but White tiger shook her head and touched her amulet.

White tiger: "My amulet is what gives my powers it was passed down to me by my father the previous white tiger," she explained much to my interest I didn't know much about the White tiger only seeing her in the ultimate spiderman cartoon.

"Your right it is magic but I summon the duel spirits of the cards in my decks," I said and I heard Fitze mutter something about looking at the amulet with a stronger scanner.

Skye: "So magic is real that's awesome," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Your agency worked with the god of thunder from Norse mythology how can you not think magic is real," I asked.

Simmons: "Most of the so-called magic can be explained without it being some-" before she could finish I extended my [Duel disk] and thanks to [Quick Draw] grabbed and summoned a monster.

In a small flash of light in front of everyone's surprised faces was a small ball of fur with two white wings two large eyes and small green arms and legs.

<Monster- Winged Kuriboh>

<Atribute- Light>

<Level- 1>



Attack- 300

Defense- 200


If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.

All: "Awww" everyone said seeing the fur ball land on my shoulder and nuzzle into my neck.

"Everyone is like to introduce you all to Winged Kuriboh," I said letting them all examine Kuriboh up close this went on for about 5 minutes when Nick Fury walked in with Reed Richards, Charles Xavier, Ironman, Captin America, Superman, Guardian, and many representatives.

Fury: "As you all know a new threat has appeared but this time far closer to home this man called Namor says he's the king of Atlantis. ."

After a quick explanation of the situation and a few updates on what we knew and what we didn't know about them it was time to talk strategy the first to speak was Hank pym who sat next to Janet van dyne.

Much to my surprise this universe was more like Avengers earth's mightiest heroes rather than the MCU.

Ant-Man: "Why not give them what they want," he suggested much to the outrage and flabbergasted representatives and a few heroes.

After a few minutes of calming everyone down Ant-Man was allowed to go into more detail.

Ant-Man: "All I'm saying is this Namor isn't asking for anything too ridiculous and borders can be negotiated" he explained.

French rep: "Tell that to the 100+ counties this will immediately affect if we do accept," the man said.

Xavier: "So we're not even going to attempt peace and accept a war with open arms," he said getting a few dirty looks from a few representatives.

Steve Rogers: "We're not here to debate politics were here to come up with a plan for if or when this threat decides to attack," Captain America explained getting the room back on track.

The Avengers, Justice Leaguer, Alpha flight, and X-men will be sending a member each to any major city's bordering the Atlantic.

While there are to train any local heroes or to help prepare the surrounding area with evacuation plans for civilians and help military units get to the fighting.

But deciding who would go where became an issue with America Canada and Mexico wanting to keep some of the heavy hitters.

To compromise Shazam, wonder woman, and Ironman would be deployed in Portugal, Spain, and France respectively.

After what felt like days of talking but was probably less than 3 hours we all had a general idea of what to do and everyone was given a communicator.

"Alright Skye say goodbye to Winged Kuriboh I said watching as she hugged the winged fur ball only for it to disappear in a flash of light.

And before anything else was said I teleported back to night hawk island to find my kids nowhere to be seen looking around I noticed all the kids inside watching Tv.

'That's strange they usually outside playing,' I thought and then I noticed Artenyx wearing her [Lightfury armor] but before I ask why or could say hi my clone that I left approached me covered in blood.

Before anyone could see I grabbed him and teleported to the hanger bay.

"What the hell happened!" I yelled at myself seeing him covered in blood and with red eyes, I knew he was using my [Grimm King] transformation.

Clone: "it's probably better if I showed you rather than explained," he said and only then did I notice the spears stuck in my back.

After a nod, the clone combined with me and I relived the hours I was gone.


"Tommy Jason stop trying to eat your plates!" I shouted and the sound of gnawing teeth on plates stopped as I took the plates from them.

Tommy/Jason: "More!/Hungry!" they said and I shook my head these two were bottomless pits I thought as I washed the dishes.

"You guys just finished eating double what your sister ate now go play outside," I said the two grumbled and growled before heading out of the living room.

Just as I finished and went to sit down the lights flickered on and off much to my confusion I got up and was about to look around when as I reached the doorway I heard the many running steps and rushing around the corner I saw all the kids lead by B.Agumon and B.Gabumon.

"What's going on?" I asked and before the two Digimom could speak Artenyx spoke with the hatchling around her neck.

Artenyx: "There are blue people on the beach they pulled something from the water!" she said and I felt my blood run cold then red hot.

"Kids stay inside until I come back Agumon Gabumon watch the kids ok," I said getting a nod from both.

Artenyx: "Can I come," she asked and I shook my head and knelt in front of her.

"Not this time because I need Lightfury here to watch over her siblings alright," I said and Artenyx nodded and rushed to her room to equip her armor.

Teleporting outside I fully transformed into [Indominous Rex] and quietly made my way to the beach I saw a ripple in the air and used [observation].

<Name- Advance Antlantian Scout>

Watching the ripple in the forest getting closer as I stood still hidden because of my skills [Camouflage] and [Cold blooded] the scout couldn't detect me at all.

Finally, it was just a few feet in front of me when I jumped out and bit down the scout didn't even have a chance to scream.

