
the super agent

Allen Walker, a super agent of shield who is also an enhanced human. He is currently standing in front of a woman with a smile. It's none other than Maria hill. One of Fury's most trusted agents.

Allen is agent Hill's relative. She didn't expect this guy who is usually lazy to join shield but also become one of super agents with the strength of captain America. Allen is here today for a mission.

Hill looked at him and said," Fury is busy with the usual politician talks with those leaders. As for your mission, here it is", she handed him a file of tony stark. That's right, it's Tony Stark's file.

Since he is missing in thesetwo months, they are very worried and finally Fury gave this mission to one of the super agents in shield. Maria secretly glanced at her nephew's file.

That's right, Allen is her nephew if she connected all the dots. As she the file she frowned a little :

[ Allen Walker

Code name : reaper

Age : 19

Level : 10

Missions : 372

Successful missions : 372

Unsuccessful missions : 0

Talents : super marksmanship, hand to hand combat specialist, emotional control, superb acting skills.

Special talents : psychokinesis, enhanced human capabilities ]

She looked at the special talents column and asked," you have psychokinesis" Allen shrugged and moved his hand while the file floated to his hands. Hill is a little surprised but she didn't say anything after that.

She looked at the man with amused look and asked," are you a inhuman or mutant?", Allen looked at her and said," neither, they say I have an additional virus like thing in my blood and it's the cause for this. Though they also told me it's perfectly bonded to me and won't do anything harm".

Hill nodded while Allen asked," so you want me to fetch a playboy safely", hill nodded while a notification appeared :

[ Mission : Bring back Tony stark and Yinsen alive

Rewards : one rare rank pool reward ]

That's right, Allen is a reincarnator here. He is surprised at first too. His cheat awakened after he met Coulson who recruited him under the orders of Fury at his 18th birthday when he is undergoing miliatary training.

After that he got his first reward which is :

[ Project Alice template

Description : from the world of resident evil. The heroine named Alice possess extraordinary fighting skills, marksmanship, a perfect bond with the t virus that gave her enhnaced human abilities and psychokinesis ability. ]

With this he made more progress and succeeded in tough missions. He is now thinking about the pool rewards. Daily he get one poll draw but many of them are mostly garbage, for example a pack of popcorn, a fruit basket, protine bars, pepper spray etc.,

He don't know why but in the years he got here and his cheat awakened only Alice template is the useful one he has. Although he received a gun or smoke bomb but those things he can get from shield anyway.

Now looking at the mission he is excited. Last time it's a rare gacha for meeting Coulson and it's Alice template he wanted to see what else he'll get. Another rare rank pool reward. He is looking forward to what price he'll receive.

As he is thinking hill interrupted his thoughts," your mission plan will leave in 10 minutes. You should get ready with all the gear you need agent reaper", hill joked with his codename.

Anyway, Allen got ready in 2 minutes and exited the room and boarded his mission plane. It's more like a quinjet than plane. As he is near the destination he got out and stepped into the dessert while the quinjet left.

Allen knew the terrorist base must be in a mountain so he asked the pilot to look for a mountain or a place to hide. Now he is only a mile away from the destination. This scorching dessert is really too much.

As Allen is complaining he saw the mountains and immediately goes to infilitrate and of course he didn't directly goes to the base. He observed the base with his ministry digital binoculars and confirmed the weak spot. Then he took the man in the weak spot and started going on a silent kill spree without anyone noticing not even the cc camera. His enhanced human abilities allowed him to kill a normal human.

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