'I should spit this out,' I thought only to find myself struggling to do it and fight the instinct to swallow the cadaver in my maw after a minute of struggling I bite the bullet, and I ate the scout.

I tried to ignore the weird satisfaction I got from eating the scout and made my way now on the lookout for more scouts.

As I reached the edge of the forest I saw what was a made my blood boil as Antlantians moved supplies and vehicles from the ocean onto the beach.

'How the hell did they not set off the alarms?' I thought and used [Observation] and found how they did it a tower that was labeled [EMP tower] by the system was set up in the middle of the camp.


*ROAR* I let out a roar of pain as I'm pushed back from a Billy of blasts from soldiers seeing I've been spotted I rush out of the tree line towards the camp and *RROOAARR*


• Monsters Roar

- Effect on enemy changes on the selected monster.

-Monster= [Indominous Rex]

- stun the enemy for 1 minute

- all nearby enemies have ... for 2 minute

- damage x2

The sound of my roar stops most of the Atlanteans as I rush forward claws outstretched and maw open the first Atlantean is split in half by a single bit.

Those near him are sliced in half by my claws but it doesn't slow down my charge as those that I miss I just steep on and hear a small *Pop* *Crunch* *Splat* in that order.

For a minute they stand and stare as a slaughtered them after that the ones I missed started to scream as they fled to the water.

'You in invade my home and scare my children and think you're leaving alive,' I thought and let out a *Roar* as I chased the fleeing destroying the [EMP tower] with a flick of my tail running past.

As I reach the water I transform from [Indominous Rex] to [Abyssal Lagiacrus] and swam after them.

Seeing the fleeing fish I felt a hunger that I didn't refuse as I let my monster's instinct take hold and in a burst of energy I electrocuted the surrounding water stunning the fleeing Atlantians.

I don't know how but I heard their screaming and begging and some were even praying to Posiden calling for help through their now-dead communicators.

And I felt nothing as I butchered them and secede their noisy screaming turning the water around me a dark red.

*Flashback end*

"Well fuck," that's all I could say after watching that "Tron the fuck my clone went and did a massacre and ate people," I said remembering the blood-covered clone and now wanting barf.

[It seems that your clones when fully transformed don't resist the instincts of your monsters as well as you do]

"what am I going to do I leave for Stane industries tomorrow and now I learn that my clones can't control themselves and after one killed a group of Atlantian troops," I said now pacing.

[The clones seem to only lose themselves when they transform fully and in combat otherwise, they seem normal]

"Ok and from what I felt they won't attack the kids so they're only dangerous to well everyone else," I said nodding my head only to hear a door open and see Artenyx who upon seeing rushed me and hugged me.

Artenyx: "Are the blue people gone?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"For now but I don't want you or your siblings playing outside for a while ok," I said much to her disappointment.

Artenyx: "But we'll be careful and you can watch us play and play with us," she said I would like nothing else but sending a clone to a fancy ball to make nice doesn't sound like a good idea.

"Fine you guys can play outside but not for too long and you have to stick with your siblings and ill be watching over you all," I said and she squealed happily and jumped from my arms running off to her siblings.

"Tron anyway to improve the defense systems of the island at least to wear they won't shut off by that [EMP tower]," I asked.

[hmm a few of your forms would be sufficient to protect and patrol the island but if I were to suggest one why not your new Dryad form]

<Monster- Dryad>

<Title- None>

<Lv- 1>


Str- 65

Dex- 70

Int- 55

Energy- None


• Fey charm

- The dryad targets one humanoid or beast that regards the dryad as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected.

• Tree stride

- You gain the ability to enter a tree and move from inside it to inside another tree of the same kind.

• Beast shape

- Take the shape of any of nature's creations

• Natures command

- Can command and speak with plants and animals

• Natures wrath

- You have the power to control all the elements of nature and unleash them on your enemies.

• Natures friend

- You are seen by all of nature as a friend.

"*whistle* this is almost cheating at this point none of this costs anything," I said checking out the skills of [Dryad] just as I was about finished I felt something land on me looking up I see my little hatchling.

"Have you gotten bigger hatching?" I asked petting its head they were now the size of a German shepherd and had a much larger wing than im used to so I used [Observation].

<Name -None>

<Monster- Ender Dragon Youngling>

<Lv -10>


Str- 14

Dex- 17

Int- 10

Energy- 200


• Baby Dragon Breath

- Fire a stream of hot purple mist.

"You have gotten bigger and stronger I think it's time for you to give your name," I said much to the hatchlings' joy 'hey tron can you check their gender?" I asked.

[The youngling is a girl]

"Well, let's go tell your brothers and sister Luna." much to the young dragon's joy.

POV Namor king of Atlantis

Location: Atlantis

I sat on my throne listening to reports of enemy troop movements and these so-called heroes when suddenly one got my attention.

"What do you mean we've had no word from one of our surface teams," I asked stopping the general's train of thought.

General: "They have not responded to any communication and we have not received any as well we are organiz-" I raise my hand silencing the man.

"Send Attuma with whatever forces your organizing he's been wanting to stretch his legs on land," I said getting a deep bow from the general as I laid back on my throne.

Next chapter